Proving Invertibility of Matrix Products: Induction and Artin's Algebra

In summary: Just remember that (AB)^{-1} = B^{-1}A^{-1} and you'll be fine.In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of induction and the use of matrices in proofs. The main problem is proving that if A_{1}, ... , A_{m} are invertible, then so is the product: A_{1} ... A_{m} and its inverse is A_{m}^{-1} ... A_{1}^{-1}. The conversation also mentions the use of induction hypothesis and the importance of understanding the basic properties of matrices in order to successfully complete a proof.
  • #1
I have very little experience with proofs, and I am trying to learn algebra on my own. The following problem is found within the text of Michael Artin's Algebra.

The first problem encountered was the following: Let A, B be n x n matrices. If both are invertible, then so is their product AB, and [tex] (AB)^{-1} = B^{-1}A^{-1} [/tex]

To show this is true for the right inverse I said,

Let X be an invertible matrix.

XX^{-1} = I\\
(AB)(AB)^{-1} = I\\
A(BB^{-1})A^{-1} = I \\
AIA^{-1} = I\\
AA^{-1} = I\\
I = I\\

Also the same can be said for the left inverse, which makes sense to me.

I'm having a lot of trouble understanding the following: If [tex]A_{1}, ... , A_{m} [/tex] are invertible, then so is the product [tex]A_{1} ... A_{m} [/tex] and its inverse is [tex]A_{m}^{-1} ... A_{1}^{-1} [/tex]

Let m = 1

[tex]A_{1}A^{-1} = I [/tex]

This shows that [tex]A_{1} [/tex] is invertible, and its product, which is itself, is invertible.

For m + 1

Let [tex]A_{1}, ... , A_{m}, A_{m+1} [/tex] be invertible matrices and let P be the product of [tex]A_{1}, ... , A_{m} [/tex].

"By the induction hypothesis, P is invertible." - I don't quite understand why you can say that. Could someone explain why this is true?
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  • #2
Oh wait, I think I see why P is invertible.

Similarly to this:
A_{1}A^{-1} = I

Since P is just a product of matrices, it is just another matrix.

P_{1}P^{-1} = I\\
(A_{1} ... A_{m})(A_{m}^{-1} ... A_{1}^{-1}) = I\\
A_{1} ... ( A_{m}A_{m}^{-1}) ... A_{1}^{-1} = I\\
I = I \\

Even though this may be painfully obvious to all of you, am I doing this right?

Also is there a way to delete a topic I started?
  • #3
It is better not to delete threads after you don't want them any more. Other people can learn from them.

You have done proofs by induction before? To prove "A_n is true for all n", n a positive integer, you prove two things: "A_1 is true" and "if A_k is true then A_{k+1} is true". The "induction hypothesis" is "if A_k is true".

To prove "if A_1, A_2, ..., A_n are all invertible, then (A_1A_2...A_n) is invertible and its inverse is (An^{-1}...A_2^{-1}A_1^{-1})", the "base case" is "If A_1 is invertible, then A_1 is invertible and its inverse is A_1^{-1}" which is trivial.

The "induction hypothesis" is "if A_1, A_2, ..., A_k are invertible then (A_1A_2...A_k) is invertible and its inverse is (A_k^{-1}...A_2^{-1}A_1^{-1})" and you then use that to prove "if A_1, A_2, ..., A_k, A_{k+1} are invertible then (A_2A_2...A_kA_{k+1}) is invertible and its inverse is (A_{k+1}^{-1}A_k^{-1}...A_2^{-1}A_1^{-1})"

Since they have defined P to be (A_1A_2...A_k), it is invertible by hyopthesis- the whole point of induction is to avoid doing the kind of "..." argument you have in your second post.
  • #4
I understand proof by induction when you have numbers. But the use of matrices really complicates it for me. Could someone please write out a way to prove:

If A_{1}, ... , A_{m} are invertible, then so is the product: A_{1} ... A_{m} and its inverse is A_{m}^{-1} ... A_{1}^{-1}

Much appreciated.
  • #5
IKonquer said:
I understand proof by induction when you have numbers. But the use of matrices really complicates it for me. Could someone please write out a way to prove:

If A_{1}, ... , A_{m} are invertible, then so is the product: A_{1} ... A_{m} and its inverse is A_{m}^{-1} ... A_{1}^{-1}

Much appreciated.

I think induction is overkill in a simple proof like this and the '...' is perfectly understandable. Unless your course expects you to be super formal about proofs, and if you are little fuzzy about induction, I doubt it is.
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Related to Proving Invertibility of Matrix Products: Induction and Artin's Algebra

1. What is the purpose of proving invertibility of matrix products?

The purpose of proving invertibility of matrix products is to determine if a given matrix product can be reversed or undone. Invertibility is an important concept in linear algebra as it allows us to solve systems of equations, find inverses of matrices, and perform other operations that require the ability to reverse a matrix product.

2. What is induction and how is it used in proving invertibility of matrix products?

Induction is a mathematical technique used to prove statements about sets of numbers or structures. In the case of proving invertibility of matrix products, induction is used to show that the inverse of a matrix product is also a matrix product. This involves first proving the statement for a base case (usually the product of two matrices), and then showing that if the statement holds for a given product, it also holds for the next product (i.e. the product of n+1 matrices).

3. What is Artin's algebra and how does it relate to proving invertibility of matrix products?

Artin's algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with abstract algebraic structures, including groups and rings. In the context of proving invertibility of matrix products, Artin's algebra provides the necessary tools and concepts, such as the concept of a group, to prove that a given matrix product is invertible.

4. What are some common techniques used to prove invertibility of matrix products?

Some common techniques used to prove invertibility of matrix products include using the properties of determinants, row and column operations, and theorems such as the Invertible Matrix Theorem. Additionally, techniques from induction and Artin's algebra may also be used, as mentioned earlier.

5. Are there any real-world applications of proving invertibility of matrix products?

Yes, there are many real-world applications of proving invertibility of matrix products. For example, in engineering, matrix inversion is used to solve systems of linear equations in order to design and optimize structures such as bridges and buildings. In computer graphics, matrix inversion is used to rotate, scale, and translate objects in 3D space. In finance, matrix inversion is used in portfolio optimization and risk management. These are just a few examples of how the concept of invertibility of matrix products is applied in various fields.

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