Proving Convergence of Absolute Value Sequence in Real Numbers

In summary, to show that {|an|} converges to |a|, we can use the given inequality and break it down into three cases based on the value of a. For each case, we can find an appropriate N to show that |an-a| is less than any given e. However, using the reverse triangle inequality may not work due to the presence of double absolute values.
  • #1
For a sequence in the reals

{an} converges to a, show {|an|} converges to |a|.

For any e>0 the exists an N s.t. for any n>N |an-a|<e

I want to use this inequality, but there is something funny going on. I do not know how to justify it.

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  • #2
Look at three separate cases.

1) a> 0. Can you show that, for some N, for all n> N [itex]a_n> 0[/itex]? (Take [itex]\epsilon= a/2[/itex].)

2) a< 0. Can you show that, for some N, for all n> N [itex]a_n< 0[/itex]?

3) a= 0. Here, [itex]||a_n|- a|= ||a_n||= |a_n|.
  • #3
Okay I see how to break it down case wise and find N accordingly. That will work nicely.

However, I was hoping to use the reverse triangle inequality but I run into the double abs. value. It just doesn't look right to say that
for any e>0 there exists and N s.t. for any n >N

|an - a| < e
|an - a| [tex]\geq[/tex] |an| - |a|

e>||an| - |a||

but if I showed this wouldn't it be true?

FAQ: Proving Convergence of Absolute Value Sequence in Real Numbers

What does it mean for a sequence |an| to converge to |a|?

When a sequence |an| converges to |a|, it means that the terms of the sequence get closer and closer to the value of |a| as you move further along the sequence. In other words, as n (the index of the sequence) gets larger, the terms of the sequence get closer to |a|.

How do you prove that a sequence |an| converges to |a|?

In order to prove that a sequence |an| converges to |a|, you must show that for any positive real number ε, there exists a positive integer N such that for all n ≥ N, the absolute value of the difference between |an| and |a| is less than ε.

What is the importance of proving that a sequence |an| converges to |a|?

Proving that a sequence |an| converges to |a| is important because it allows us to make accurate predictions about the behavior of the sequence in the long run. It also helps us understand the underlying patterns and relationships within the sequence.

What are some common methods used to prove that a sequence |an| converges to |a|?

Some common methods used to prove convergence of a sequence include the squeeze theorem, the ratio test, the root test, and the comparison test. These methods often involve comparing the given sequence to a known sequence that converges to |a|.

Can a sequence |an| converge to |a| if |a| is not a real number?

No, a sequence |an| can only converge to a real number. This is because the definition of convergence requires that the terms of the sequence get closer and closer to a specific value, and this is not possible if the value |a| is not a real number.
