Proving Correlation Coefficient Relationships for 'x' and 'y' with Zero Mean

In summary, the conversation discusses two random variables, 'x' and 'y', with zero mean and their correlation coefficient 'c'. The variables are then split into correlated term 'xc' and uncorrelated term 'xu', and their means are compared to the mean of 'x^2'. The question is raised whether the mean of 'xc^2' is equal to the sum of the means of 'xc^2' and 'xu^2', and the assumptions and definitions of the variables are clarified. The conversation ends with a request for an algebraic proof of the relationship between the correlated and uncorrelated terms.
  • #1
Let 'x' and 'y' be two random variables with zero mean.

We find that 'x' is related to 'y' with a correlation coefficient 'c'.

Now let us say we are splitting 'x' into correlated term 'xc'and uncorrelated term 'xu'
Then we have

x= x_c + x_u
\overline{x^2}= \overline{(x_c + x_u)^2} = \overline{x_c^2} + \overline{x_u^2}

Then does it mean the following is true? -

\overline{x_c^2}= \overline{x^2}(|c|^2)


If so how would you prove it?
I am sure that the above result is true as I saw it in a book.

Thanks a lot
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  • #2
Please explain your notation of upper bar.
  • #3
x = cy +(x - cy), where xc = cy.

Implicit is the assumption that |x|2 = |y|2 = 1
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  • #4
ssd said:
Please explain your notation of upper bar.

Upper bar indicates expectation E().
  • #5
mathman said:
x = cy +(x - cy), where xc = cy.

Implicit is the assumption that |x|2 = |y|2 = 1
Are you sure about that implicit assumption that |x|2 = |y|2 because

In my problem


\overline{x^2} \neq \overline{y^2}


  • #6
mathman said:
x = cy +(x - cy), where xc = cy.

Implicit is the assumption that |x|2 = |y|2 = 1

If xc=cy, then correlation coefficient between xc and y is 1 or -1.
  • #7
ssd said:
If xc=cy, then correlation coefficient between xc and y is 1 or -1.

Yes. Good point. Didn't notice.
  • #8
iVenky said:
Let 'x' and 'y' be two random variables with zero mean.

We find that 'x' is related to 'y' with a correlation coefficient 'c'.

Now let us say we are splitting 'x' into correlated term 'xc'and uncorrelated term 'xu'
Then we have

x= x_c + x_u
\overline{x^2}= \overline{(x_c + x_u)^2} = \overline{x_c^2} + \overline{x_u^2}


I am confused here. How do you take E[xcxu]=0?
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  • #9
ssd said:
I am confused here. How do you take E[xcxu]=0?

Because correlated term and uncorrelated term are uncorrelated.
  • #10
My turn to guess what the question is,

Let [itex] X [/itex] be a real valued random variable with mean zero and variance [itex] \sigma^2_X [/itex].
Let [itex] Y [/itex] be a real valued random variable with mean zero and variance [itex] \sigma^2_Y. [/itex].

Let the [itex] Cov(X,Y) [/itex] denote the covariance of [itex] X [/itex] and [itex] Y [/itex].

Let [itex] c = \frac {Cov(X,Y)}{\sigma_X \sigma_Y} [/itex].

Let [itex] a = \frac{ Cov(X,Y)}{\sigma^2_Y} [/itex].

Define [itex] X_c = a Y [/itex].

Define [itex] X_u = X - X_c [/itex],

Define [itex] W = X^2 [/itex]
Define [itex] W_c = {X_c}^2 [/itex]
Define [itex] W_u = {X_u}^2 [/itex]

Is it true that the mean of [itex] W_c [/itex] is equal to the sum of the means of [itex] W_c [/itex] and [itex] W_u [/itex] ?

How about that?

Or is the question about sample statistics from random variables rather than about population values?
  • #11
But the same question rises...


Xc= a Y

Then Xc and Y are completely correlated with a correlation coefficient 1 no matter what the value of a is. (If a is negative then Xc and Y are negatively correlated and if a is positive then they are positively correlated.)
  • #12
iVenky said:
Because correlated term and uncorrelated term are uncorrelated.

