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Homework Statement
If [itex]0 < \alpha < n[/itex], define an operator [itex]T_{\alpha}[/itex] on function on [itex]\mathbb{R}^n[/itex] by
[tex]T_{\alpha}f(x) = \int |x-y|^{-\alpha}f(y)dy[/tex]
Then prove that [itex]T_{\alpha}[/itex] is weak type [itex](1,(n-\alpha )^{-1})[/itex] and strong type (p,r) with respect to Lebesgue measure on [itex]\mathbb{R}^n[/itex], where [itex]1 < p < n\alpha ^{-1}[/itex] and [itex]r^{-1} = p^{-1} -\alpha n^{-1}[/itex].
Homework Equations
Let X be a set, [itex]\mu[/itex] a measure on this set. For [itex]0 < q < \infty[/itex] define the Lq norm of a function [itex]g : X \to \mathbb{C}[/itex] with respect to [itex]\mu[/itex] to be:
[tex]||g||_q = \left (\int _X |g|^qd\mu \right )^{1/q}[/tex]
Define the weak Lq norm of such a function to be:
[tex][g]_q = \left [\mbox{sup} _{\beta > 0}(\beta ^q\mu \{ x : |g(x)| > \beta \})\right ]^{1/q}[/tex]
Define the space of functions [itex]\mathbf{L^q(\mu )}[/itex] to be the set of function with finite Lq norm. Define the space of functions [itex]\mathbf{weak\ L^q(\mu )}[/itex] to be those function with finite weak Lq norm.
An operator T is sublinear if |T(f + g)| < |Tf| + |Tg| and |T(cf)| = c|Tf| for every function in the domain of T (which is some vector space of functions). A sublinear operator T is strong type (a,b) if [itex]L^a(\mu )[/itex] is contained in its domain, T maps [itex]L^a(\mu )[/itex] into [itex]L^b(\mu )[/itex], and there exists C > 0 such that [itex]||Tf||_b \leq C||f||_a[/itex] for all f in [itex]L^a(\mu )[/itex]. A sublinear operator T is weak type (a,b) if [itex]L^a(\mu )[/itex] is contained in its domain, T maps [itex]L^a(\mu )[/itex] into [itex]weak\ L^b(\mu )[/itex], and there exists C > 0 such that [itex][Tf]_b \leq C||f||_a[/itex] for all f in [itex]L^a(\mu )[/itex].
As this is real analysis, there are few relevant equations, instead there are inequalities. They include:
Holder's inequality
Minkowski's inequality
Chebyshev's inequality
Minkowski's inequality for integrals
The Riesz-Thorin Interpolation Theorem
The Marcinkiewicz Interpolation Theorem
and a few other propositions and lemmas that I would take too long to write out.
The Attempt at a Solution
I've only started on the "weak type" part of the problem, and I've only gotten as far as writing out what I need to prove in terms of the definitions. Then I guess I have to find one of the inequalities in my book and find some non-obvious way to apply it which ends up giving the right answer, but I have no clue really of what to do. So this is all I have:
I need to find C > 0 such that
[tex]\left [\mbox{sup} _{\beta > 0} \left (\beta ^{(n-\alpha )^{-1}}m\{ x : |\int f(y)|x-y|^{-\alpha }dy| > \beta \}\right ) \right ]^{n-\alpha } \leq C\int |f|[/tex]
I've determined that this is equivalent to proving:
[tex]\left [\mbox{sup} _{\beta > 0} \left (\beta ^{(n-\alpha )^{-1}}m\{ x : \int |f(y)||x-y|^{-\alpha }dy > \beta \}\right ) \right ]^{n-\alpha } \leq C\int |f|[/tex]
but I don't know if that's any use. Help!
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