Proving Intersection of Ideals in $K[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]$

In summary, we have shown that:$I_a \subset \sum_{a \in A} I_a \Rightarrow V \left ( \sum_{a \in A} I_a \right ) \subset V(I_a)$
  • #1
Gold Member
Hi! (Smile)

Let $(I_a)_{a \in A}$ be a family of ideals of $K[x_1,x_2, \dots, x_n]$.
I want to prove that:

$$V \left ( \sum_{a \in A} I_a\right )=\bigcap_{a \in A} V(I_a)$$

Do we have to use the definition:

$$V(S)=\{ (a_1,a_2, \dots, a_n) \in K^n| f_a(a_1,a_2, \dots, a_n)=0 \forall a \in A\}$$

If so, how could use it? (Thinking)
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  • #2
Hi evinda,

From the inclusion \(\displaystyle I_{a}\subset \displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_{a}\)
you got that \(\displaystyle V(\displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_{a})\subset V(I_{a})\).

Now a point in the intersection means that every polynomial that belongs to one of the ideals vanishes at this point, and every polynomial in the sum is a linear combination of polynomials in this ideals, hence you got the other inclusion. (Just need a better writing :p)
  • #3
Could we prove it like that? (Thinking)


We assume that $x \in \cap_{a} V(I_a)$. By definition of intersection, that means that $x \in V(I_a), \forall a$.
By definition of $V$, we have that $f(x)=0, \forall f \in \sum_{a} I_a$. That means that $x \in V(\sum_a I_a)$.

Therefore, $V(\sum_a I_a) \subset \cap_a V(I_a)$.


Let $x \in V(\sum_a I_a)$. By definition of $V$, we have that $f(x)=0, \forall f \in I_a$. Does this mean that $f(x)=0, \forall f \in I_a, \forall a$ ?:confused:
  • #4

evinda said:
Could we prove it like that? (Thinking)


We assume that $x \in \cap_{a} V(I_a)$. By definition of intersection, that means that $x \in V(I_a), \forall a$.
By definition of $V$, we have that $f(x)=0, \forall f \in \color{red} I_a, \forall a\in A\color{black}$. That means that $x \in V(\sum_a I_a)$.

Therefore, $V(\sum_a I_a) \color{red} \supset \color{black} \cap_a V(I_a)$.


Let $x \in V(\sum_a I_a)$. By definition of $V$, we have that $f(x)=0, \forall f \in \color{red}\displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_a\color{black}$. Does this mean that $f(x)=0, \forall f \in I_a, \forall a$ ?:confused:

The parts in red were mistakes, for the second inclusion, just need to know that the \(\displaystyle V\) operator inverts the inclusions, so \(\displaystyle J\subset I \Rightarrow V(I) \subset V(J)\).
Hence you got \(\displaystyle V(\displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_{a})\subset V(I_{a}), \ \forall a\in A\).
  • #5
Fallen Angel said:
The parts in red were mistakes, for the second inclusion, just need to know that the \(\displaystyle V\) operator inverts the inclusions, so \(\displaystyle J\subset I \Rightarrow V(I) \subset V(J)\).
Hence you got \(\displaystyle V(\displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_{a})\subset V(I_{a}), \ \forall a\in A\).

So, you mean that it is like that?

$$I_a \subset \sum_{a \in A} I_a \Rightarrow V(I_a) \supset V \left ( \sum_{a \in A} I_a \right )$$

If so, how can we prove that $I_a \subset \sum_{a \in A} I_a$ ? (Thinking)

Also, how can we show the other inclusion? (Thinking)
  • #6

\(\displaystyle \displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_{a}=\{\displaystyle\sum_{i\in I}a_{i}\alpha_{i} \ : \ \alpha_{i}\in I_{a}, \ I\subset A, \ I \ finite\}\)

So the inclusion is obvious just by taking \(\displaystyle I=\{a\}\).You got thje other inclusion in my post above, given \(\displaystyle g\in \displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_{a}\), then \(\displaystyle g(x)=\displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}k_{a}f_{a}(x)\) and using the condition \(\displaystyle x\in \displaystyle\cap_{a\in A}V(I_{a})\) you got \(\displaystyle f_{a}(x)=0, \ \forall a\in A\)
  • #7
Fallen Angel said:

\(\displaystyle \displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_{a}=\{\displaystyle\sum_{i\in I}a_{i}\alpha_{i} \ : \ \alpha_{i}\in I_{a}, \ I\subset A, \ I \ finite\}\)

So the inclusion is obvious just by taking \(\displaystyle I=\{a\}\).You got thje other inclusion in my post above, given \(\displaystyle g\in \displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_{a}\), then \(\displaystyle g(x)=\displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}k_{a}f_{a}(x)\) and using the condition \(\displaystyle x\in \displaystyle\cap_{a\in A}V(I_{a})\) you got \(\displaystyle f_{a}(x)=0, \ \forall a\in A\)

We have shown that:

$I_a \subset \sum_{a \in A} I_a \Rightarrow V \left ( \sum_{a \in A} I_a \right ) \subset V(I_a)$

Does this imply that $V \left ( \sum_{a \in A} I_a \right ) \subset \bigcap_{a \in A} V(I_a)$? Or do we have to prove this? If so, how could we do this? (Thinking)

Could you explain me further what we have to show at the other inclusion? :confused:
  • #8

It implies the inclusion because \(\displaystyle V(\displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_{a})\subset V(I_{a})\) holds for every $a\in A$. It doesn't need a prove, it's just de definition of intersection.In the other inclusion, you have to take a point $x\in \displaystyle\cap_{a\in A} V(I_{a})$, i.e. $x$ is a point such that given a polynomial $p$, if there exists $a\in A$ such that $p\in I_{a}$, then $p(x)=0$.

