Prove that the set of transcendental numbers has cardinality c

In summary, the conversation discusses how to prove that the set of transcendental numbers T has the power of the continuum, or cardinality c. The Continuum Hypothesis is mentioned, but it is suggested that it may not be necessary to use it in a proof. The Schroder-Bernstein theorem is brought up as a possible method for proving the bijection between T and R. A construction for a bijection is proposed using countable subsets of T and the set of algebraic numbers. It is ultimately determined that the axiom of choice is not needed to find a countable subset of T.
  • #1
Prove that the set T of transcendental numbers (numbers that do not satisfy some polynomial equation of positive degree with rational coefficients) has the power of the continuum, i.e. has cardinality c.

Here's what I have: Since T is uncountable, then |T|>alephnull . Also, since T is a subset of R , then |T| not> c . Thus, by the Continuum Hypothesis, we must have |T|=c .

But is there a way to get a proof without using the Continuum Hypothesis, by showing directly a bijection between T and R?
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  • #2
Oh, perhaps I can use the Schroder-Bernstein theorem, i.e. find an injection from T to R and an injection from R to T, thus showing that T and R have the same cardinality.

The identity map : T -> R is clearly injective, but an injection from R to T? Inserting the decimal places of pi between all the decimal places of a real number will make the number irrational, but will it be transcendental?
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  • #3
How do you know T is uncountable? Is it because the real numbers are the union of the transcendentals and the algebraics and the latter set is countable? Well, that is how you might start to prove what you want to prove.
  • #4
Ok, let A be the set of algebraic numbers. Then since A intersect T = empty, then

|A|+|T| = |A U T| = |R| = c
alephnull + |T| = c
|T| = c,

but that again uses the Continuum Hypothesis.

Is there no explicit bijection between the transendentals and the reals? If not, is it because the Continuum Hypothesis cannot be proven?
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  • #5
It is not the continuum hypothesis. It is straightforward to write down a bijection from any infinite cardinal to itself omitting countably many elements. It is no harder than showing that the naturals are in bijection with the even natural numbers.

I also think you misunderstand the concept of proof - the Continuum Hypothesis can be proven to be true from some starting point, just not from the axioms of ZF. That does not mean it 'can't be proven' - with that logic nothing can be proven.
  • #6
Ok, here's my bijection construction. Let A be the set of algebraic numbers. Let S be any countable subset of the transcendentals T (constructable by the axiom of choice). Then R = A U (T-S) U S. Define f:R -> T by

A -> S (with odd indices) (e.g. a_i -> s_(2i-1) )
T-S -> T-S (identity map)
S -> S (with even indices) (e.g. s_i -> s_(2i)

I think this will be a bijection, proving |T| = |R| = c.
  • #7
You don't need the axiom of choice to find an countable subset of T. The numbers

n+e, n in N

are a countable subset of T.
  • #8
Ok S= {pi + n | n is a natural number}

A -> S: a_n -> pi + (2n-1)
T-S -> T-S: r -> r
S -> S: pi + n -> pi + 2n

is a bijection from R to T. Thanks Matt!

FAQ: Prove that the set of transcendental numbers has cardinality c

1. What is a transcendental number?

A transcendental number is a real number that cannot be expressed as the root of a polynomial equation with integer coefficients. Examples of transcendental numbers include pi and e.

2. What is the cardinality of a set?

The cardinality of a set is the number of elements in that set. It can be thought of as the size of the set.

3. How is the cardinality of a set determined?

The cardinality of a set is determined by counting the number of elements in the set. For infinite sets, the cardinality is determined by the concept of bijection, which is a one-to-one correspondence between elements of two sets.

4. What does it mean for a set to have cardinality c?

Having cardinality c means that the set has the same size as the set of real numbers. This is the same as saying that the set is uncountably infinite, meaning that it has too many elements to be counted using natural numbers.

5. How is it proven that the set of transcendental numbers has cardinality c?

To prove that the set of transcendental numbers has cardinality c, we can use Cantor's diagonal argument. This involves assuming that the set of transcendental numbers is countable, and then constructing a new transcendental number that is not in the assumed list, thereby proving that the set is actually uncountable and has cardinality c.
