Prove this inequality : Geometric Mean and Arithmetic Mean

In summary, the conversation discusses the value of an investment over an n-year period, represented by the variable V, and its relationship to the Geometric and Arithmetic mean of returns, R_{G} and R_{A}. It is proven that (1+R_{G})^{n} \leq V \leq (1+R_{A})^{n}, with the hint suggesting the use of the function log(1+e^x) to solve one of the inequalities. The conversation also mentions the possibility of using the property of exponential growth to solve the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

let [tex] r_{1}, r_{2}, ... , r_{n}[/tex] be strictly positive numbers. Suppose an investment of one dollar at the beginning of the year k grows to [tex]1+r_{k}[/tex] at the end of year k (so that [tex]r_{k}[/tex] is the "return on investment" in year k). Then the value of an investment of one dollar at the start of an n-year period is worth [tex]V= \Pi_{k=1}^{n} (1+r_{k})[/tex] at the end of this period. Prove that

[tex](1+R_{G})^{n} \leq V \leq (1+R_{A})^{n}[/tex],

where [tex]R_{G} = (r_{1}r_{2}...r_{n})^{1/n}[/tex] and [tex]R_{A} = (r_{1} + r_{2} + ... + r_{n})/n[/tex] are, respectively, the Geometric and Arithmetic mean of returns.

(Hint: For one inequality, consider the function [tex]log(1+e^x)[/tex], and associate r with [tex]e^x[/tex]).

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So far I managed to recognize that the term on the right hand side is almost like (as we take n to infinity) the exponential raised to [tex]r_{1} + r_{2} + ... + r_{n}[/tex]. But then I got stuck. I just need something to work with that'll get me going. I'm not looking for answers, just some insights.

I'm also not sure how I can use the hint to solve this problem.
Physics news on
  • #2
I figured out the inequality in the right hand side. Any hints for the one on the left?

FAQ: Prove this inequality : Geometric Mean and Arithmetic Mean

1. What is the difference between the geometric mean and arithmetic mean?

The geometric mean is the nth root of the product of n numbers, while the arithmetic mean is the sum of n numbers divided by n. In other words, the geometric mean takes into account the magnitude of the numbers being multiplied, while the arithmetic mean does not.

2. How can I prove that the geometric mean is always less than or equal to the arithmetic mean?

This inequality can be proved using the AM-GM inequality, which states that for any set of positive numbers, the arithmetic mean is always greater than or equal to the geometric mean. This can be proven using mathematical induction or other methods of proof.

3. Why is the geometric mean useful in statistics?

The geometric mean is often used in statistics to represent the average growth rate or average rate of change. It is also useful in calculating the mean of data that follows a logarithmic distribution, such as in financial data or population growth.

4. Can you provide an example of how the geometric mean and arithmetic mean are different?

Sure! Let's say we have a set of numbers: 2, 4, and 8. The arithmetic mean would be (2+4+8)/3 = 4.67, while the geometric mean would be ∛(2x4x8) = 4. The geometric mean is smaller because it takes into account the magnitude of the numbers being multiplied.

5. Are there any limitations to using the geometric mean?

Yes, the geometric mean cannot be used with negative numbers or zero, as the nth root of a negative number is not defined and the product of any number and zero is always zero. It is also not suitable for data with extreme outliers, as it can be heavily influenced by these values.
