Proving a function is bijective

In summary, the conversation discusses a proof involving a function f and two other functions g and h. The proof shows that if g(f(a))=a for every a in A and f(h(b))=b for every b in B, then f is bijective and g=h=f^(-1). The key to the proof is to show that g and h in tandem demonstrate the injective and surjective properties of f, leading to its bijectivity.
  • #1
Mod note: Moved from a technical section, so missing the homework template.
Here is what I'm trying to prove.

Let f:A->B. If there are two functions g:B->A and h:B->A such that g(f(a))=a for every a in A and f(h(b))=b for every b in B, then f is bijective and g=h=f^(-1).

I think I have most the proof, I started by showing g(f(a))=a implies g o f(a)=a and that maps A->B->A all exactly once, and a similar argument shows f(h(b))=b implies that the mapping is B->A->B all exactly once again, and this seems like the definition of an inverse, so there for it's bijective? Is that the right way to approach this proof?
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  • #2
schlynn said:
Here is what I'm trying to prove.

Let f:A->B. If there are two functions g:B->A and h:B->A such that g(f(a))=a for every a in A and f(h(b))=b for every b in B, then f is bijective and g=h=f^(-1).

I think I have most the proof, I started by showing g(f(a))=a implies g o f(a)=a and that maps A->B->A all exactly once, and a similar argument shows f(h(b))=b implies that the mapping is B->A->B all exactly once again, and this seems like the definition of an inverse, so there for it's bijective? Is that the right way to approach this proof?

OK, to help you see where your intuition is leading you astray, let ##f:\mathbb{R}^{\geq0}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}## be given by ##f(x)=\sqrt{x}## and ##g:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^{\geq0}## by ##g(x)=x^2##. Clearly ##g(f(a))=a## for all ##a\in\mathbb{R}^{\geq0}##, but ##f## is not bijective.

The point of the exercise is to show that the existence of ##g## and ##h## in tandem give that ##f## is a bijection, which then leads to ##g## and ##h## being inverses.
  • #3
OK, I see where I went wrong, but how do I use the existence of g and h to show that the function is a bijection? It has to be injective and surjective, I know the definition of them but don't see how g and h show it's bijective. Can you point me in the right direction? Does 1 function show one property and the other function the other property? These types of proofs are new to me.
  • #4
schlynn said:
Does 1 function show one property and the other function the other property?


If ##f(a_1)=f(a_2)##, then ##g(f(a_1))=g(f(a_2))##, right?

Given ##b\in B##, you know that ##f(h(b))=b##, right?

I think that's the extent to which I can point you in the right direction.
  • #5
Ok, I think I understand this now, so the first part shows injectivity and the second shows surjectivity, and the order of the composition changes to show that the sets your mapping actually allow for an inverse, and then bijectivity follows?

FAQ: Proving a function is bijective

1. What is a bijective function?

A bijective function is a type of function in mathematics that has two important properties: injectivity and surjectivity. Injectivity means that each input value (x) corresponds to a unique output value (y). Surjectivity means that every output value (y) has at least one corresponding input value (x). In other words, a bijective function is both one-to-one and onto.

2. How do you prove that a function is bijective?

To prove that a function is bijective, you must show that it is both injective and surjective. To prove injectivity, you can use the method of contradiction, assuming that two different input values produce the same output value and showing that this leads to a contradiction. To prove surjectivity, you can use the method of constructing a preimage, where you start with an output value and find the corresponding input value(s).

3. What is the importance of proving a function is bijective?

Proving that a function is bijective is important because it guarantees that the function has a well-defined inverse. This means that given an output value, you can always find the unique input value that produced it. Bijective functions are also useful in many areas of mathematics, such as calculus, linear algebra, and cryptography.

4. Can a function be bijective if it is not continuous?

Yes, a function can still be bijective even if it is not continuous. The concepts of injectivity and surjectivity do not depend on the continuity of a function. However, if a function is both bijective and continuous, then it is automatically invertible, making it even more useful in mathematical applications.

5. How does proving a function is bijective differ from proving it is injective or surjective?

Proving that a function is bijective involves showing both injectivity and surjectivity, while proving that a function is injective or surjective only involves demonstrating one of these properties. Additionally, proving a function is bijective requires a different approach and set of techniques compared to proving injectivity or surjectivity alone.

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