Proving equivalence between statements about a sequence

In summary: Isn't that the definition of finite?The negation of 1 is: There exists an ε and an n0 such that for all n>n0 |xn-L|≥ε (I'm using the definitions in the first post, which is not entirely correct, but close enough)The negation of 2 is: For all ε and n0 there exists an n>n0 such that |xn-L|≥εThe negation of 3 is: For all n0 there exists an ε and an n>n0 such that |xn-L|≥εIf we have any condition depending on n0, it's not a finite statement.
  • #1

Let ##(x_n)_{n=1}^\infty## be a real sequence and ##L \in \mathbb{R}##. Consider the following conditions on
##(x_n)_{n=1}^\infty## and ##L##. $$\forall \varepsilon > 0,~ \forall n_0 \in \mathbb{N},~\exists n \in \mathbb{N}\mbox{ so that } (n \ge n_0 \mbox{ and } |x_n - L| < \varepsilon) \cdots\cdots(1)$$ $$\exists \varepsilon >0, \exists n_0 \in \mathbb{N},\mbox{ so that }\forall n \in \mathbb{N},(n \ge n_0 \Longrightarrow |x_n-L| < \varepsilon)\cdots\cdots(2)$$ $$\exists n_0 \in \mathbb{N}\mbox{ so that }\forall \varepsilon >0, \forall n\in \mathbb{N},(n \ge n_0 \Longrightarrow |x_n-L| < \varepsilon)\cdots\cdots(3)$$ Which one of the following is equivalent to ##(x_n)_{n=1}^\infty## being bounded ? $$\exists L\in\mathbb{R}\mbox{ such that (1) holds}$$ $$\exists L\in\mathbb{R}\mbox{ such that (2) holds}$$ $$\exists L\in\mathbb{R}\mbox{ such that (3) holds}$$ Now when ##(x_n)_{n=1}^\infty## is bounded, ##\exists M >0## such that ##\forall n \in \mathbb{N}## we have ##|x_n| \leqslant M##. I can this why this leads to the first condition, but I am trying to prove this. I have tried negating the goal but all these quantifiers are causing lot of confusion and I am lost. Any guidance will be helpful.
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  • #2

##(1)## is verified by ##x_n=L## when ##n## is even and ##x_n=L+n## when ##n## is odd (indeed, for ##\epsilon>0## and ##n_0##, define ##n=2n_0## which satisfies the condition) but this sequence is clearly unbounded.

##(3)## leads to ##x_n=L, \forall n \geqslant n_0## (indeed, take given the ##n_0## a ##x_n## with a greater ##n## which would not be ##L##. Then you can take ##\epsilon## to be ##\frac{1}{2}\mid x_n-L \mid## and it contradicts ##(3)##).

