Proving \exists x \in (1, \infty): xy\geq1

  • Thread starter lpau001
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In summary: No need to apologize. I was trying to guide you to think about the problem in a different way. I'll leave you to think about it for now and we can discuss more later if needed.
  • #1
Hey! I tried to make the title as descriptive as possible, but ran out of characters. I am trying to prove that..

Homework Statement

"There exists x [itex]\in[/itex] (1, [itex]\infty[/itex]) such that for all y [itex]\in[/itex] (0,1), xy[itex]\geq[/itex]1.

[itex]\exists[/itex] x [itex]\in[/itex] (1, [itex]\infty[/itex]) s.t. [itex]\forall[/itex] y [itex]\in[/itex] (0,1), xy[itex]\geq[/itex]1.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I say 'false' because when the entire statement is negated, the working negation is true.

[itex]\neg[/itex]{[itex]\exists[/itex] x [itex]\in[/itex] (1, [itex]\infty[/itex]) s.t. [itex]\forall[/itex] y [itex]\in[/itex] (0,1), xy[itex]\geq[/itex]1.} (Negating line)

[itex]\forall[/itex] x [itex]\in[/itex] (1, [itex]\infty[/itex]), [itex]\exists[/itex] y [itex]\in[/itex] (0,1), s.t. xy < 1. (This is the working negation of original statement)

Now looking at this statement, since x can be infinitely large, and I can pick an infinitely smaller y, the negation would be true, making the original statement false.

But if I look at the original statement, can't I do the same thing? Would this be a paradox?

Also, there is a similar problem, except the original statement is "For all y's in the element (0,1) there exists an x in the element (1, infinity) such that xy < 1 ." I get the same result, except in this one, since x and y can get infinitely close to 1, albeit on either side, they will cancel each other out, making the working negation true, and the statement false.
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  • #2

lpau001 said:
Hey! I tried to make the title as descriptive as possible, but ran out of characters. I am trying to prove that..

Homework Statement

"There exists x [itex]\in[/itex] (1, [itex]\infty[/itex]) such that for all y [itex]\in[/itex] (0,1), xy[itex]\geq[/itex]1.

[itex]\exists[/itex] x [itex]\in[/itex] (1, [itex]\infty[/itex]) s.t. [itex]\forall[/itex] y [itex]\in[/itex] (0,1), xy[itex]\geq[/itex]1.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I say 'false' because when the entire statement is negated, the working negation is true.

[itex]\neg[/itex]{[itex]\exists[/itex] x [itex]\in[/itex] (1, [itex]\infty[/itex]) s.t. [itex]\forall[/itex] y [itex]\in[/itex] (0,1), xy[itex]\geq[/itex]1.} (Negating line)

[itex]\forall[/itex] x [itex]\in[/itex] (1, [itex]\infty[/itex]), [itex]\exists[/itex] y [itex]\in[/itex] (0,1), s.t. xy < 1. (This is the working negation of original statement)

Now looking at this statement, since x can be infinitely large, and I can pick an infinitely smaller y, the negation would be true, making the original statement false.

But if I look at the original statement, can't I do the same thing? Would this be a paradox?

Also, there is a similar problem, except the original statement is "For all y's in the element (0,1) there exists an x in the element (1, infinity) such that xy < 1 ." I get the same result, except in this one, since x and y can get infinitely close to 1, albeit on either side, they will cancel each other out, making the working negation true, and the statement false.

It is helpful to look at a graph of y = 1/x. If x > 0, y = 1/x is equivalent to xy = 1. Also, for x > 0, the inequality xy >= 1 is all the points on or above the graph of y = 1/x.

For any given x > 1, there is one y value (call it y*) in (0, 1) for which xy* = 1. y* divides the interval (0, 1) into two pieces. What can you say about each piece relative to the inequality xy >= 1?
  • #3

What about this intention of a contrapositive:

If there are no x belonging to (1, oo), meaning that x would belong

to (-oo, 1], then xy would have to be less than 1,

with y belonging to (0, 1).
  • #4

Mark44 said:
It is helpful to look at a graph of y = 1/x. If x > 0, y = 1/x is equivalent to xy = 1. Also, for x > 0, the inequality xy >= 1 is all the points on or above the graph of y = 1/x.

