Prove that an Lebesgue integral exists iff the other exists

  • Thread starter QIsReluctant
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In summary, the homework equations hold if and only if the sup of all integrals of simple, bounded, measurable, finitely supported functions less than |g| is finite. This can be proved by showing that if g is measurable and the supremum of all integrals of simple, bounded, measurable, finitely supported functions less than g is finite, then g is measurable as well.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let g: ℝ → ℝ be Lebesgue measurable, let μ(A) be a measure of Lebesgue measurable sets defined by
μ(A) = ∫A f dx, where f: ℝ → ℝ is non-negative, with finite integral on compact intervals.

Prove that
exists if and only if
g(x)f(x) dx
exists, in which case the two are equal

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I'm reviewing the definitions/construction of Lebesgue integrals but that is not leading to anything fruitful. I have that the first integral exists iff the integral of |g| exists, which exists iff the sup of all integrals of simple, bounded, measurable, finitely supported functions less than |g| is finite ... and then I am stuck.
I suppose that seeing the equation
∫|g|dμ = sup Σai μ(Ai) = sup ΣaiAi f dμ
(aiχAi being some simple function approximating |g|) causes me to "get" the reason for the equality -- if we imagine the Ai partitioning ℝ and getting smaller and smaller (small enough to encompass some single point x) we see that the a_i ≈ g(x) and that the integral ≈ f(x)dx. But actually showing the truth of this rigorously is an entirely different matter. Please advise me! Thanks.

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  • #2
The standard method of proof for this is sometimes called "bootstrapping". The idea is that you show the following for measurable functions.

1) The theorem holds for ##g = \chi_A## an indicator function.
2) If the theorem holds for positive functions ##g_i##, then it holds for finite linear combinations ##\sum \alpha_i g_i## with ##\alpha_i\geq 0##.
3) If the theorem holds for positive functions ##g_n## with ##n\in \mathbb{N}## such that they increase pointswise to a limit function ##g##, then the theorem holds for ##g##.
4) If the theorem holds for all positive functions, then it holds for all functions.
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  • #3
Okay, I think I am starting to make progress here. A few questions:

(1) We can assume that the a_i are positive because, if not, we're assuming the simple function is positive and so could just replace the simple function with another one with positive coefficients, right?
(2) Does "exist" in this case include the possibility that the integral is infinite? Or does "integral of f exist" = "f is Lebesgue integrable"? I ask because Wikipedia tells me I have to assume that μ(Ai) < +∞ if ai ≠ 0. But if we have all positive coefficients then we don't have an issue where we get a ∞ - ∞ term, and we're allowed to approach infinity with our sum. Do I need Wikipedia's requirement, or not?
  • #4
Indeed, the positive requirements are there to rule out ##\infty-\infty## situations. In those cases, the integral is allowed to be infinite. It is only in the last step of my outline that you assume the integral to be finite.
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  • #5
I proved that the integrals exist and are the same for positive, measurable functions. So if g is a general measurable function, then we have
g = g+ - g-.

Take the integral over ℝ. Each of the two integrands (of ∫ g+dμ and ∫g-dμ ) represents a positive, measurable function, so we can replace their integrals w/r to dm(x) with their integrals w/r to f(x)dx, then combine. We have that the two integrals are equivalent, thus are defined when and only when the other is defined, namely, when one of the two sub-integrals is finite.

Sound correct?
  • #6
Sounds good.
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  • #7
Thank you!

Related to Prove that an Lebesgue integral exists iff the other exists

1. What is a Lebesgue integral?

A Lebesgue integral is a mathematical concept used to calculate the area under a curve or the volume under a surface. It is a generalization of the more familiar Riemann integral, and it allows for the integration of a wider range of functions.

2. How is the existence of a Lebesgue integral proven?

The existence of a Lebesgue integral can be proven using the Lebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem, which states that if a function is dominated by an integrable function, then its integral exists. This means that if the function is bounded and has finite measure, then its integral exists.

3. What does it mean for a Lebesgue integral to exist?

When we say that a Lebesgue integral exists, it means that the integral is well-defined and finite. In other words, the function being integrated has a definite area or volume under its curve, and it is not infinite or undefined.

4. What is the relationship between Lebesgue and Riemann integrals?

The Lebesgue integral is a generalization of the Riemann integral. It is more powerful and can integrate a wider range of functions, as it does not require the function to be continuous or have a finite number of discontinuities. However, for functions that are continuous and have a finite number of discontinuities, the Lebesgue and Riemann integrals will give the same result.

5. Why is the existence of a Lebesgue integral important?

The existence of a Lebesgue integral is important because it allows us to integrate a wider range of functions compared to the Riemann integral. This makes it a more powerful tool in various areas of mathematics, including probability, measure theory, and functional analysis. Additionally, the Lebesgue integral has many useful properties, such as being able to calculate the integral of a sequence of functions, which makes it a valuable tool in many real-world applications.
