Proving a property of the dirac delta function

In summary, the theorem states that the function f(x) has a property where when x is equal to a, the function's derivative is zero. However, when x is not equal to a, the function's derivative is undefined.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove this theorem regarding a property of the Dirac Delta Function:
(by using integration by parts)

Homework Equations

We know that δ(x) can be defined as
and another proper of the Dirac Delta Function is
Also, δ(x-a)=0 when x is not equal to a, and δ(x-a) is undefined when x=a. (Not really sure how to interpret the second part of that statement quite yet, I understand that it is because the two sided limit of σ->0 doesn't exist, but I don't see how to picture that graphically)

The Attempt at a Solution

Starting with
I tried integration by parts, taking u=f(x) so u'=f'(x), and then v'=δ'(x-a) so v=δ(x-a), translating our original integral to
$$f(x)\delta(x-a) (from -\infty to \infty)-\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f'(x)\delta(x-a)dx$$
I'm really not sure where to go next. I don't see what else I can do with evaluating the first part from negative infinity to infinity, and I don't see anything more I can do with the remaining integral. All in all I don't see how integration by parts was helpful at all.
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  • #2
hi skate_nerd! :smile:
skate_nerd said:
$$f(x)\delta(x-a) (from -\infty to \infty)-\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f'(x)\delta(x-a)dx$$
I'm really not sure where to go next. I don't see what else I can do with evaluating the first part from negative infinity to infinity

(i'm not convinced that that part of the formula is valid :redface:, but anyway …)

what are δ(∞ - a) and δ(-∞ - a) ?

…, and I don't see anything more I can do with the remaining integral.

can't you apply the delta definition directly to it?
  • #3
Thanks for the reply tiny tim. I see what you are saying about the first part of the formula I reached. However for the second part, if I applied the definition of the delta function I would have a very odd integral that I would really have no idea how to solve.
  • #4
uhh? the definition is …
skate_nerd said:

and you want to find …
  • #5
Yeah but how does knowing that first definition help with that second integral? I don't see any way to use that to solve the second integral...
  • #6
You do realize that f' is just another function, right?
  • #7
Yes, I think its quite obvious i am aware of that since I used that fact when I integrated by parts...
  • #8
Am I just making this harder than it needs to be or what? I honestly am really stuck here and I've been thinking about this problem since last night
  • #9
Let g(x)=f'(x). Now the integral becomes
$$\int f'(x)\delta(x-a)\,dx = \int g(x)\delta(x-a)\,dx = ?$$
  • #10
Ahhhhh wow okay that totally makes sense now. Thank you vela. I guess for some reason I was thinking that if you substituted something that way it would be like a change of variable but it actually isn't. I kept trying to use the definition
but integrating something like that is a lot more difficult than it sounds...

FAQ: Proving a property of the dirac delta function

1. What is the Dirac Delta function?

The Dirac Delta function, denoted by δ(x), is a mathematical function that represents an infinitely tall and narrow spike at x = 0, with an area of 1 under the curve. It is often used to model point masses or impulses in physics and engineering.

2. How can the property of the Dirac Delta function be proven?

The property of the Dirac Delta function can be proven using its defining integral, which states that ∫-∞ δ(x)dx = 1. This integral can be evaluated using the substitution method, and the result will always be equal to 1, thus proving the property of the Dirac Delta function.

3. What is the sifting property of the Dirac Delta function?

The sifting property of the Dirac Delta function states that ∫-∞ f(x)δ(x-a)dx = f(a), where f(x) is any continuous function and a is a real number. This property allows us to evaluate integrals involving the Dirac Delta function, making it a powerful tool in solving mathematical problems.

4. How is the Dirac Delta function related to the Heaviside step function?

The Dirac Delta function is the derivative of the Heaviside step function, H(x). This means that δ(x) = d/dxH(x). The Heaviside step function is defined as 0 for x < 0 and 1 for x ≥ 0, and it is often used in the representation of signals and systems in engineering and physics.

5. Can the Dirac Delta function be used in practical applications?

Yes, the Dirac Delta function has many practical applications in various fields such as signal processing, control systems, and quantum mechanics. It is a valuable tool for modeling point masses, impulses, and idealized signals in real-world scenarios. However, it should be used with caution as it is a mathematical abstraction and does not exist in the physical world.
