Proving a (known isomorphic) graph is isomorphic

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In summary: H to G which has the property that a and b are adjacent in H iff f(a) and f(b) are adjacent in G for all a,b in H.And then from here I'm lost. I know that I have to formulate a bijective function from Vg to Vh which is easy since the cardinality of vertices are the same. The issue I have is being sure that this bijective function has the second property (a and b are adjacent in G iff f(a) and f(b) are adjacent in H for all a,b in Vg).One technique is to set up an n x n adjac
  • #1
in the rye

Homework Statement

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The graph is isomorphic.

Prove that it is indeed isomorphic.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Let the left graph be G(Vg,Eg), and the right graph be H(Vh,Eh)

Since the graph is isomorphic we know:
1) There is a bijective function f from Vg to Vh with the property that a and b are adjacent in G iff f(a) and f(b) are adjacent in H for all a,b in Vg.
2) The graphs share the same number of vertices, edges, and degree sequence.

And then from here I'm lost. I know that I have to formulate a bijective function from Vg to Vh which is easy since the cardinality of vertices are the same. The issue I have is being sure that this bijective function has the second property (a and b are adjacent in G iff f(a) and f(b) are adjacent in H for all a,b in Vg).

Given that I know the graph is isomorphic, is there any methodical approach to this? I tried messing around with various functions for about 3 hours before I found one that worked. However, there was no method to my madness beyond trial and error.

With simpler graphs, I can kind of tell how the bijective function should be formed because I can visualize a form of the graph that both graphs fit into. For example I can see that a star -- like in graph g -- can unfold into a cycle of 5 vertices (or a pentagon). But as these get more complex I can't. Even breaking the graph into more manageable chunks doesn't seem to help. I'm worried that I won't have enough time to figure these out on a test.



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  • #2
in the rye said:

Homework Statement

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The graph is isomorphic.
What does this mean? Isomorphism is a comparison of two things. I can't tell what is given here, but the problem seems to be to show that the first graph is isomorphic to the second graph.
in the rye said:
Prove that it is indeed isomorphic.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Let the left graph be G(Vg,Eg), and the right graph be H(Vh,Eh)

Since the graph is isomorphic we know:
Since the two graphs are isomorphic ...
in the rye said:
1) There is a bijective function f from Vg to Vh with the property that a and b are adjacent in G iff f(a) and f(b) are adjacent in H for all a,b in Vg.
2) The graphs share the same number of vertices, edges, and degree sequence.

And then from here I'm lost. I know that I have to formulate a bijective function from Vg to Vh which is easy since the cardinality of vertices are the same. The issue I have is being sure that this bijective function has the second property (a and b are adjacent in G iff f(a) and f(b) are adjacent in H for all a,b in Vg).
One technique is to set up an n x n adjacency matrix. If node a is adjacent to node b, put a 1 in the appropriate cell of the matrix, at the row for a and the column for b. Necessarily the (b, a) element of the matrix will be 1, since node a being adjacent to node b means that node b is adjacent to node a.
What does "degree sequence" mean? Does it mean how many edges intersect at a node? If so, you could capture this information in an array of length n, with the first element of the array being how many edges are connected to node a, and so on through the nodes of each graph.
in the rye said:
Given that I know the graph is isomorphic, is there any methodical approach to this? I tried messing around with various functions for about 3 hours before I found one that worked. However, there was no method to my madness beyond trial and error.

With simpler graphs, I can kind of tell how the bijective function should be formed because I can visualize a form of the graph that both graphs fit into. For example I can see that a star -- like in graph g -- can unfold into a cycle of 5 vertices (or a pentagon). But as these get more complex I can't. Even breaking the graph into more manageable chunks doesn't seem to help. I'm worried that I won't have enough time to figure these out on a test.

  • #3
in the rye said:

Homework Statement

Included as an upload or:

The graph is isomorphic.

Prove that it is indeed isomorphic.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Let the left graph be G(Vg,Eg), and the right graph be H(Vh,Eh)

Since the graph is isomorphic we know:
1) There is a bijective function f from Vg to Vh with the property that a and b are adjacent in G iff f(a) and f(b) are adjacent in H for all a,b in Vg.
2) The graphs share the same number of vertices, edges, and degree sequence.

