Proving ideas about projections

In summary, the projection P onto a subspace U of a vector space V is defined to be the linear operatorP(u) = u.
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Homework Statement

Let ##V## be a vector space, and let ##U, W## be subspaces of ##V## such that ##V = U \oplus W##. Let ##P_U## be the projection on ##U## in the direction of ##W## and ##P_W## the projection on ##W## in the direction of ##U##. Prove:

##P_U + P_W = Id##, ##P_U P_W = P_W P_U = 0##

Reciprocally, given ##P_1, P_2 : V \rightarrow V## that verify ##P_1 P_2 = P_2 P_1 = 0##, ##P_1+P_2 = Id##, prove that ##V = Im(P_1) \oplus Im(P_2)##

Homework Equations

##P^2 = P## is my (abbreviated) definition of a projection.

The Attempt at a Solution

I understand the basic idea I think. I know what the direct sum of subspaces implies, namely that the intersection of the two subspaces is 0 and that any vector ##v \in V## can be broken down into ##v = u \in U + w \in W##... I read something about proving that one of these subspaces represents the kernel and the other the image of ##V,## but is that necessarily the case? I suppose the second part of the exercise indicates otherwise.

I'm not sure how to go about the proof. I feel like I understand the idea but I don't know how to write it. A hint to get me on the right path before a full answer would be appreciated to help refine my intuition. Thanks.

Is it perhaps something like ##P_U(v) = P_U(u+w) = u = P(P(u)) \rightarrow P(u) \in Im(P_U)##... or along those lines?
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OK, so I was puzzling over the proof a bit and I think I may have reached something.

Take ##\{v_1 ... v_n\}## to be a basis for ##V## such that ##\{v_1...v_k\}## and ##\{v_{k+1} ... v_n\}## are bases for ##U## and ##W## respectively. Also, given the direct sum, we know the intersection of the two subspaces will be 0 and therefore any vector belonging to the intersection will be 0.

I can then decompose any vector ##v \in V## into ##v = (u = α_1v_1 + ... + α_kv_k) \in U + (w = α_{k+1}v_{k+1} + ... + α_nv_n) \in W##. At this point my notation might get a little weak, so anyone who can help would be appreciated.

Therefore, ##P_U(v) = P_U(u+w) = P_U(u) \in U + P_U(w) \in U = P_U(u) + 0 = u##
Similar reasoning leads to ##P_W(v) = w##.

Then, ##P_U(P_W(v)) = P_U(w) = 0 = P_W(u) = P_W(P_U(v))## and ##P_U(v) + P_W(v) = u + w = v## is what occurs to me for the other part of the proof, but I'm not sure if it's quite right, given that ##Id## is the identity matrix...

I can see where I'm going for the reciprocal statement as well, but I'm having a little more trouble there. Is it as simple as following my reasoning in my first post that ##P_U(u) = u \in Im(P_U)## leads again to ##v = u + w## and thus ##V = Im(P_U) \oplus Im(P_W) = U \oplus W## ?

FAQ: Proving ideas about projections

1. What is a projection in science?

A projection in science is a method of representing a three-dimensional object or space onto a two-dimensional surface. It is a useful tool for visualizing and studying complex structures and systems.

2. How do scientists prove their ideas about projections?

Scientists use a combination of mathematical models, experimental data, and observations to support their ideas about projections. They may also use computer simulations and other visualization tools to demonstrate their theories.

3. What are some common applications of projections in science?

Projections are commonly used in fields such as astronomy, cartography, and engineering. They are also used in areas such as molecular biology, where scientists use projections to visualize complex protein structures and interactions.

4. Can projections be inaccurate or biased?

Yes, projections can be inaccurate or biased if the underlying assumptions and data used to create them are flawed. It is important for scientists to carefully evaluate and validate their projections before drawing conclusions.

5. How do projections contribute to scientific understanding?

Projections provide a way for scientists to visualize and analyze complex systems, making it easier to identify patterns, relationships, and potential areas for further research. They also help scientists communicate their ideas and findings to others in a clear and accessible manner.
