Proving Closure of A in Topological Space X

In summary: Int(A^c) = Int(A) union Int(B^c) = Int(closure(A)) In summary, the boundary of a subset is closure(A) intersect closure(X-A). To prove that interior(A) and boundary(A) are disjoint, assume the opposite. Let x be in both Int(A) and Bound(A). Then, if x is in Int(A), since Int(A) is open, there exists an open ngbd U of x such that U is contained in Int(A). Now, x in Bound(A) means that x is both in closure(A) and in closure(X-A). If x
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let X be a topological space. If A is a subset of X, the the boundary of A is closure(A) intersect closure(X-A).
a. prove that interior(A) and boundary(A) are disjoint and that closure(A)=interior(A) union boundary(A)
b. prove that U is open iff Boundary(U)=closure(U)-U
c. If U is a nonempty open set in X, is it true that U=Interior(closure(U))? show it or give a counter example.

Homework Equations

-the complement of a closed set is open
- the closure of a set is defined as the intersection of all closed set containing A
- the interior of a set is the union of all open sets contained in A

The Attempt at a Solution

a. To prove that Int(A) and Boundary(A) are disjoint, assume the opposite. Let x be in both Int(A) and Bound(A). Then, if x is in Int(A), since Int(A) is open, there exists an open ngbd U of x such that U is contained in Int(A). Now, x in Bound(A) means that x is both in closure(A) and in closure(X-A). If x is in the closure of X-A, then every open ngbd of x intersects X-A. But, U is contained in A, so this is a contradiction. Thus Int(A) and Bound(A) are disjoint. (Am I missing anything here??)
Now, I'm not sure how to prove this equality, although I understand it intuitively. I thought about doing it like this: Int(A) union Bound(A)=Int(A) union (clos(A) intersect clos(X-A))= (Int(A) union clos(A)) intersect (Int(A) unions clos(X-A))=clos(A) intersect (Int(A) union (clos(X-A)). Now, I just need to show that Int(A) union clos(X-A) =X, but I'm not sure how to do that.
b. Assume Bound(U)=clos(U)-U, and U is not open. Then, U(complement) is not closed. Then, Bound(U)=clos(U) intersect U(complement) is not necessarily closed... it seems like this is getting a bit hazy..
Assume U is open. Then, clos(U)-U=clos(U)-Int(U)= clos(U) union (Int(U) complement)... again I need to show that Int(U) complement = clos(X-U)
c. pretty sure this is true, don't quite know how to prove it
Help please!
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  • #2
a) equality - how about trying to show any point in closure(A) is either in the interior or the boundary and then vice versa, helped by the fact int & bound are disjoint
  • #3
for b) this is equivalent to showing U open iff U = interior(U)
  • #4
for C) use closure(U)=interior(U) union boundary(U)
  • #5
I'm not sure how C) helps me... so if closure(U)=Interior(U) union Bound(U), then Int(closure(U))=Int(Int(U) union Bound(U))=Int(U union Bound(U)) because U is open. Not sure where to go from here... what I really need to show is that Int(U)=Int(Closure(U)).
  • #6
So as you've said
Int(closure(U))=Int(Int(U) union Bound(U))_____________from a)

Int(Int(U) union Bound(U))=Int(U union Bound(U)) _______as U is open

let S = U union Bound(U))
now U & Bound(U) are disjoint as U is open
first consider a point in U, you should be able to show this is in interior(S) as U is open
now consider a point in Bound(U), can you show it is not in interior(S)...