Why is it difficult? Look at the two degree sequence to help you find the "relabeling" function between the graphs.
And then from here I'm lost. I know that I have to formulate a bijective function from Vg to Vh which is easy since the cardinality of vertices are the same. The issue I have is being sure that this bijective function has the second property (a and b are adjacent in G iff f(a) and f(b) are adjacent in H for all a,b in Vg).

Given that I know the graph is isomorphic, is there any methodical approach to this? I tried messing around with various functions for about 3 hours before I found one that worked. However, there was no method to my madness beyond trial and error.

With simpler graphs, I can kind of tell how the bijective function should be formed because I can visualize a form of the graph that both graphs fit into. For example I can see that a star -- like in graph g -- can unfold into a cycle of 5 vertices (or a pentagon). But as these get more complex I can't. Even breaking the graph into more manageable chunks doesn't seem to help. I'm worried that I won't have enough time to figure these out on a test.


Why is it difficult? Use the two degree sequences -- of the respective graphs -- to do the "relabeling" . If g has degree n in G , then find g' with degree n in G' , making sure adjacencies are preserved.
  • #4
Mark44 said:
I can't tell what is given here, but the problem seems to be to show that the first graph is isomorphic to the second graph.

This is correct.

Mark44 said:
Since the two graphs are isomorphic ...
One technique is to set up an n x n adjacency matrix. If node a is adjacent to node b, put a 1 in the appropriate cell of the matrix, at the row for a and the column for b. Necessarily the (b, a) element of the matrix will be 1, since node a being adjacent to node b means that node b is adjacent to node a.

This is how you do the second part of the proof, which is what I'm having trouble with. The bijection is easy for me to spot, but for the adjacency matrix you have to arrange your rows and columns in such a manner that it produces identical matrices for each graph. In this particular case I am having trouble because each vertex has the same number of adjacent vertices. So producing the matrix resulted in trial and error, and I don't think I'd have enough time (on a test) to do this since it took me ~3 hours for this problem. And this particular problem would be be a pretty standard test question for this professor.

Mark44 said:
What does "degree sequence" mean? Does it mean how many edges intersect at a node? If so, you could capture this information in an array of length n, with the first element of the array being how many edges are connected to node a, and so on through the nodes of each graph.

This is what a degree sequence is. For example if the left graph is graph "G" then we have
deg(u1) = deg(u2) = deg(u3) = ... = deg(u9) = deg(u10) = 3.

Thus the degree sequence of G is 3,3,3,..,3 (ten times).

WWGD said:
Why is it difficult? Use the two degree sequences -- of the respective graphs -- to do the "relabeling" . If g has degree n in G , then find g' with degree n in G' , making sure adjacencies are preserved.

I wouldn't say it's difficult. I'd say it's time consuming. As aforementioned it took me 3 hours to get this one.

In this particular case the issue is that each vertex g has a degree of 3 in G. This means your bijective function has 10! (factorial) different possibilities -- which makes preserving the adjacencies difficult to do efficiently (for the sake of a test). In the case of managing the adjacencies, each vertex has 3 possible paths to potentially preserve its structure.
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  • #5
in the rye said:
This is correct.
This is how you do the second part of the proof, which is what I'm having trouble with. The bijection is easy for me to spot, but for the adjacency matrix you have to arrange your rows and columns in such a manner that it produces identical matrices for each graph. In this particular case I am having trouble because each vertex has the same number of adjacent vertices. So producing the matrix resulted in trial and error, and I don't think I'd have enough time (on a test) to do this since it took me ~3 hours for this problem. And this particular problem would be be a pretty standard test question for this professor.
This is what a degree sequence is. For example if the left graph is graph "G" then we have
deg(u1) = deg(u2) = deg(u3) = ... = deg(u9) = deg(u10) = 3.

Thus the degree sequence of G is 3,3,3,..,3 (ten times).
I wouldn't say it's difficult. I'd say it's time consuming. As aforementioned it took me 3 hours to get this one.