For any given x > 1, there is one y value (call it y*) in (0, 1) for which xy* = 1. y* divides the interval (0, 1) into two pieces. What can you say about each piece relative to the inequality xy >= 1?

Hmm.. I am trying hard to understand what you're trying to tell me, but it's slipping me..

I understand that there is one y value (y*) for every x, to make xy*=1 .. The y* value divides the interval into 2 pieces. y* gets increasingly smaller as x gets bigger.. Is that what you were asking?

Im not sure about the relation of the inequality and the two pieces.. I'm sorry, I feel like I should understand this, but it's just not coming yet. I appreciate your help Mark44.
checkitagain said:
What about this intention of a contrapositive:If there are no x belonging to (1, oo), meaning that x would belong

to (-oo, 1], then xy would have to be less than 1,

with y belonging to (0, 1).

A contrapositive is logically equivalent to the original statement. We went over contrapositives briefly in class, and I'm not sure how to get a contrapositive of my original statement. I could take yours at face value, but no offense here, how do I know if you're right? I don't know if it's right by my knowledge and what we've learned so far, so I can't comprehend your statement yet.

I know that [If x, then y] is logically equivalent to x [itex]\Rightarrow[/itex]y . and then the working negation would be x[itex]\wedge\neg[/itex]y . So I guess the contrapositive would be [itex]\neg[/itex]x[itex]\vee[/itex]y

Now I'm really lost.. I'm not sure I should use a contrapositive to prove this one.. Thanks though, for your input, checkitagain. I'd like to try the contrapositive to prove this once I fully understand the concept.
  • #5

lpau001 said:
Hmm.. I am trying hard to understand what you're trying to tell me, but it's slipping me..

I understand that there is one y value (y*) for every x, to make xy*=1 .. The y* value divides the interval into 2 pieces. y* gets increasingly smaller as x gets bigger.. Is that what you were asking?
Yeah, pretty much. The y* value divides the interval (0. 1) into two pieces.
lpau001 said:
Im not sure about the relation of the inequality and the two pieces.. I'm sorry, I feel like I should understand this, but it's just not coming yet. I appreciate your help Mark44.
I hope you have sketched a graph of y = 1/x, since that would make things a lot clearer.

Note: I have changed my notation so that I am not using * any more.
For a given x value greater than 1, say x0, there is a number y0 such that x0y0 = 1.

As you already recognized, y0 divides the interval (0, 1) on the y-axis. What can you say about all of the numbers in the interval (y0, 1), relative to the value of y*x0?
What can you say about all of the numbers in the interval (0, y0), relative to the value of y*x0?

If you have the graph to look at, this is fairly simple, but if you're merely wrestling with logical symbolism, and aren't thinking about the basic underlying geometry, it's much harder.
lpau001 said:
A contrapositive is logically equivalent to the original statement. We went over contrapositives briefly in class, and I'm not sure how to get a contrapositive of my original statement. I could take yours at face value, but no offense here, how do I know if you're right? I don't know if it's right by my knowledge and what we've learned so far, so I can't comprehend your statement yet.

I know that [If x, then y] is logically equivalent to x [itex]\Rightarrow[/itex]y . and then the working negation would be x[itex]\wedge\neg[/itex]y . So I guess the contrapositive would be [itex]\neg[/itex]x[itex]\vee[/itex]y

Now I'm really lost.. I'm not sure I should use a contrapositive to prove this one.. Thanks though, for your input, checkitagain. I'd like to try the contrapositive to prove this once I fully understand the concept.
Although you can do this using the contrapositive, I don't see any need for it. I would work directly with the statement as given and show a counterexample.
  • #6

Mark44 said:
Yeah, pretty much. The y* value divides the interval (0. 1) into two pieces.
I hope you have sketched a graph of y = 1/x, since that would make things a lot clearer.

Note: I have changed my notation so that I am not using * any more.
For a given x value greater than 1, say x0, there is a number y0 such that x0y0 = 1.

