Proving Eigenspace Correspondence for Similar Matrices

In summary, Jon suggests that you try looking for a similarity between A and B and seeing if that results in the same characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, multiplicity etc. If it does, then B is in the eigenspace corresponding to lambda.
  • #1
Hi I have this question for my Linear Algebra class and I can't seem to figure it out.

Let A and B be n x n matrices such that B = (P^-1)AP and let lambda ne an eigenvalue of A (and hence of B). Prove the following results:
(a) A vector b in R^n is in the eigenspace of A corresponding to labmda if and only if (P^-1)v is in the eigenspace corresponding to lambda.


My thought process was that since A and B are similar they will will have the same characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, multiplicity etc. And B is the diagonal matrix of A and the columns of P are a basis for R^n. Also the equation Ax=b is consistent for every b in R^n if A is invertible.

Ive been working on this problem all week and can't seem to get it. I think I am close but I can't seem to make the connection.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give

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  • #2
Probably this is the type of question you're going to slap yourself in the head for, when seeing how straightforward it is.

So you have B = P-1AP. I'll be using c instead of lambda because I'm too lazy to find a HTML lambda. You want to prove that
Av = cv, if and only if B(P-1 v) = c (P-1 v).

So start by the direct implication: suppose that Av = cv. Now calculate B(P-1 v) using what you know about B.
  • #3
jon555 said:
Hi I have this question for my Linear Algebra class and I can't seem to figure it out.

Let A and B be n x n matrices such that B = (P^-1)AP and let lambda ne an eigenvalue of A (and hence of B).
Ahhh! "let lambda be an eigenvalue". I read this as "let lambda not equal an eigenvalue" and couldn't understand what you were saying from here on!:redface:

Prove the following results:
(a) A vector b in R^n is in the eigenspace of A corresponding to labmda if and only if (P^-1)v is in the eigenspace corresponding to lambda.


My thought process was that since A and B are similar they will will have the same characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, multiplicity etc. And B is the diagonal matrix of A and the columns of P are a basis for R^n. Also the equation Ax=b is consistent for every b in R^n if A is invertible.

Ive been working on this problem all week and can't seem to get it. I think I am close but I can't seem to make the connection.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give


FAQ: Proving Eigenspace Correspondence for Similar Matrices

What is a diagonal matrix?

A diagonal matrix is a special type of square matrix where all the elements outside the main diagonal are zero. The main diagonal is a line drawn from the top left to the bottom right of the matrix.

What is a diagonal matrix proof?

A diagonal matrix proof is a mathematical method used to show that a given matrix is a diagonal matrix. This involves showing that all the elements outside the main diagonal are zero.

How do you prove a matrix is diagonal?

To prove a matrix is diagonal, you need to show that all the elements outside the main diagonal are zero. This can be done by using algebraic manipulation or by using properties of diagonal matrices.

Why are diagonal matrices important?

Diagonal matrices are important in many areas of mathematics, such as linear algebra and differential equations. They have special properties that make them useful in solving systems of equations and in performing operations on vectors and matrices.

What are some applications of diagonal matrices?

Diagonal matrices have many applications in mathematics, science, and engineering. They are used in computer graphics, signal processing, quantum mechanics, and many other fields. They can also be used to simplify calculations and solve complex problems in linear algebra and other areas of mathematics.
