Proving Fat Cantor Function is Non-Riemann Integrable

In summary, Riemann proved that a bounded function is riemann integrable if and only if its set of discontinuities has measure zero.
  • #1
I have been thinking about this for quite some time now. When I look at the function that descibes the fat cantor set namely:

f(x) = 1 for x[tex]\in[/tex]F and f(x) = 0 otherwise, where F is the fat cantor set.

I wonder, how do I prove that this is non-riemann integrable?

I have considered looking at the Riemann-Lebesgue theorem which gets me nowhere. So f is obviously bounded. But isn't this f discontinuous at all x[tex]\in[/tex][0,1]? This would imply that the discontinuity points of f need to be a zero set in order for it to be riemann integrable. But isn't the fat cantor set F not a zero set?

Any advice?
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  • #2

well on the next page after defining his integral, riemann proved that, in modern language, a bounded function is riemann integrable if and only if its set of discontinuities has measure zero. so look for the points of discontinuity of your function.

you might give a definition for the "fat cantor set". i presume it is called fat because it does not have measure zero.
  • #3

mathwonk said:
well on the next page after defining his integral, riemann proved that, in modern language, a bounded function is riemann integrable if and only if its set of discontinuities has measure zero. so look for the points of discontinuity of your function.

you might give a definition for the "fat cantor set". i presume it is called fat because it does not have measure zero.

So then based on this I should just find the discontinuities of f. Then if this set of discontinuities does not form a zero set it is non-riemann integrable. Isn't that exactly what the Riemann-Lebesgue theorem states?
  • #4

well i don't know what lebesgue had to do with it, since riemann proved it on the next page after defining his integral, in his paper on representing functions by trigonometric series. Lebesgue of course was not born for almost 10 years after riemann died. But perhaps some people with less concern for historical precedent do call this theorem as you say. I do not know...

Well I have found a citation for this theorem crediting it entirely to lebesgue in the book by m.e. munroe on introduction to integration. perhaps he never read riemann.

Or perhaps some people do not notice that riemann's version is equivalent to this "measure zero" statement? well a similar situation holds in many historical cases such as the so called "theorem of sard" whose principal corollary was later noticed to be due earlier to a. b. brown.

So forgive me but I often fail to understand references to theorems by name. I need to know the statement.
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  • #5

Why not also try to work with upper- and lower- sums, see if there values coincide.?
  • #6

The restriction to countably-many discontinuities has to see with the fact that
an uncountable sum ( of course, uncountably-many non-zero terms) cannot
converge, i.e., will necessarily be infinite.

Related to Proving Fat Cantor Function is Non-Riemann Integrable

1. What is the Fat Cantor Function?

The Fat Cantor Function is a continuous function defined on the unit interval [0,1] that is non-decreasing and takes on all values between 0 and 1, but is constant almost everywhere. It is constructed by starting with the standard Cantor function and adding "fat" intervals in between the Cantor set.

2. What does it mean for a function to be non-Riemann integrable?

A function is said to be non-Riemann integrable if it does not have a Riemann integral, which is a specific way of calculating the area under the curve of a function. In simpler terms, it means that the function cannot be integrated using the traditional methods of calculus.

3. Why is it important to prove that the Fat Cantor Function is non-Riemann integrable?

Proving that a function is non-Riemann integrable is significant in the field of mathematics as it helps to expand our understanding of the limitations of traditional integration methods. In the case of the Fat Cantor Function, it also provides a counterexample to the statement that every continuous function is Riemann integrable.

4. How is the non-Riemann integrability of the Fat Cantor Function proven?

The non-Riemann integrability of the Fat Cantor Function is proven using a technique called the Darboux criterion. This involves calculating the upper and lower Darboux sums for the function, which are used to determine the existence of a Riemann integral. In the case of the Fat Cantor Function, the upper and lower sums do not converge, indicating that a Riemann integral does not exist.

5. What are the implications of proving the non-Riemann integrability of the Fat Cantor Function?

By proving that the Fat Cantor Function is non-Riemann integrable, we establish that there are functions that are continuous but do not have a Riemann integral. This expands our understanding of the limitations of traditional integration methods and highlights the importance of alternative integration techniques such as Lebesgue integration.

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