if so you have shown int(S) = U, which should do it

Alternatively, though equivalenty, I think you could probably show both:
- the interior is distributive across unions (think about unions of open sets..)
- the interior of a boundary is the empty set
which would get you there as well
  • #7
welcome to PF by the way, hope its helpful
  • #8
thanks so much for your help with c! I'd like to try to prove that int is distributive across unions eventually, but would you help me with part (a) first? I have that Int(A) and Bdy(A) are disjoint, and now I need to prove that Closure(A)=Int(A) union Bdy(A). I know that if x is in Int(A), x is in closure(A) since Int(A)\subset Closure(A). Also, I know that if x is in Bdy(A), x is in closure(A) by the definition of boundary. Thus, I know that Int(A) union Bdy(A) \subset closure(A). I'm having trouble proving it the other way too. If x is in closure(A), maybe I can assume it is neither in Int(A) or Bdy(A) and try to get a contradiction??
  • #9
so just to change notation a little, as its a bit tough going, so to streamline things, let talk about the set A instead of U, and let:
boundary = b(A)
interior = i(A)
closure = c(A)
interestcion = [itex] \cap[/itex]
interestcion = [itex] \cup[/itex]

then for a), first to show they are disjoint
[tex] b(A) = c(A) \cap c(A-X) [/tex]

then consider
[tex]i(A) \cap b(A) = i(A) \cap c(A) \cap c(X-A) [/tex]

now clearly
[tex]i(A) \cap c(A) = i(A) [/tex]

that gives
[tex]i(A) \cap b(A) = i(A) \cap c(X-A) = i(A) \cap c(A^c)[/tex]
where A^c is the complement of A
so it only remains to show that is the empty set, to show they are disjoint
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  • #10
for the next part how about directly
[tex]i(A) \cup b(A) [/tex]
[tex]i(A) \cup ( c(A) \cap c(A^c))[/tex]
[tex](i(A) \cup c(A)) \cap (i(A) \cupc(A^c))[/tex]
[tex] c(A) \cap (i(A) \cup c(A^c))[/tex]

now say you have a point x in X, not in the right hand side
[tex] x \notin i(A) \cup c(A^c)[/tex]

can you show that is a contradiction in itself...

alternatively i think you could try and show
[tex] c(A^c) = c(X-A) = X - i(A) = i(A)^c[/tex]
  • #11
I think I've got it all, except for the last part of part c. I'm trying to show that if S=U union bdy(U), then Int(S)=U. Remember that U is open. Obviously, I have no trouble showing that if x is in U, x is in Int(S). However, how do I show that if x is in Bdy(U), x is not in Int(S)? I've shown that if x is in Bdy(U), x is not in U. But, then saying that x is not in Int(S) right off the bat would be assuming what I'm trying to prove!
  • #12
so consider an any open ball B contained in c(U)
if it has an element in the boundary b(U)
then B must intersect X-U as youve said
but as the ball is open then its a contradiction as then the ball is not fully contained in c(U)
so every open set must be contined in U = i(U)
  • #13
to further explain, the boundary is a closed set and coincides for U and X-U by def'n

consider open set B containing a point from the boundary
the intersection of B with the boundary is not open
and in general B must conatin points from the interior of both U & X-U
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Related to Proving Closure of A in Topological Space X

1. What does it mean to "prove closure" of a set A in a topological space X?

Proving closure of a set A in a topological space X means that every limit point of A is contained within the set A itself. In other words, the closure of A is the smallest closed set that contains A.

2. How do you prove closure of a set A in a topological space X?

To prove closure of a set A in a topological space X, you must show that every limit point of A is contained within A. This can be done by showing that the complement of A, also known as the interior of A, is empty. If the interior of A is empty, then there are no points outside of A that are close enough to be considered limit points.

3. Why is proving closure important in topology?

Proving closure is important in topology because it helps us understand and classify different topological spaces. The closure of a set can reveal important information about the structure and properties of a space, such as whether it is connected, compact, or Hausdorff.

4. Can a set have more than one closure in a given topological space?

No, a set can only have one closure in a given topological space. This is because the closure of a set is unique and is determined by the topological structure of the space. However, a set may have different closures in different topological spaces.

5. What is the relationship between closure and continuity in topology?

In topology, continuity and closure are closely related concepts. A function is continuous at a point x if and only if the preimage of every open set containing f(x) contains an open set containing x. This is equivalent to saying that the closure of the preimage of f(x) contains the preimage of every open set containing x. Therefore, proving closure can help determine the continuity of a function.

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