Proving Limit Infs and Sups to Solving Lim Inf, Lim Sup Proof Problems

  • Thread starter koab1mjr
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In summary: In particular, what happens if S0 is not a limit?By the order postulates it follows that -S0 <= Sn making, -S0 a lowerbound for Sn as n -> infinity. Now assume L >= -S0, but L <= Sn, making L also a lowerbound.This isn't quite right either. Suppose L is not a lower bound for Sn, but is an upper bound. Then -L>-Sn, which is a contradiction.
  • #1

Homework Statement

prove lim inf Sn= - Lim Sup (-Sn)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I know how to run the proof when dealing with the sup and inf. But the limsup and liminf is another story. I want to do it the same way by saying that limsup (-SN) >= Sn but i know I cannot say that. From what I gather all I can say that the Sups >= Limsup. But that does not help me relate it to the sequence itself. Need a push to get me going.
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  • #2
Sn is a sequence of numbers, right?
So remember, liminf (Sn)= lim n->infinity (inf{Sm: m>=n})
Now, you know that inf{Sm: m>=n} = -sup{-Sm: m>=n}.
That's my push
  • #3
I need more of a nudge

I am with you on that inf(Sn : n> N} = -sup{-Sn: n >= N} Though I do not think I can say lim as n goes to infinity and finish it off. I know as n goes to invintiy that lim sup <= -sup{-Sn: n >= N} and inf{Sm: m>=n} <= Lim inf. I was thinking this would run similar to the inf Sn = -sup Sn. So I would have to prove -sup Sn is a lowerbound and also the greatest lower bound.
  • #4
I did some reading and slepted on it so how about the following

Let S0 be the lim sup of -Sn. Thus as n -> infinity -Sn <= S0. By the order postulates it follows that -S0 <= Sn making, -S0 a lowerbound for Sn as n -> infinity. Now assume L >= -S0, but L <= Sn, making L also a lowerbound. By order postulates -L >= -Sn as n-> infinity making L an upperbound. By defintion of the suprenum, S0 <= -L but by the order postualtes L<= -S0 which is a contradiction -S0 = lim inf of Sn.

Is the basic idea for the lim sup and lim inf is that it forms a box where the limit is allowed to be, and as n ---> infinty Sn <= lim Sup and same logic for the lim inf. Also the infs are an increasing sequence and sups are decreasing and essential squeeze the box to get the limit value if it exists?

Thanks in advance
  • #5
yeah, you're right in your description of the basic idea of liminf and limsup.

Though I do not think I can say lim as n goes to infinity and finish it off.

Why not?

Let S0 be the lim sup of -Sn. Thus as n -> infinity -Sn <= S0.

That's not completely rigorous. Note that it could be the case that for all n, -Sn>S0. For example, let Sn=-1/n, so Sn=1/n. Then S0 = limsup -Sn = lim -Sn = 0, even though for all n, -Sn=1/n>0.

So you really do need to talk about limits.

FAQ: Proving Limit Infs and Sups to Solving Lim Inf, Lim Sup Proof Problems

1. What is the definition of Lim Sup and Lim Inf?

The Lim Sup and Lim Inf are mathematical concepts used in the study of sequences and series. Lim Sup (or limit superior) is the largest possible limit of a sequence, while Lim Inf (or limit inferior) is the smallest possible limit of a sequence.

2. How is Lim Sup and Lim Inf used in proofs?

Lim Sup and Lim Inf are used in proofs to establish the convergence or divergence of a sequence or series. By determining the Lim Sup and Lim Inf, we can determine the behavior of the sequence or series as it approaches infinity.

3. How do you prove that a sequence is bounded using Lim Sup and Lim Inf?

A sequence is bounded if its Lim Sup and Lim Inf are finite. To prove this, we can show that the sequence is monotonically increasing or decreasing and that it converges to the same value as its Lim Sup and Lim Inf.

4. Can Lim Sup and Lim Inf be equal?

Yes, it is possible for Lim Sup and Lim Inf to be equal. This occurs when a sequence is convergent and its Lim Sup and Lim Inf both equal the limit of the sequence.

5. How do you prove the existence of Lim Sup and Lim Inf for a sequence?

In order to prove the existence of Lim Sup and Lim Inf for a sequence, we can use the monotone convergence theorem. This states that if a sequence is bounded and either monotonically increasing or decreasing, then it must converge to its Lim Sup or Lim Inf, respectively.

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