In this particular case the issue is that each vertex g has a degree of 3 in G. This means your bijective function has 10! (factorial) different possibilities -- which makes preserving the adjacencies difficult to do efficiently (for the sake of a test). In the case of managing the adjacencies, each vertex has 3 possible paths to potentially preserve its structure.
Isn't there a result on graphs with identical degree sequence being isomorphic?
  • #6
WWGD said:
Isn't there a result on graphs with identical degree sequence being isomorphic?

Not that I'm aware of. The reason you check for degree sequence is that in order for it to be an isomorph they must have the same degree sequence. However, having the same degree sequence does not make them isomorphs. For example you could have a connected cyclic graph where n = 8, and another graph of two cycles with n = 4. In this case both graphs would be bipartite, share the same degree sequence, share the same number of vertices, and the same number of edges -- but they are not isomorphs because one is disconnected and the other is connected.

Typically you check the degree sequence, number of edges, whether they are bipartite, the girth, and the number of vertices to check whether or not it's reasonable to assume the graphs are isomorphs. The only way is prove it (as of our current understanding in the class -- and that I'm aware of) is to produce the bijective function.
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Likes StoneTemplePython and WWGD
  • #7
in the rye said:
Not that I'm aware of. The reason you check for degree sequence is that in order for it to be an isomorph they must have the same degree sequence. However, having the same degree sequence does not make them isomorphs. For example you could have a connected cyclic graph where n = 8, and another graph of two cycles with n = 4. In this case both graphs would be bipartite, share the same degree sequence, share the same number of vertices, and the same number of edges -- but they are not isomorphs because one is disconnected and the other is connected.

Typically you check the degree sequence, number of edges, whether they are bipartite, the girth, and the number of vertices to check whether or not it's reasonable to assume the graphs are isomorphs. The only way is prove it (as of our current understanding in the class -- and that I'm aware of) is to produce the bijective function.

FWIW Graph isopmorphism, from a computational standpoint is a tough problem, generally viewed as being a bit tougher than prime factoring, but not 'quite' NP-Complete.

Sometimes you can reject a claim of graph isomorphism based on spectral properties of the Adjacency Matrices. The first graph in your exercise is a Petersen Graph. This motivates a fun spectral result that "Three Petersens are not Enough" to tile / create a complete graph.

Note: this is available as miniature 13 and 14 of Thirty Three Miniatures, a preliminary version of which is available for free at the author's website, here: and then clicking "preliminary version on-line"

(note: to moderators: see the root page here: )

- - - - -
I'm not sure I have any advice on how to do this problem more quickly by hand, though.

Related to Proving a (known isomorphic) graph is isomorphic

1. How do you prove that two graphs are isomorphic?

To prove that two graphs are isomorphic, you need to find a one-to-one correspondence between the vertices of the two graphs. This means that there must be a way to match each vertex in one graph to a vertex in the other graph, such that the edges and their connections are preserved.

2. What is the importance of proving isomorphism between graphs?

Proving isomorphism between graphs is important because it allows us to understand the underlying structure and properties of the graphs. It also helps us to identify patterns and relationships between different graphs, which can be useful in many fields such as computer science, chemistry, and social sciences.

3. Can a graph be isomorphic to itself?

Yes, a graph can be isomorphic to itself. This is known as a trivial isomorphism, where the graph is matched to itself using a one-to-one correspondence. In this case, all vertices and edges are preserved, as they are simply being mapped to themselves.

4. How can you determine if two graphs are not isomorphic?

There are a few ways to determine if two graphs are not isomorphic. One way is to use the degree sequence, which is the sequence of degrees of the vertices in a graph. If the two graphs have different degree sequences, then they are not isomorphic. Another method is to look for structural differences, such as the number of vertices, edges, or cycles in the graphs. If any of these factors differ, then the graphs are not isomorphic.

5. Are there any limitations to proving isomorphism between graphs?

Yes, there are limitations to proving isomorphism between graphs. It is not always possible to prove isomorphism, especially for larger and more complex graphs. This is because there may not be a clear one-to-one correspondence between the vertices, making it difficult to match them. In some cases, it may also be time-consuming and computationally intensive to prove isomorphism.

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