Prove Quotient Topology: Lee's Introduction to Smooth Manifolds

In summary, we have shown that the restriction of a quotient map π to a saturated open or closed subset S of X is also a quotient map between S and π(S), both endowed with the subspace topology. This is proven by using the definitions of a quotient map, a saturated subset, and a subspace topology.
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Homework Statement

This is from Lee's Introduction to Smooth Manifolds. Suppose π : X → Y is a quotient map. Prove that the restriction of π to any saturated open or closed subset of X is a quotient map.

Homework Equations

Lee defines a subset U of X to be saturated if U = π-1(π(U)). π is a quotient map if it is surjective and continuous w.r.t the quotient topology defined by π.

The Attempt at a Solution

My interpretation is that I should prove that, if S is a saturated open or closed subset of X, then π|S is a quotient map between S and π(S) = π|S(S), both spaces being endowed with the subspace topology. That is, show that the quotient topology defined by π|S is equivalent to the subspace topology. Is this correct?

I am imagining this approach in my mind, and I don't see how to use the hypothesis that S is either open or closed rather than any arbitrary subset. This worries me. Any advice?
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  • #2

Hi there, as a fellow scientist, I would approach this problem by first understanding the definitions and properties involved. Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. Definition of a quotient map:

A quotient map is a surjective and continuous function that maps a topological space onto a quotient space. In other words, it is a function that maps points from one space to another in a way that preserves the topological structure of the original space.

2. Definition of a saturated subset:

A subset U of X is saturated if it is equal to the inverse image of its image under the quotient map π, i.e. U = π-1(π(U)). In other words, the elements in U are mapped onto the same element in the quotient space.

3. Definition of a subspace topology:

A subspace topology is a topology on a subset S of a topological space X, where the open sets of S are defined to be the intersection of S with an open set of X.

Now, let's use these definitions to prove that the restriction of π to a saturated open or closed subset S of X is a quotient map:

1. Surjectivity:

Since π is a quotient map, it is by definition surjective. This means that for every element y in the quotient space π(S), there exists an element x in S that maps onto y under π. Therefore, π|S is also surjective.

2. Continuity:

Let U be an open subset of π(S). Since π is continuous, π^-1(U) is open in X. But since S is saturated, π^-1(U) = U ∩ S. This shows that π|S is continuous, since the inverse image of an open set in π(S) is open in S.

3. Quotient topology:

Since S is a saturated subset, the quotient topology on S is defined by the subspace topology. Therefore, the open sets in S are defined as the intersection of S with an open set in X. This is equivalent to the open sets in π(S) defined by the quotient topology. Hence, the quotient topology defined by π|S is equivalent to the subspace topology.

This proves that the restriction of π to a saturated open or closed subset S of X is a quotient map between S and π(S). I hope this helps!

Related to Prove Quotient Topology: Lee's Introduction to Smooth Manifolds

1. What is the definition of the quotient topology?

The quotient topology is a way of constructing a new topological space from an existing one. It is defined as follows: Let X be a topological space with a partition P of X into disjoint subsets. The quotient topology on X induced by P is the finest topology on X with respect to which the projection map π : X → X/P is continuous, where X/P is the set of all equivalence classes of P.

2. How is the quotient topology related to smooth manifolds?

In the context of smooth manifolds, the quotient topology is often used to construct new manifolds from existing ones. For example, given a smooth manifold M and a smooth equivalence relation on M, the quotient space M/∼ can be given a quotient topology, making it into a smooth manifold. This is known as a quotient manifold, and it allows us to study the properties of M by considering the properties of its quotient space.

3. What is the significance of the quotient topology in differential geometry?

The quotient topology is significant in differential geometry because it allows us to study the structure of manifolds in a more general setting. By constructing quotient manifolds, we can study the properties of a manifold by considering its equivalence classes, rather than the individual points. This allows us to gain a better understanding of the global structure and behavior of manifolds, rather than just focusing on local properties.

4. How do we prove the correctness of the quotient topology construction?

To prove the correctness of the quotient topology construction, we need to show that the projection map π : X → X/P is continuous with respect to the quotient topology. This can be done by showing that the inverse image of open sets in X/P are open in X. Additionally, we need to show that the quotient space X/P satisfies the axioms of a topological space, specifically the Hausdorff property, which states that for any two distinct points in X/P, there exist disjoint open sets containing each point.

5. Can the quotient topology be used to construct other types of spaces?

Yes, the quotient topology can be used to construct other types of spaces, not just smooth manifolds. It can be used to construct topological spaces, metric spaces, and even algebraic structures such as groups and rings. The key is to define an appropriate equivalence relation on the original space and then use the quotient topology to construct the new space. This allows us to study the properties of the new space by considering the properties of the original space and its equivalence classes.

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