Proving Dn with Involutions: Group Representation Homework

In summary, the dihedral group Dn is equal to the group of symmetries of a regular n-gon, and the relations between the "new" elements ##b## and ##r## are also verified.
  • #1

Homework Statement

let n ≥ 2
Show that Dn = < a,b | a2, b2, (ab)n>

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I see that a and b are involutions and therefore are two different reflections of Dn.

If we set set b = ar where r is a rotation of 2π/n

And Dn = <a,r | a2, rn, (ab)2 >

I am unsure how to write this as a clean proof... I would appreciate some ideas
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  • #2
JojoF said:

Homework Statement

let n ≥ 2
Show that Dn = < a,b | a2, b2, (ab)n>

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I see that a and b are involutions and therefore are two different reflections of Dn.

If we set set b = ar where r is a rotation of 2π/n

And Dn = <a,r | a2, rn, (ab)2 >

I am unsure how to write this as a clean proof... I would appreciate some ideas
What is ##D_n##? And no, do not answer "the dihedral group". The point is, that in order to show that ##A=B## where ##B## is explicitly given, you also have to say what ##A## is. Your description is only a letter.
  • #3
fresh_42 said:
What is ##D_n##? And no, do not answer "the dihedral group". The point is, that in order to show that ##A=B## where ##B## is explicitly given, you also have to say what ##A## is. Your description is only a letter.
Of course you are right. I just copied an exercise verbatim. So let me restate the question.
Let n ≥ 2
Show that the dihedral group Dn is equal to <a,r | a2, rn, (ab)2> where the dihedral group is the group of symetries of a regular n-gon
  • #4
Yes, but how are the symmetries given? The usual representation is by ##a## and ##r## and you have another representations by ##a## and ##b##. So one possibility is, to show that they are the same. If the symmetries are given by certain permutations of the vertices, then show that those permutations can be identified with ##a## and ##b## and obey the corresponding rules. If they are given by linear transformations, then proceed accordingly. So your definition is essential. If you only have "symmetries" then you have to first find a way to write those symmetries.
  • #5
What if I write
Dn = {e,r,r2,..., rn-1,a,ar,ar2,..., arn-1} = <a,r | a2, rn, (ar)2 >

a set b = ra ⇒ r = ba-1 = ba

and we can therefore rewrite Dn = {e, ba, (ba)2, ... , (ba)n-1, a(ba), ..., a(ba)n-1 } = < a,b | a2, b2, (ab)n>
  • #6
To show equality of sets, we need to show ##\subseteq## and ##\supseteq##, and for groups plus that the relations hold.
In case you already know ##D_n=\langle a,r\,|\,r^n=a^2=(ar)^2=1 \rangle## you are already almost done.

Now let ##D_n\,' =\langle a,b\,|\,a^2=b^2=(ab)^n=1 \rangle##.
##b=ra## yields ##b \in D_n##. Now we have to check the relations. We know ##b^2=1## so we have to show that ##(ra)^2=1## as well in ##D_n##. Now we do the same in the other direction: ##r=ba## since ##a^2=1##, so ##r \in D_n\,'##. We know ##r^n=1## and we have to show ##(ba)^n=1## in ##D_n\,'##. In the end we have shown, that the "new" elements ##b## and ##r## are within the other group and obey the relations there.
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FAQ: Proving Dn with Involutions: Group Representation Homework

1. What is the purpose of proving Dn with involutions?

The purpose of proving Dn with involutions is to show the relationship between the dihedral group Dn and the symmetric group Sn. By using involutions, we can prove that Dn is a subgroup of Sn, which provides a deeper understanding of the structure and properties of these groups.

2. How do involutions help in proving Dn with group representation?

Involutions are elements that are their own inverse in a group. By using these elements, we can construct a representation of the group and use it to prove the relationship between Dn and Sn. This representation helps us visualize and understand the group structure better.

3. Can involutions be used to prove other group relationships?

Yes, involutions can be used to prove relationships between other groups as well. They are a powerful tool in group theory and can be applied to various groups and their subgroups.

4. Are there any real-world applications of proving Dn with involutions?

While the applications of group theory may not be immediately apparent in our everyday lives, it has numerous practical applications in fields such as cryptography, chemistry, and physics. Proving Dn with involutions helps us understand the structure of these groups, which can be applied in these fields.

5. Is proving Dn with involutions a difficult task?

Proving Dn with involutions can be challenging for those who are new to group theory. It requires a strong understanding of group theory concepts and techniques. However, with practice and guidance, it can be a rewarding and insightful task.
