Prove Xn->x is Integer if Xn is Sequence of Real Numbers

In summary, the sequence Xn converges and therefore is a cauchy sequence, by definition for any value n,m>N where N is a natural number |Xn-Xm|<e, given e>0 must be true. each element of Xn,m however is an integer and by the commutative ring of integers Xn-Xm will also produce an integer. if x were a real number it would then be between to integer values. The nearest value Xn can assume are these two integers, therefore taking e<1 |Xn-Xm|<e will not hold.
  • #1
if Xn is a sequence of integers and Xn--->x as n----> infinity and x is an element of the reals. show that x must be an integer.

i know that since the sequence is convergent it will be bounded. i don't however see how i can prove the above. thank you very much for any help.
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  • #2
A convergent sequence also has to be Cauchy. See what you can get out of that
  • #3
im not exactly sure what you mean by ''bounded away'', is this the same as will not converge? it seems to me that even if x were a real value that |Xn-x|<e given that e>0. is this wrong?
  • #4
If [itex]x_n\to x[/itex], then, given any [itex]\epsilon[/itex], there exist N such that if n> N, [itex]|x- x_n|< \epsilon[/itex]. Take [itex]\epsilon[/itex] to be less than 1 and remember that [itex]x_n[/itex] is an integer.
  • #5
using what you said in that a convergent sequence has a cauchy sequence, and from hallsofly, could the argument go as follows:
the sequence Xn converges and therefore is a cauchy sequence, by definition for any value n,m>N where N is a natural number |Xn-Xm|<e, given e>0 must be true. each element of Xn,m however is an integer and by the commutative ring of integers Xn-Xm will also produce an integer. if x were a real number it would then be between to integer values. The nearest value Xn can assume are these two integers, therefore taking e<1 |Xn-Xm|<e will not hold
  • #6
No, that's not true and not my point. The difference of two integers can be 0!
  • #7
it seems like i need to show that x must be an integer in order for the |Xn-x| to equal zero, but i do not see why |Xn-x|<e would not hold if Xn was an integer and x Real. is it because there is a set distance between a integer and a real value, and if epsilon was set to be this value, |Xn-x|could not be less then epsilon?
  • #8
sleventh said:
it seems like i need to show that x must be an integer in order for the |Xn-x| to equal zero, but i do not see why |Xn-x|<e would not hold if Xn was an integer and x Real. is it because there is a set distance between a integer and a real value, and if epsilon was set to be this value, |Xn-x|could not be less then epsilon?
Integers are real numbers! The converse is not necessarily true, though.

If you have a sequence of integers, it either doesn't converge or converges to an integer. Examples of each kind:
{1, 2, 3, 4, ..., n, ...}
{4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, ..., 0, ...}
  • #9
assuming x is a value between two successive integers, there will be a finite distance E between x and the nearest integer. if e<E then |Xn-x|<e will not hold. therefore by contradiction x must be an integer. This also shows that |Xn-x|=0, and therefore Xn will eventually be a constant value.
How does that sound?

FAQ: Prove Xn->x is Integer if Xn is Sequence of Real Numbers

What does "Prove Xn->x is Integer if Xn is Sequence of Real Numbers" mean?

This statement is asking for a proof that if a sequence of real numbers, Xn, converges to a limit, x, then x must be an integer. In other words, it is asking for a mathematical demonstration that a convergent sequence of real numbers will always have an integer as its limit.

What is a sequence of real numbers?

A sequence of real numbers is a list of numbers written in a specific order. Each number in the sequence is called a term, and the order of the terms is important. For example, the sequence 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 is a sequence of the first five odd numbers.

What does it mean for a sequence to converge?

A sequence converges if its terms get closer and closer to a specific value, known as the limit, as the sequence goes on. In other words, as the sequence continues, the terms get closer and closer to the limit, until they eventually become indistinguishable from the limit.

What is an integer?

An integer is a whole number, either positive, negative, or zero. It does not include fractions or decimals. Examples of integers are -5, 0, 3, and 10.

Why is it important to prove that Xn->x is an integer if Xn is a sequence of real numbers?

Proving this statement is important because it helps us understand the relationship between real numbers and integers. It also allows us to make accurate mathematical calculations and predictions based on convergent sequences. Additionally, this proof can be applied in various fields of science, such as physics and engineering, where real numbers and convergent sequences are commonly used.