And now we want to show that $x\in V(\displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_{a})$.
So we take a polynomial $g\in \displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_{a}$ and we want to show that $g(x)=0$.Then if $g\in \displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_{a}$ we can write $g=\displaystyle\sum_{j\in J\subset A}k_{j}f_{j}$, where $J$ is finite, $k_{j}\in K$ and $f_{j}\in I_{j}$ for every $j$.

Hence $f_{j}(x)=0 \ \forall j\in J$ (see above) and then $g(x)=0$, what finishes the proof.
  • #9
Fallen Angel said:
It implies the inclusion because \(\displaystyle V(\displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_{a})\subset V(I_{a})\) holds for every $a\in A$. It doesn't need a prove, it's just de definition of intersection.

Do you mean that we use the definition of the generalized intersection:
$$\{x : (\forall b \in A ) x \in b\}$$ ? (Thinking)
  • #10
$A$ is just an index set so this is not the intersection.

$\displaystyle\cap_{a\in A}V(I_{a})=\{x\in K^{n} \ : \ x\in V(I_{a}) \ \forall a\in A\}$
  • #11
Fallen Angel said:
In the other inclusion, you have to take a point $x\in \displaystyle\cap_{a\in A} V(I_{a})$, i.e. $x$ is a point such that given a polynomial $p$, if there exists $a\in A$ such that $p\in I_{a}$, then $p(x)=0$.

And now we want to show that $x\in V(\displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_{a})$.
So we take a polynomial $g\in \displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_{a}$ and we want to show that $g(x)=0$.Then if $g\in \displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_{a}$ we can write $g=\displaystyle\sum_{j\in J\subset A}k_{j}f_{j}$, where $J$ is finite, $k_{j}\in K$ and $f_{j}\in I_{j}$ for every $j$.

Hence $f_{j}(x)=0 \ \forall j\in J$ (see above) and then $g(x)=0$, what finishes the proof.

In my notes, there is this definition $$\sum_{a \in A} I_a =\{\alpha_{i1}+\alpha_{i2}+ \dots +\alpha_{ij} | \alpha_{ij} \in I_{a_j}\}$$

So, should I write it like that? (Thinking)

If $g\in \displaystyle\sum_{a\in A}I_{a}$ we can write $g=\displaystyle\sum_{i,j}f_{ij}$, where $f_{ij} \in I_{a_j}$

So, $f_{ij}(x)=0 \ \forall i,j$.

So, $g(x)=0$.
  • #12
There is an abuse of notation in your definition, you are not using the subscript $i$, so in the sum you are only summing over $j$.

But in essence both definitions are two ways of writing the same thing, and you can write the proof in this way if you see it better. (Yes)
  • #13
Fallen Angel said:
There is an abuse of notation in your definition, you are not using the subscript $i$, so in the sum you are only summing over $j$.

But in essence both definitions are two ways of writing the same thing, and you can write the proof in this way if you see it better. (Yes)

Is this definition:

$$\sum_{a \in A} I_a =\{\alpha_{i1}+\alpha_{i2}+ \dots +\alpha_{ij} | \alpha_{ij} \in I_{a_j}\}$$

right or is there a typo? (Worried)
  • #14
Is right.

Related to Proving Intersection of Ideals in $K[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]$

1. What does it mean to prove intersection of ideals in $K[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]$?

Proving intersection of ideals in $K[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]$ means to show that the intersection of two or more ideals in the polynomial ring $K[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]$ is also an ideal in the same ring. This is important in algebraic geometry and algebraic number theory, as it allows for easier computations and proofs.

2. Why is it important to prove intersection of ideals in $K[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]$?

Proving intersection of ideals in $K[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]$ is important because it allows for a better understanding and manipulation of polynomial rings. It also allows for a deeper understanding of the algebraic structures and relationships within the ring, which is important in many areas of mathematics.

3. What is the process for proving intersection of ideals in $K[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]$?

The process for proving intersection of ideals in $K[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]$ involves showing that the intersection of the given ideals satisfies the definition of an ideal. This includes showing closure under addition and multiplication by elements in the ring, as well as showing that the intersection is non-empty and contains the zero element.

4. Can intersection of ideals in $K[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]$ be proven using other methods?

Yes, intersection of ideals in $K[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]$ can also be proven using other methods such as using the definition of a generating set or using the Chinese Remainder Theorem. The method used may depend on the specific problem at hand and the preferences of the mathematician.

5. How is intersection of ideals in $K[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]$ related to other concepts in mathematics?

Intersection of ideals in $K[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]$ is related to other concepts in mathematics such as algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, and ring theory. It is also related to the concepts of ideals and subrings in abstract algebra. Understanding the intersection of ideals can provide insights into these other areas of mathematics and vice versa.

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