Prove that complete graphs are subgraphs

In summary, a rigorous proof that each complete graph ##K_n## is a subgraph of complete graph ##K_m## when ##m \ge n## would involve selecting ##n## nodes from ##K_m## and showing that all vertices between them are connected, which is trivial. This can also be shown using adjacency matrices, where the top left ##\text{n x n}## submatrix of the adjacency matrix for ##K_m## is equivalent to ##\mathbf J_n - \mathbf I_n##, indicating a complete graph. Additionally, permutation matrices can be used to demonstrate this, as they are orthogonal and preserve the structure of the graph.
  • #1
Mr Davis 97
I can see intuitively that each complete graph ##K_n## is a subgraph of complete graph ##K_m## when ##m \ge n##. What would a rigorous proof consist of? This is just out of curiosity.
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  • #2
Just pick n nodes out of Km and "show" that all vertices between them are part of the graph? It is quite trivial, of course.
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Likes Mr Davis 97
  • #3
if you like adjacency matrices, then up to a graph isopmorphism, you can assume your ##K_n## is always in the top left corner of your adjacency matrix for ##K_m##.

In blocked form that top left ##\text{n x n }## submatrix is given by ##\mathbf J_n - \mathbf I_n## indicating that the submatrix (really, subgraph) is a complete graph, because an ##r## dimensional complete graph is specified by an adjacency matrix of ##\mathbf J_r -\mathbf I_r##

(note ##\mathbf J_r = \mathbf 1_r \mathbf 1_r^T## i.e. it indicates the all ones matrix)

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if you want to have some fun with the graph isomorphism, you can note that permutation matrices are doubly stochastic, and recall that ##\mathbf P^T = \mathbf P^{-1}## since they are orthogonal, so for any arbitrary permutation matrix ##\mathbf P## in ##\mathbb R^{\text{m x m}}## you have

##\mathbf P\big(\mathbf J_m -\mathbf I_m\big) \mathbf P^T = \mathbf P\big(\mathbf J_m\mathbf P^T\big) - \big(\mathbf P\mathbf I_m \mathbf P^T\big) = \mathbf P\big(\mathbf J_m\big) -\big(\mathbf P \mathbf P^T\big) = \mathbf J_m - \mathbf I_m##
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FAQ: Prove that complete graphs are subgraphs

1. What is a complete graph?

A complete graph is a type of graph in which every pair of vertices is connected by an edge. In other words, there is an edge between every possible pair of vertices in a complete graph.

2. What is a subgraph?

A subgraph is a smaller graph that is contained within a larger graph. In other words, a subgraph is a subset of the vertices and edges of the larger graph.

3. How can you prove that complete graphs are subgraphs?

To prove that complete graphs are subgraphs, we can show that every complete graph is a subset of a larger graph. This can be done by demonstrating that the vertices and edges of the complete graph are also present in the larger graph.

4. What are the properties of complete graphs?

Complete graphs have a number of properties, including: 1) Every vertex is connected to every other vertex; 2) They have the maximum number of edges possible for a given number of vertices; 3) They are undirected, meaning that the edges have no directionality.

5. Why are complete graphs important in graph theory?

Complete graphs are important in graph theory because they represent a special case that can be used in various applications and theoretical studies. They also serve as a starting point for understanding more complex graphs and their properties.

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