Prove Sequence Convergence: {xn} Goes to Zero

In summary, the given sequence {xn} of positive numbers decreases strictly and is bounded. Using the squeeze theorem and the fact that lim n -> ∞ c^n = 0, it can be proven that {xn} goes to zero.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose {xn} is a sequence of positive numbers for which there exists c, 0<c<1, such that ([x][/n+1])/([x][/n])<c for all n in Z+. Prove that [x][/n] goes to zero.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Let the first term of {xn} be x, where n=1. Then by the given, [x][/n+1]/[x][/n]<1, therefore, [x][/1]>[x][/2]>[x][/3]>...>[x][/n]>[x][/n+1], hence sup{[x][/n]} = [x][/1].
By the given, inf{[x][/n]}=0 so {xn} is bounded and strictly decreasing. We know a monotone sequence converges if and only if it is bounded, but I am having trouble proving that {xn} goes to zero.
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  • #2
Do you know why lim n->infinity of c^n goes to 0? Hint: take the log.
  • #3
I understand why lim n -> ∞ c^n = 0, but I don't understand how it relates to the problem. I need to determine why {xn} goes to zero
  • #4
x1<c*x0. x2<c*x1<c*(c*x0)=c^2*x0. x3<c*x2<c*(c^2*x0)=c^3*x0. Following?
  • #5
since i can show that c^n*x0>xn and since c^n -> 0 then I can use the squeeze theorem to show that {xn} goes to zero...
just want to make sure I made sense of that correctly
  • #6
scooterboot1 said:
since i can show that c^n*x0>xn and since c^n -> 0 then I can use the squeeze theorem to show that {xn} goes to zero...
just want to make sure I made sense of that correctly

Sure. That's it.

FAQ: Prove Sequence Convergence: {xn} Goes to Zero

1. What is a sequence?

A sequence is a list of numbers that follow a specific pattern or rule. Each number in the sequence is referred to as a term. For example, the sequence {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} has a pattern of adding 2 to each term to get the next term.

2. What does it mean for a sequence to converge?

A sequence converges if its terms get closer and closer to a specific number, called the limit, as more terms are added. In other words, the terms of the sequence approach a fixed value as the number of terms increases.

3. How do you prove that a sequence converges to a limit of zero?

To prove that a sequence converges to a limit of zero, you must show that as the number of terms in the sequence increases, the terms get closer and closer to zero. This can be done by using the epsilon-delta definition of convergence, where for any small number epsilon, there exists a corresponding term in the sequence that is within epsilon distance from zero.

4. What is the importance of proving sequence convergence?

Proving sequence convergence is important because it allows us to analyze the behavior of a sequence and determine if it will eventually reach a specific value. It also helps us understand the limits of a sequence and its relationship to other mathematical concepts, such as series and functions.

5. Are there other ways to prove sequence convergence besides the epsilon-delta method?

Yes, there are other methods for proving sequence convergence, such as the squeeze theorem, the monotone convergence theorem, and the Cauchy criterion. These methods may be more efficient or easier to use in certain situations, but they all ultimately rely on showing that the terms of the sequence approach a fixed value as the number of terms increases.

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