Proving Linear Map f is a Tensor of Type (1,1)

In summary, the problem is asking to show that a linear map f from vector space V to W can be converted into a tensor of type (1,1) by using the canonical isomorphism between the space of linear maps and the space of tensors that eat a vector in V and a dual vector on W and return a scalar. This can be achieved by defining a function T:V×W*→ℝ (or T:W*×V→ℝ) and finding a combination of f, v and w* that makes sense and is a real number. This is a strange notation because tensors are usually defined as maps from only one vector space V (and its dual).
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let V and W be vector spaces and let [tex] f:V\rightarrow W[/tex] be a linear map. Show that f is a tensor of type (1,1)

Can someone please show how to do this , I have no idea how to do it.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Maybe you should start by explaining what you do know. Can you give the definitions of "vector space", "linear map", "tensor", and "type" of a tensor?
  • #3
vector space V over a field K is a set in which two operations addition and multiplications by an element of K are definied. The elements of V are called vectors.

Linear map- it is a function between 2 vectors spaces which preserves vector addition and multiplication operations [tex] f:V\rightarrow W[/tex]
Tensors are objects which map several vectors and dual vectors to a scalar. A tensor of type (p,q) is a multilinear map that maps p dual vectors and q vectors to R.
here we had 2 examples :
a tensor of type (1,0) is a vector but a tensor of type (0,1) maps a vector to a real nr and it is identified with a dual vector.
This is material that our group is going throug now. It is something totally new for us
  • #4
OK, so look at what you have. Obviously [tex]f[/tex] is not exactly a tensor of type (1, 1), because it does not map a vector and a dual vector to a scalar; it maps a vector to another vector. The issue is further confused by the fact that [tex]f: V \to W[/tex] is a linear map from a space to a different space.

Nevertheless, there is a canonical isomorphism between the space of linear maps from [tex]V[/tex] to [tex]W[/tex], and the space of tensors that eat a vector in [tex]V[/tex] and a dual vector on [tex]W[/tex] and return a scalar. This isomorphism is what the question is asking you to find: give a recipe for converting a linear map [tex]f[/tex] to such a tensor, and show that this recipe is a one-to-one correspondence.

To see what to do, ask yourself: given [tex]f(v)[/tex] for some [tex]v \in V[/tex], which is a vector in [tex]W[/tex], what information would you need to turn it into a scalar?
  • #5
hm I am not sure I am following...but to turn something into a scalar we have something like this
[tex] \omega:V^{*}xVxV\rightarrow R[/tex] then [tex] \omega[/tex] maps dual vector and two vectors into a scalar and is of type (1,2)...but we do not have any dual vector... and tensor maps vecors and dual vectors to a scalar...we have just a map which goes from one vector space to another.
  • #6
Use \times for the Cartesian product symbol when you're using LaTeX.

What ystael is saying is that you should be looking for a function T:V×W*→ℝ (or T:W*×V→ℝ). That's a pretty big hint, because it tells you that you can start by writing


where v denotes a member of V, and w* denotes a member of W*, and then try to think of some combination of f, v and w* that makes sense, and is a real number. This combo is what you put on the right-hand side.

I'm surprised that your book calls this a (1,1) tensor. I think it's more common to only consider one vector space V, so that a (1,1) tensor is specifically a map from V×V* into ℝ or from V*×V into ℝ.
  • #7
Yes I know it is a bit strange, we were thinking about that too, but that is the notation the book follows. Thank you for the replies I will try to do it.
  • #8
This is Exer. 2.12 from Geometry, Topology, and Physics by Nakahara. He discusses tensors as maps from only one vector space V (and its dual), so it's very strange that all of a sudden we can think of f being a tensor which takes one of its (dual) vectors from another vector space. This is all I could think of as well, however.

FAQ: Proving Linear Map f is a Tensor of Type (1,1)

1. What is a linear map?

A linear map is a mathematical function that preserves vector addition and scalar multiplication. In other words, the image of the sum of two vectors is equal to the sum of the images of each vector, and the image of a scaled vector is equal to the scaled image of the original vector.

2. What does it mean for a linear map to be a tensor of type (1,1)?

A tensor of type (1,1) means that the linear map takes one vector as input and returns another vector as output. This is also known as a "covariant vector" or a "contravariant vector" in some contexts.

3. How can we prove that a linear map f is a tensor of type (1,1)?

To prove that a linear map f is a tensor of type (1,1), we need to show that it satisfies the properties of linearity and transformation under coordinate changes. This means that f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y) for any two input vectors x and y, and f(ax) = af(x) for any scalar a. Additionally, f must also transform in a specific way when the basis of the vector space is changed.

4. What is the importance of proving that a linear map is a tensor of type (1,1)?

Proving that a linear map is a tensor of type (1,1) is important because it helps us understand how the map behaves under transformations and how it relates to other tensors. This information can be useful in various areas of mathematics and physics, such as in the study of vector fields and differential geometry.

5. Can a linear map be a tensor of type (1,1) in one coordinate system but not in another?

Yes, a linear map can be a tensor of type (1,1) in one coordinate system but not in another. This is because the transformation properties of tensors depend on the specific coordinate system being used. A linear map may satisfy the necessary properties to be a tensor of type (1,1) in one coordinate system, but not in another.