So you're left with ##(2)##!
  • #3
Q.B. For the first statement, I thought, its equivalent to ##x_n## being bounded. I spent lot of time in vain trying to prove this. But I could not think of a counter example like you did. When I thought of divergent sequences, I thought they either increase, decrease or oscillate. It just did not occur to me that some terms of the sequence might remain constant as ##n \Longrightarrow \infty##. This was a huge help. I will try to prove that ##(2)## is equivalent with ##x_n## being bounded
  • #4
  • Your first statement is the definition of L being a cluster point (which does not mean boundedness)
  • Your second statement says that the sequence is bounded from a certain n0
  • Your third statement is a mixed-up definition of convergence (should be (∀ε>0)(∃n0)(∀n>n0: |xn-L|<ε)
  • #5
Svein, thanks for additional information
  • #6
So only the second statement is equivalent of ##x_n## being bounded. So I am going to present the proof here. First let's consider the forward direction. Assuming that ##x_n## being bounded I have to prove that $$\exists L\in\mathbb{R}~\exists \varepsilon >0, \exists n_0 \in \mathbb{N},\mbox{ so that }\forall n \in \mathbb{N},(n \geqslant n_0 \Longrightarrow |x_n-L| < \varepsilon)\cdots\cdots(2)$$ I am going to do contrapositive proof here. So I am going to assume $$\forall L\in\mathbb{R}~\forall \varepsilon >0,\forall n_0 \in \mathbb{N},~\exists n \in \mathbb{N} (n \geqslant n_0) \mbox{ and } |x_n-L| \geqslant \varepsilon \cdots\cdots(A)$$ and I will need to prove that $$\forall M>0 ~ \exists n \in\mathbb{N}~ |x_n| > M \cdots\cdots(B)$$ Let ##M>0## be arbitrary. Now in the statement ##(A)##, choose ##L=0##, ##\varepsilon = 2M## , and ##n_0 = 1##. So we have ##n_1 \in\mathbb{N}## such that ##n_1 \geqslant 1## and ##|x_{n_1}| \geqslant 2M > M##, which means that ##|x_{n_1}| > M##. Since ##M>0## is arbitrary, this proves the statement ##(B)##. Hence by contrapostive proof, I proved statement ##(2)## by assuming that ##x_n## is bounded. Now I will go for other direction. I will assume that $$\exists L\in\mathbb{R}~\exists \varepsilon >0, \exists n_0 \in \mathbb{N},\mbox{ so that }\forall n \in \mathbb{N},(n \geqslant n_0 \Longrightarrow |x_n-L| < \varepsilon)\cdots\cdots(C)$$ and I will need to prove that ##x_n## is bounded, i.e. $$\exists M>0~ \forall n \in \mathbb{N}~ |x_n| \leqslant M\cdots\cdots(D)$$ So from statement ##(C)##, we have some ##L\in\mathbb{R}##, some ##\varepsilon >0## and some ##n_0 \in \mathbb{N}##. And I have $$\forall n\geqslant n_0 ~ |x_n-L| < \varepsilon$$ So ##\forall n\geqslant n_0##, I have $$-\varepsilon-|L| \leqslant L-\varepsilon <x_n < L+\varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon + |L|$$ which means that ##\forall n\geqslant n_0##, I have ## |x_n| \leqslant \varepsilon+|L|##. Its to be noted that ##\varepsilon+|L| > 0##. Now define ##M## as follows $$M = \max\{1+|x_1|, 1+|x_2|,\cdots 1+ |x_{n_0-1}|, \varepsilon+|L|\}$$ Its clear from the way I have defined ##M## , that ##M>0##. Also note that ##\forall n < n_0##, I have ## |x_n| \leqslant M##. Its also clear from the definition of ##M##, that ##\forall n\geqslant n_0##, it is true that ##|x_n| \leqslant M##. So I proved an existence of ##M>0## such that ##\forall n\in\mathbb{N}~ |x_n| \leqslant M##. Hence the statement ##(D)## is proven and hence the sequence ##x_n## is bounded once we assume ##(C)##. Since both the directions are proven, this means that ##x_n## being bounded is equivalent to $$\exists L\in\mathbb{R}~\exists \varepsilon >0, \exists n_0 \in \mathbb{N},\mbox{ so that }\forall n \in \mathbb{N},(n \geqslant n_0 \Longrightarrow |x_n-L| < \varepsilon)$$ I hope my proof is correct.
  • #7
In your first post you said:
IssacNewton said:
Let (xn)∞n=1(x_n)_{n=1}^\infty be a real sequence and L∈RL \in \mathbb{R}. Consider the following conditions on (xn)∞n=1(x_n)_{n=1}^\infty and LL.
Your conditions specify that L is finite and that the xn are finite for all n<N (N is arbitrary).

Your second statement implies that from a certain n0, |xn-L|<ε (which is finite) and therefore |xn|<|L|+ε which is finite since L is finite.

In the same manner, the correct version of your third statement implies exactly the same thing, only here you can choose an arbitrary small ε.

The crucial point is the statement (∀n>n0)!
  • #8
Yes Svein, I think ##L## is finite. May be I should explicitly say it. Other than that, is the proof I presented OK ?
  • #9
Hi, yes I think it is correct! Note that you didn't need to do a contrapositive proof for the first part, you could just build ##L## and ##\epsilon## from the ##M## you would have had (which looks very much like what you did). But it doesn't make your proof less right.
  • #10
Thanks Q.B. , this chain of quantifiers can be confusing sometimes

FAQ: Proving equivalence between statements about a sequence

1. What does it mean to prove equivalence between statements about a sequence?

Proving equivalence between statements about a sequence means demonstrating that two statements about a sequence are logically equivalent, meaning that they are either both true or both false.

2. How do you determine if two statements about a sequence are equivalent?

To determine if two statements about a sequence are equivalent, you can use logical equivalences, mathematical induction, or counterexamples to show that the statements are either both true or both false.

3. Can two statements about a sequence be equivalent even if they use different symbols or notation?

Yes, two statements about a sequence can be equivalent even if they use different symbols or notation. As long as the statements have the same meaning or convey the same information, they can be considered equivalent.

4. What is the importance of proving equivalence between statements about a sequence?

Proving equivalence between statements about a sequence allows us to determine if different expressions or representations of the same sequence are equivalent. This can help us simplify or generalize our understanding of the sequence and make connections between different mathematical concepts.

5. Are there any common techniques or strategies for proving equivalence between statements about a sequence?

Yes, there are several common techniques or strategies for proving equivalence between statements about a sequence, such as using logical equivalences, mathematical induction, or counterexamples. It is also helpful to carefully analyze the statements and use algebraic manipulations or properties of sequences to show their equivalence.

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