Prove: Q(ζp)=Q(ζip) | Cyclotomic Polynomials

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  • Thread starter mathjam0990
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In summary, an inscription on a plaque reads "the square root of two is the sum of the squares of the other two."
  • #1
Let ζp be e2πi/p. For an integer i, such that p does not divide i, prove Q(ζp) = Q(ζip ).

I think this has something to do with both exponents of ζp (1 and i) being coprime to p, but I am not sure at all how to show the equality. If anyone could please help with an explanation, that would be great. Thank you.
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  • #2
mathjam0990 said:
Let ζp be e2πi/p. For an integer i, such that p does not divide i, prove Q(ζp) = Q(ζip ).

I think this has something to do with both exponents of ζp (1 and i) being coprime to p, but I am not sure at all how to show the equality. If anyone could please help with an explanation, that would be great. Thank you.
Some caution is needed here, because $i$ is doing double duty, as an exponent and as the square root of $-1$. Just don't be tempted to write $\zeta_p^i$ as $(e^{2\pi i/p})^i.$

It should be clear that $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p^i) \subseteq \mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p)$ (because $\zeta_p^i \in \mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p)$). To prove the reverse inclusion you need to show that $\zeta_p \in \mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p^i)$. This will follow if you can show that $\zeta_p$ is a power of $\zeta_p^i$. That is where $i$ and $p$ being coprime will come in.
  • #3
Opalg said:
To prove the reverse inclusion you need to show that $\zeta_p \in \mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p^i)$. This will follow if you can show that $\zeta_p$ is a power of $\zeta_p^i$. That is where $i$ and $p$ being coprime will come in.

Thank you for your response. I apologize, I should have mentioned that I knew the proof would be to show each is contained in the other. But I have no clue how to show $\zeta_p \in \mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p^i)$. Could you please explain how I would do that and I can respond via "reply with quote" if I happen to get lost? Thank you.
  • #4
The $p$-th roots of unity form a cyclic group of order $p$, under complex multiplication. The elements are, from your definition of $\zeta_p$:

$\{(\zeta_p)^k: k = 0,1,2,\dots,p-1\}$ (so $\zeta_p$ is a generator). The link between "$p$-th roots of unity" and an abstract cyclic group of order $p$ (or to be more specific: $\Bbb Z/p\Bbb Z$) is provided by the complex exponential (which lies beneath DeMoivre's formula, as well).

A (semi-) elementary result of group theory is that for a cyclic group $\langle a\rangle$, of order $n$, the order of $a^k$ is:


In particular, for $n = p$, if $\gcd(k,p) = 1$, then $a^k$ has order $p$ (I am using $k$ instead of your $i$ for the very reasons Opalg outlined in his first post).
  • #5
A possibly more simple-minded approach is to say that we want to find $r$ such that $(\zeta_p^k)^r = \zeta_p$. But $\zeta_p^k$ is a $p$th root of unity, so $(\zeta_p^p)^s = 1$ (for any integer $s$).

Therefore it would be good to find integers $r,s$ such that $kr = ps+1$, because then $(\zeta_p^k)^r = (\zeta_p^p)^s(\zeta_p)^1 = \zeta_p$. That ought to point you towards ideas connected with Euclid's algorithm.

FAQ: Prove: Q(ζp)=Q(ζip) | Cyclotomic Polynomials

What are cyclotomic polynomials?

Cyclotomic polynomials are a type of polynomial in one variable that are used to describe the roots of unity, which are complex numbers that when raised to a certain power, equal 1. They are denoted by ζp, where p is a prime number.

What is the significance of Q(ζp) and Q(ζip)?

Q(ζp) and Q(ζip) are both fields, meaning they are sets of numbers closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They are significant because they represent the set of rational numbers extended by the roots of unity ζp and ζip, respectively.

How are Q(ζp) and Q(ζip) related to each other?

Q(ζp) and Q(ζip) are isomorphic, meaning they have the same structure and operations. This is because ζp and ζip have the same properties, even though they are different roots of unity.

How can you prove that Q(ζp)=Q(ζip)?

To prove that Q(ζp)=Q(ζip), we can use the fact that any polynomial with rational coefficients can be factored into linear and quadratic terms over the complex numbers. This means that the minimal polynomial for both ζp and ζip is the same, making Q(ζp) and Q(ζip) isomorphic.

What is the practical application of understanding the relationship between Q(ζp) and Q(ζip)?

Understanding the relationship between Q(ζp) and Q(ζip) is important in fields such as number theory and algebraic geometry. It also has applications in cryptography and coding theory, where the properties of cyclotomic polynomials are used to construct efficient codes and encryption algorithms.

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