As you already recognized, y0 divides the interval (0, 1) on the y-axis. What can you say about all of the numbers in the interval (y0, 1), relative to the value of y*x0?
What can you say about all of the numbers in the interval (0, y0), relative to the value of y*x0?

If you have the graph to look at, this is fairly simple, but if you're merely wrestling with logical symbolism, and aren't thinking about the basic underlying geometry, it's much harder.
Although you can do this using the contrapositive, I don't see any need for it. I would work directly with the statement as given and show a counterexample.

Ok, I'm with you on this so far, but what value would I use for 'y' when you say "...relative to the value of y*x0?"

In my head, y0 and y are the same thing..

you know what I mean? I'm just super lost.. I'm looking at the graph, and I can see that the interval (0,y0) would be decreasing and the interval (y0,1) would be increasing as x0 gets larger and larger.. I guess I'm completely missing the point you're going for.
  • #7

lpau001 said:
Ok, I'm with you on this so far, but what value would I use for 'y' when you say "...relative to the value of y*x0?"
It doesn't matter, as long as you pick a y value in one of the two intervals (0, y0) or (y0, 1). Every y value in the first interval has the same behavior relative to the expression x0*y. And every y value in the second interval has the same behavior relative to the expression x0*y, but that behavior is different from that of the first interval.
lpau001 said:
In my head, y0 and y are the same thing..
y0 is supposed to represent the specific y value that is associated with x0.
lpau001 said:
you know what I mean? I'm just super lost.. I'm looking at the graph, and I can see that the interval (0,y0) would be decreasing and the interval (y0,1) would be increasing as x0 gets larger and larger.
This makes no sense. An interval is not increasing or decreasing. The graph of y = 1/x is decreasing everywhere on the interval (0, ∞).
lpau001 said:
. I guess I'm completely missing the point you're going for.

Maybe it will help to look at a concrete example. Let x0 = 2. Then y0 = 1/2. From this, we see that x0 * y0 = 1.

So now we have two intervals along the y-axis: (0, .5) and (.5, 1).

For the same value of x, namely x0 = 2, if you pick a y-value in (0, .5), will x0y be larger than 1 or less than 1? (It can't possibly be equal to 1, since that occurs only for y0 = 1/2.)

OTOH, if you pick a y-value in the other interval, (.5, 1), will x0y be larger than 1 or less than 1?

FAQ: Proving \exists x \in (1, \infty): xy\geq1

1. What does the notation " \exists x \in (1, \infty): xy\geq1" mean?

The notation " \exists x \in (1, \infty): xy\geq1" is read as "there exists an x in the interval (1, infinity) such that the product of x and y is greater than or equal to 1." In other words, the notation is used to represent the existence of a value x that satisfies the given condition.

2. How do you prove the statement " \exists x \in (1, \infty): xy\geq1"?

This statement can be proved using the method of contradiction. We assume that there does not exist an x in the interval (1, infinity) such that xy is greater than or equal to 1. Then, by finding a contradiction, we can prove that the statement is true. Alternatively, we can use the method of direct proof by finding a specific value of x that satisfies the given condition.

3. What does it mean for a statement to be true "for all" or "for some" values of x?

When a statement is true "for all" values of x, it means that the statement is true for every possible value of x in the given domain. On the other hand, when a statement is true "for some" values of x, it means that there exists at least one value of x in the given domain for which the statement is true.

4. Can you give an example of a statement where the existence of a value x is proven using the notation " \exists x \in (1, \infty): xy\geq1"?

One example would be " \exists x \in (1, \infty): x^2\geq4." This statement can be proven by directly finding the value x=2, which satisfies the given condition since 2^2=4. Therefore, we can conclude that there exists an x in the interval (1, infinity) such that x^2 is greater than or equal to 4.

5. Is the existence of a value x in the interval (1, infinity) that satisfies the given condition enough to prove the statement " \exists x \in (1, \infty): xy\geq1"?

Yes, the existence of a value x in the interval (1, infinity) that satisfies the given condition is enough to prove the statement " \exists x \in (1, \infty): xy\geq1." This is because the notation is used to represent the existence of at least one value x that satisfies the given condition, and by finding such a value, we can prove the statement to be true.
