Prove recurrence relation via mathematical induction

In summary, a recurrence relation is a mathematical equation used to define a sequence of values based on previous values. Mathematical induction is a proof method that involves proving a statement for a base case and then showing that it holds for the next value. The base case is the starting point of the sequence. To show the statement holds for the next value, one must assume it holds for the previous value. Strong induction assumes the statement holds for all previous values while weak induction only assumes it holds for the immediate previous value. Strong induction is more powerful but weak induction is sufficient for simple recurrence relations.
  • #1

T(n) =
2 & \text{if } n = 2 \\
2T(\frac{n}{2})+n & \text{if } n = 2^k \text{, for } k > 1
\end{cases}\\ \text{ }
\\ \text{ }
\\ \text{ }
\text{Prove } T(n) = n\lg(n) \text{ if } n = 2^k\text{, for } k > 1.$$

I am crawling through the "Introduction to Algorithms" textbook, in preparation for a future course, and this question has stumped me. I was able to understand proving algorithmic correctness using loop invariants, but I don't have a lot (any) experience in proofs. As a side-note, lg(n) is the binary logarithm of n. Also: The book did not make it explicit, but k is above 1 and an integer.

Here is what I have so far.

Base case
\text{Let } n = 2^k \text{ where } k &= 2 \text{ (minimal case)}\\
n &= 2^k = 4\\
2T(\frac{n}{2}) + n &= n\lg n\\
2T(2) + 4 &= 4\lg 4\\
2*2 + 4 &= 4*2\\
8 &= 8

Inductive hypothesis
T(2^{k+1}) = 2^{k+1}\lg{2^{k+1}}

Inductive step

2T(\frac{2^{k+1}}{2}) + 2^{k+1} = 2^{k+1}(k+1)

$$Beyond that, I cannot go. I would greatly appreciate any hints.

(I reiterate... this is not homework, I'm trying to solve this as a personal challenge)
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  • #2
Now if [itex]n=2^{k+1}[/itex], then what does [itex]2^{k+1}(k+1)[/itex] equal to?
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  • #3
## 2^{k+1}(k+1) = k2^{k+1} + 2^{k+1} ##, via distribution


2T(\frac{2^{k+1}}{2})+2^{k+1} = k2^{k+1} + 2^{k+1}\\
2T(\frac{2^{k+1}}{2}) = k2^{k+1} \\

And also...


2T(\frac{2^{k+1}}{2}) = k2^{k+1} \\
2T(2^k) = k2^{k+1} \\


If I divide by two...


T(2^k) = k2^k \\


This is neat, but it doesn't seem useful.

Edit: Wait... HOLY GOD

I understand now why some people do this for a living... the shock and elation at seeing the answer right before my eyes.

Now I just replace with my inductive hypothesis...


(2^k)\lg(2^k) = k2^k \\
(2^k)k = k2^k \\
\text{ }
k2^k = k2^k \\

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  • #4
That's fine, but not the usual systematic way of how we prove by induction.

Usually, you show the base case of k=1 or k=2 etc. is true. Then you assume the nth case to hold, that is you assume that what you are trying to prove is true:

[tex]T(n)=n\lg{n}, n=2^k[/tex]

This last expression here which is [itex]T(2^k)=2^kk[/itex] we assume to be true.

Now for the inductive hypothesis, we increment k by 1, which means we now test to see if

[tex]T(N)=N\lg{N}, N=2^{k+1}[/tex]
(I'm using N here to denote that it's different to our previous n)

so we are trying to show that


But we aren't assuming it's true. We're going to try to turn the left hand expression into the right hand expression using what we've been given.

By the recurrence relation,

[tex]T(2^{k+1})=2T\left(\frac{2^{k+1}}{2}\right)+2^{k+1} = 2T(2^k)+2^{k+1}[/tex]

But from our assumption, [itex]T(2^k)=2^kk[/itex]. Plugging this in gives us


What were we trying to show again? That

[tex]T(N)=N\lg{N}, N=2^{k+1}[/tex]

So we want to express everything in terms of N.

and since [itex]\lg\left({2^{k+1}}\right)=k+1[/itex] then

as required. Hence it's proven.
  • #5
Ah, it took me a night's sleep to understand your response.. Today, while looking over my original solution (the one I posted before yours), I was bothered. It seems as if I was assuming something was true, and then trivially deriving it was true from that assumption (putting the cart before the horse).

Now I see how mathematical induction is supposed to work. You prove a base case, thereby clarifying that T(n) = n lg n, for the lowest n. Then you prove than n+1 (here, 2^(k+1) is true by rewriting it in terms of 2^k, which you've already proved in the base case.

Thank you for clarifying. I'm going to try proving a few recurrence relations like this... it seems now like a problem only of algebraic skill.
  • #6
Glad to hear that :smile:

Well, since all of the steps you made were invertible, then it doesn't matter which direction you approach it from, if you show that they lead to an equality in the end, then it must have been true from the beginning. It's always a good idea to take a look back at the simple stuff to refresh yourself with what the process is, especially when the questions become more complicated and distract you from the final goal.

FAQ: Prove recurrence relation via mathematical induction

1. What is a recurrence relation?

A recurrence relation is a mathematical equation that defines a sequence of values based on previous values in the sequence. It is often used to describe the behavior of a recursive function.

2. How is mathematical induction used to prove a recurrence relation?

Mathematical induction is a method of mathematical proof that involves proving a statement for a base case, and then showing that if the statement holds for a particular value, it also holds for the next value. This process is repeated until the desired result is proven.

3. What is the base case in a proof by mathematical induction?

The base case in a proof by mathematical induction is the starting point of the sequence, which is usually the first value of the sequence.

4. How do you show that a statement holds for the next value in a proof by mathematical induction?

To show that a statement holds for the next value in a proof by mathematical induction, you must assume that the statement holds for the previous value and then use this assumption to prove that it also holds for the next value.

5. What is the difference between strong and weak induction?

In strong induction, the assumption is that the statement holds for all previous values, while in weak induction, the assumption is that the statement only holds for the immediate previous value. Strong induction is more powerful and can be used to prove more complex statements, but weak induction is sufficient for proving simple recurrence relations.

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