Proving C is a Differentiable Function: Inverse Function Theorem & Chain Rule

In summary, the problem involves proving that the given graph C is a differentiable function on all real numbers using the Inverse Function Theorem and Chain Rule. It also requires finding the slope and cartesian equation of the line tangent to C at a given point, as well as determining the vertical rate with respect to time for a point moving along C with a constant horizontal rate. The solution involves using implicit differentiation and finding the inverse of y^5+5y-3.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Problem: Given C is the graph of the equation
2radical3 * sinpi(x)/3 =y^5+5y-3

Homework Equations

(1) Prove that as a set
C= {(x,y) Exists at all Real Numbers Squared | 2radical3 * sinpi(x)/3 =y^5+5y-3
is the graph of a function differentiable on all real numbers using the Inverse Function Theorem and Chain Rule.

(2) Obtain the slope and a cartesian equation of the line l tangent to C at the point (1,1). Prove your answer.

(3) A point (x(t), y(t)) moves all along C as t increases in all real numbers with constant horizontal rate with respect to t of 30 units per second
(For all t that exists as real numbers : x'(t) = 30/sec).
What is the vertical rate w.r.t. t when x(t) =1 ([y']x=1)?

*Note: The equation given for C cannot be solved for y using just the standard arithmetic operations, including radicals, but can be solved using inverse function notation.

The Attempt at a Solution

The extent of where I have gotten with the first proof is:

Let F(x)=G(y) ⇔ G^-1(F(x))=y
Because I do not know how to take the inverse of y^5+5y-3 I took the inverse of
2radical3 sinpi(x)/3

F(y) = y^5+5y-3 and G(x)= 2radical3 sinpi(x)/3

G^-1 = 3/pi sin^-1 (x/2radical3)

With this I want to find that:

G^1(F(x)) = y= 3/pi sin^-1 [(x^5+5x-3)/ (2radical3)]

Now I want to prove that this is differentiable so I must take the derivative however this requires me to take the derivative of the inverse sin function and that is something learned in calculus 2. Does anybody know another way to go about this? Perhaps there is a simple way to take the inverse of y^5+5y-3 that I am overlooking?
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  • #2
"Implicit differentiation" is typically learned in Calculus I. Rather than solving for y, differentiate both sides of [itex]2\sqrt{3} sin(\pi x)/3= y^5+ 5y- 3[/itex] with respect to x.
  • #3
HallsofIvy said:
"Implicit differentiation" is typically learned in Calculus I. Rather than solving for y, differentiate both sides of [itex]2\sqrt{3} sin(\pi x)/3= y^5+ 5y- 3[/itex] with respect to x.

So by using implicit differentiation I receive

y' = [itex]\frac{2 \pi cos (\pi x/3)}{\sqrt{3}(5y^4+5)}[/itex]

Which is differentiable for all real numbers.
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  • #4
kimsworld said:
So by using implicit differentiation I receive

[itex]\displaystyle y' = \frac{2 \pi cos (\pi x/3)}{\sqrt{3}(5y^4+5)}[/itex]

Which is differentiable for all real numbers.
That looks good, provided that the original equation was
[itex]\displaystyle 2\sqrt{3} \sin(\pi x/3)= y^5+ 5y- 3[/itex]​
The placement of the parenthesis is important.

FAQ: Proving C is a Differentiable Function: Inverse Function Theorem & Chain Rule

1. What is the Inverse Function Theorem?

The Inverse Function Theorem is a mathematical theorem that states that if a function is differentiable at a point, then its inverse function is also differentiable at the corresponding point. This theorem is used to prove that a function is differentiable.

2. How is the Inverse Function Theorem used to prove that C is a differentiable function?

The Inverse Function Theorem is used in conjunction with the Chain Rule to prove that C is a differentiable function. The Chain Rule allows us to differentiate composite functions, and by using the Inverse Function Theorem, we can show that the inverse of a differentiable function is also differentiable, thereby proving that C is differentiable.

3. What is the Chain Rule?

The Chain Rule is a mathematical rule that allows us to find the derivative of a composite function by breaking it down into simpler functions and taking their derivatives. It states that the derivative of a composite function is equal to the derivative of the outer function multiplied by the derivative of the inner function.

4. How does the Chain Rule relate to proving that C is a differentiable function?

The Chain Rule is an essential tool in proving that C is a differentiable function. By using the Chain Rule, we can break down the composite function C into simpler functions and then use the Inverse Function Theorem to show that the inverse of each of these simpler functions is also differentiable. This allows us to conclude that C is a differentiable function.

5. What is the importance of proving that C is a differentiable function?

Proving that C is a differentiable function is crucial in many areas of mathematics, physics, and engineering. It allows us to understand the behavior of the function and its derivatives, which are essential in solving problems involving optimization, rates of change, and tangent lines. Additionally, many advanced mathematical concepts, such as the Implicit Function Theorem, rely on the assumption that the functions involved are differentiable.

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