Prove that no group of order 160 is simple

  • Thread starter Boorglar
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In summary, the proof that no group of order 160 is simple involves using the First Sylow theorem to find a subgroup of order 32 in G, and then using Lagrange's Theorem and Cauchy's Theorem to show that the set of all left-cosets of this subgroup forms a group under coset multiplication. However, this proof is flawed because it assumes that the coset multiplication is well-defined, which is not necessarily true for different coset representatives. Therefore, this proof does not successfully demonstrate that H is a normal subgroup of G, and thus does not prove that G is not simple.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove that no group of order 160 is simple.

Homework Equations

Sylow Theorems, Cauchy's Theorem, Lagrange's Theorem.

The Attempt at a Solution

Because [itex]160 = 2^5×5[/itex], by the First Sylow theorem, there is a subgroup [itex] H [/itex] of order [itex]2^5 = 32[/itex] in [itex]G[/itex]. Let [itex] S [/itex] be the set of all left-cosets of [itex]H[/itex] (as of now, it may not be a group). By Lagrange's Theorem, [itex]|S| = [G:H] = |G|/|H| = 5[/itex]. Consider the set [itex]S' = \{H, gH, g^2H, g^3H, g^4H\} [/itex] where [itex] g [/itex] has order 5 (by Cauchy's Theorem there exists a subgroup of order 5 in [itex]G[/itex]). [itex]S' \subseteq S[/itex] because it consists of (not necessarily distinct) left-cosets of [itex]H[/itex]. But suppose [itex]g^iH = g^jH[/itex] for some [itex] 0≤i, j≤4 [/itex]. Then by basic theorems of cosets, [itex] g^i * (g^j)^{-1} = g^{i-j} \in H [/itex]. But [itex]g[/itex] has order a power of 5, and [itex]H[/itex] only contains elements of order power of 2, so [itex]g^{i-j} = e [/itex] and [itex]g^i = g^j[/itex]. This proves that all elements of [itex]S'[/itex] are distinct, and since [itex] |S| = |S'| = 5 [/itex] and [itex] S' \subseteq S[/itex], [itex]S = S'[/itex].

We have proven that the set of all cosets of [itex]H[/itex] is [itex]S = \{H, gH, g^2H, g^3H, g^4H\} [/itex]. But this set forms a group under coset multiplication, as can be verified from the axioms for a group. Here the less obvious part is to show the multiplication is well-defined. But every coset can be written in a unique way as [itex]g^iH, 0≤i≤4[/itex] so the result of the multiplication [itex]g^iH * g^jH = g^{i+j}H[/itex] is always well-defined. The operation obviously respects closure, since [itex]g^{i+j}H[/itex] is a coset of [itex]H[/itex]. The identity and inverses are also easy to find, and associativity follows from associativity of addition in [itex]\mathbb{Z}_5[/itex].

From this, it follows that the set of left-cosets of [itex]H[/itex] forms a group under coset multiplication, and it is the quotient group [itex]G/H[/itex]. But quotient groups are defined if and only if [itex]H[/itex] is a normal subgroup, which proves [itex] H [/itex] is a nontrivial, proper normal subgroup of [itex]G[/itex]. Therefore, [itex]G[/itex] is not simple.
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  • #2
I can't find any mistakes after re-reading my proof, but for some reason the proof looks fishy to me. The reason is that I prove a subgroup H is normal in G by actually proving the quotient group G/H exists. Usually, we first prove that a group is normal, and then we define the quotient group. It may work, but I would like to have some confirmation in case I overlooked something. When I think about it, it looks even more suspicious because the same argument would show that every subgroup that has a prime number of cosets is a normal subgroup. I don't know if that is true.
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  • #3
Ah I think I found where the problem is!
My mistake was to define the coset multiplication only for one specific coset representative. It is true that [itex]g^iH * g^jH = g^{i+j}H[/itex], but if I chose different coset representatives, [itex]aH = g^iH, bH = g^jH[/itex] then [itex]aH * bH[/itex] is not necessarily [itex](ab)H[/itex] because [itex]ab[/itex] might not be another coset representative of [itex]g^{i+j}H[/itex].

In this case I admit I am lost on this question. Also, sorry for the multiple posts, but I can't edit the previous posts anymore.

Related to Prove that no group of order 160 is simple

1. What is a "group" in the context of this statement?

A group is a mathematical concept that represents a set of elements and a binary operation (usually denoted as * ) that follows certain rules, such as closure, associativity, identity, and inverse.

2. What does it mean for a group to have an "order" of 160?

The order of a group refers to the number of elements in the group. In this context, it means that there are 160 elements in the group.

3. What is a "simple" group?

A simple group is a type of group that has no non-trivial normal subgroups, meaning that there are no subgroups that are both proper (not the whole group) and normal (closed under conjugation).

4. How do you prove that no group of order 160 is simple?

To prove that no group of order 160 is simple, we can use the Sylow theorems. These theorems allow us to find the number of Sylow p-subgroups (subgroups with a prime number of elements) in a group. In this case, we can show that there must be at least one Sylow 5-subgroup in a group of order 160, which is not normal. Therefore, the group cannot be simple.

5. Why is it important to prove that no group of order 160 is simple?

Proving this statement has implications in many areas of mathematics, including group theory, abstract algebra, and number theory. It also helps us better understand the structure and properties of groups, and can be used to prove other theorems and statements in these fields.

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