Proving a and b are squares of an integer

In summary, the problem states that if a, b, and c are positive integers with a and b being relatively prime and c^2 = ab, then a and b must be perfect squares. The conversation discusses various hints and proofs to show this relationship, including the use of prime factors, unique factorization, and greatest divisors. Ultimately, it is proven that if c does not divide a and b separately, then c must equal the product of the greatest divisors of a and b, implying that a and b must be perfect squares.
  • #1

Homework Statement

If a, b and c are positive integers with (a,b) = 1 and c2 = ab, show that each of a and b is the square of an integer.

I've been staring at this problem for a while now and I've got not clues. I don't see the relation between a and b being relatively prime and the rest of the problem. Any hints would be appreciated
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  • #2
Can you prove that c does not divide either a or b?

And I think it should be required that a, b, c > 1.
  • #3
gottfried said:
I've been staring at this problem for a while now and I've got not clues. I don't see the relation between a and b being relatively prime and the rest of the problem. Any hints would be appreciated
All the prime factors of a square (eg c^2) have an even multiplicity. Relative prime "a" and "b" means that they have no prime factors in common. Does that give you a hint?
  • #4
Yes I think so.

Suppose c divides a and b.
Then a=c.m and b=c.n it follows that c2=2.m.n and a=b=c. Obviously this can't be since (a,b)=1

Suppose c divides a but not b.
Then c2=c.m.b and c=m.b. Therefore b|c and c|a implying b|a which clearly can't be since (a,b)=1. This also implies that c can't divide b and not a.

Is that a sufficient proof?

Thanks for the hint but I'm still stuck.
Does it follow from c=(a.b)/c and since c doesn't divide a or b that c must divide the product and some how use that fact.
  • #5
If you can use the fact that the integers are a unique factorization domain, then the proof is pretty much trivial, as uart suggested. Otherwise, consider both the greatest divisor of c that also divides a and the greatest divisor of c that also divides b.
  • #6
If c does not divide a and b separately, then c must equal AB, where A divides a and B divides b. What does that imply?

FAQ: Proving a and b are squares of an integer

1. How do you prove that a number is a perfect square?

To prove that a number is a perfect square, we need to take the square root of the number and check if the result is an integer. If the square root is an integer, then the number is a perfect square.

2. Can you give an example of proving a number is a perfect square?

For example, to prove that 49 is a perfect square, we take the square root of 49, which is 7. Since 7 is an integer, 49 is a perfect square.

3. What is the difference between proving a number is a perfect square and proving that two numbers are squares of an integer?

Proving a number is a perfect square only involves one number, while proving that two numbers are squares of an integer involves finding two numbers whose product is equal to the given number.

4. How do you prove that two numbers are squares of an integer?

To prove that two numbers, a and b, are squares of an integer, we need to find an integer, c, such that c*c = a*b. This means that c is the square root of both a and b, and therefore, a and b are squares of an integer.

5. Can you provide an example of proving that two numbers are squares of an integer?

For example, to prove that 9 and 16 are squares of an integer, we can find that 4*4 = 16 and 3*3 = 9. Therefore, 4 and 3 are the square roots of 16 and 9, respectively, and 9 and 16 are squares of an integer.

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