Proving Functions: The Relationship Between Onto and 1-to-1 Properties

  • Thread starter SqrachMasda
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In summary: If f itself is 1-to-1 then f^-1 is a, that is not true. only if f is a bijection (one to one and onto) is there an inverse function.
  • #1
everything i have to prove seems impossible
then i see it done and it seems so easy
any help on starting a proof,...anybody ever have this problem
i am new to this stuff, but my problem is I don't know what i need to show and what is legal to use
so this is my current problem, I'm sure it's extremely easy for all you math geniuses so spare me the arrogance

If f itself is 1-to-1 then f^-1 is a function.
Let f:G->H be an onto function
(i) If V is contained in H then f(f^-1(V))=V

i'm pretty sure i understand onto and 1-1 definition
i also understand why it's true, i think
i also can somewhat understand the homomorphism stuff of it

i just don't know where to start, what to do, what it really is asking

then i got to prove this, but have not looked into it because I'm still on (i)
(ii) If W is contained in G then W is contained in f^-1(f(W)) and this could be a strict containment

abstract algebra seems to be an endless barrier in my math knowledge
is the key to it, memorizing endless amounts of definitions??
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  • #2
1) Write down the definitions. (that's how you start!)
  • #3
i did, i wrote evrerything down i knew
but I'm not sure how to apply it i guess, (that's how i started!)
  • #4
anatomy of a proof

As you see more and more proofs, you'll start to see that there is a finite number of tehcniques one uses to prove things.

But almost all of them begin by writing down the definitions.

Let f:G->H be an onto function
(i) If V is contained in H then f(f^-1(V))=V

Start with the definition of an onto function from G to H.

Follow with the definition of f^-1(V).

Then with the definition of f(A) where A in a subset of G.

Then replace A by f^-1(V).

Just by applying the definitions you'll have what f(f^-1(V)) is. And if it is indeed V, that's what you'll find.
  • #5
thanks, i think that may make sense breaking it all down like that
  • #6
heres one suggestion: try to refrain from being defensive and rude to people you are asking for help. i was going to help but was put off by the "spare me the arrogance" comment.
  • #7
mathwonk said:
heres one suggestion: try to refrain from being defensive and rude to people you are asking for help. i was going to help but was put off by the "spare me the arrogance" comment.

Wow, I didn't even notice that until you mentionned it.

Those are harsh words.
  • #8
SqrachMasda said:
...i'm sure it's extremely easy for all you math geniuses so spare me the arrogance...

If f itself is 1-to-1 then f^-1 is a function.

no, that is not true. only if f is a bijection (one to one and onto) is there an inverse function. Perhaps that sentence ought to have come after this one.

Let f:G->H be an onto function

(i) If V is contained in H then f(f^-1(V))=V

the most useful way to prove set equality is to show each is contained in the other. Pick something in V, and shwo that it is in f(f^-1(V)), which is obvious since for v in V v=ff^-1(v) by the definition of inverse function: g is inverse to f if and only if fg and gf are the identity maps. The other containment is as easy to show. Arguably too easy in some sense and it genuinely isn't easy to write the proof in these cases: it isn't clear what constitutes a solid argument and what doesn't when the solid argument is very close to just saying 'well, it is'.
i also can somewhat understand the homomorphism stuff of it

where do homomorphisms come into anything here?

(ii) If W is contained in G then W is contained in f^-1(f(W)) and this could be a strict containment

if you understand the inverse image of a set you will see that obviously more than just W may map into f(W) (we're now droppping the hypotheses on f being injective I take it) and certainly W maps into f(W). Provide a counter example for the second part.
abstract algebra seems to be an endless barrier in my math knowledge
is the key to it, memorizing endless amounts of definitions??

you've memorized thousands of words; i suggest you didn't hat learning french at school because it required vocabulary. why should this be any different?
as it is you only need to memorize very few things compared to the knowledge you'll be required to keep in your head for everything else in this life.

FAQ: Proving Functions: The Relationship Between Onto and 1-to-1 Properties

What is a proof and why do I need to know how to start one?

A proof is a logical argument that shows that a statement or theorem is true. In the field of science, proofs are used to provide evidence and support for theories and hypotheses. It is important to know how to start a proof because it allows you to demonstrate the validity of your ideas and conclusions.

Why do I struggle with starting proofs?

Starting proofs requires a strong understanding of mathematical and logical concepts, as well as critical thinking skills. It is common for people to struggle with proofs because they may not have a solid foundation in these areas or they may not have had much practice with proof-based problems.

What are some tips for starting proofs?

Some tips for starting proofs include understanding the definitions and properties of the concepts you are working with, breaking down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts, and looking for patterns and connections between different parts of the problem.

How can I improve my skills in starting proofs?

Improving your skills in starting proofs takes practice and patience. It is important to work through a variety of proof-based problems to become more familiar with different techniques and strategies. Seeking help from a teacher or tutor can also be beneficial in improving your skills.

Are there any resources available to help me with starting proofs?

There are many resources available to help you with starting proofs, including textbooks, online tutorials and practice problems, and workshops or study groups. Your teacher or professor may also have additional resources or tips to help you improve your skills in starting proofs.

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