Can you show this algebraically, please? Long way back I went through descriptive stats. Neither have the references at hand nor my mind readily accepts a linguistic statement like this without proof.

Simple correlation is nothing but degree of linear dependence. The correlated term may have a partially related (if |r|<1 ) linear part and a non-separable non linearly related part. The uncorrelated term may have a similar type of non linearly related part too. There by, the correlated and uncorrelated part might be linearly related.
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  • #13
ssd said:
Can you show this algebraically, please? Long way back I went through descriptive stats. Neither have the references at hand nor my mind readily accepts a linguistic statement like this without proof.

I don't know how to prove it algebraically basically because I am really confused with how you would represent Xc in terms of Y but I can give you some other kind of proof.

Let's say Xc is correlated with Y which means that if Y increases by some amount Xc will also increase and how it increases depends on the correlation coefficient. Now we know that Xu is uncorrelated with Y which means that changes in Xu is no way related with changes in Y which in turn means that it is no way related to variations in Xc. So we can say that they both are uncorrelated.
  • #14
iVenky said:
I don't know how to prove it algebraically basically because I am really confused with how you would represent Xc in terms of Y but I can give you some other kind of proof.

Let's say Xc is correlated with Y which means that if Y increases by some amount Xc will also increase and how it increases depends on the correlation coefficient. Now we know that Xu is uncorrelated with Y which means that changes in Xu is no way related with changes in Y which in turn means that it is no way related to variations in Xc. So we can say that they both are uncorrelated.


1/ Xc is correlated with Y which DOES NOT mean that if Y increases by some amount Xc will also always increase. Will always increase if r=1.

2/ "... how it increases depends on the correlation coefficient..."... Not at all, if I interpret the word "how" as the rate of increase.

3/ "Now we know that Xu is uncorrelated with Y which means that changes in Xu is no way related with changes in Y which in turn means that it is no way related to variations in Xc"...
No, not again... Xu is uncorrelated with Y but still changes in Xu may be WELL related with changes in Y, but of course non linearly. Or, even strictly linearly in some part of the domain and in some other part of the domain in opposite direction.

Conclusion: need an algebraic proof before proceeding further.
  • #15
iVenky said:
We find that 'x' is related to 'y' with a correlation coefficient 'c'.

The term "correlation coefficient" is ambiguous. Can you specify which meaning of "correlation coefficient" you are using? Do you mean Perason's product-moment correlation ? (

Or are you talking about the slope of a line in a linear regression?
  • #16
Stephen Tashi said:
The term "correlation coefficient" is ambiguous. Can you specify which meaning of "correlation coefficient" you are using? Do you mean Perason's product-moment correlation ? (

Or are you talking about the slope of a line in a linear regression?

Unless otherwise mentioned, we take "correlation coefficient" as simple correlation coefficient (the prod-moment one by Pearson).

FAQ: Proving Correlation Coefficient Relationships for 'x' and 'y' with Zero Mean

What is a correlation coefficient?

A correlation coefficient is a numerical measure of the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables. It is typically represented by the symbol "r" and can range from -1 to 1.

How is a correlation coefficient calculated?

A correlation coefficient is calculated by dividing the covariance of the two variables by the product of their standard deviations. This formula results in a value between -1 and 1, where a positive value indicates a positive relationship and a negative value indicates a negative relationship.

What does a correlation coefficient of 0 mean?

A correlation coefficient of 0 means that there is no linear relationship between the two variables. This does not necessarily mean that there is no relationship at all, as there could be a non-linear relationship between the variables.

What is a strong correlation coefficient?

A strong correlation coefficient is typically considered to be a value greater than 0.7 or less than -0.7. This indicates a strong positive or negative relationship between the variables, respectively.

Can a correlation coefficient indicate causation?

No, a correlation coefficient only measures the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables. It does not determine causation, as there could be other factors at play that influence both variables.
