Proving Linear Operators and Matrix Similarity

In summary: Let L: W-->W be a linear operator defined by L(w) = bw, where b is a constant. Prove that the representation of L with respect to any ordered basis for W is a scalar matrix.Since L(w) = bw, the matrix representation of L with respect to any ordered basis will have the form bI, where I is the identity matrix. This is because the matrix of L is defined by the transformation of each basis vector by L, and in this case, L simply scales each vector by b. Therefore, the matrix representation of L will only have non-zero entries on the main diagonal, making it a scalar matrix.3. Let X,Y, Z be sqaure matrices. Show that
  • #1
1. If I: W-->W is the identity linear operator on W defined by I(w) = w for w in W, prove that the matrix of I repect with to any ordered basis T for W is a nXn I matrix, where dim W= n

2. Let L: W-->W be a linear operator defined by L(w) = bw, where b is a constant. Prove that the representation of L with respect to any ordered basis for W is a scalar matrix.

3. Let X,Y, Z be sqaure matrices. Show that: (a) X is similar to Y. (b) If X is similar to Y then Y is similar to X. (c) If X is similar to Y and Y is similar to Z, then X is similar to Z.
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  • #2
hola said:
1. If I: W-->W is the identity linear operator on W defined by I(w) = w for w in W, prove that the matrix of I repect with to any ordered basis T for W is a nXn I matrix, where dim W= n

Let [itex]E_{ij}[/itex] be the elements of the matrix of the identity operator in some ordered basis of W, with basis vectors [itex]\vec{e}_1, \vec{e}_2, ... , \vec{e}_n[/itex]. If [itex]w_j[/itex] are the coordinates of any vector w in that basis, then

[tex]w_i^\prime = \sum_j E_{ij} w_j[/tex]

By definition, the identity operator transforms the vector w back into itself, so that [itex]w_i^\prime = w_i[/itex]. Then using the elements [itex]\delta_{ij}[/itex] (kronecker delta) of the identity matrix, we have

[tex] w_i = \sum_j \delta_{ij} w_j = w_i^\prime = \sum_j E_{ij} w_j[/tex]

or, after subtracting

[tex]\sum_j (E_{ij} - \delta_{ij}) w_j = 0[/tex] for each i.

Since the w_j's are arbitrary, we must have that [itex]E_{ij} = \delta_{ij}[/itex] for all i and j.

edit: by the way, in the step where I set [itex]w_i^\prime = w_i[/itex] for all i, I have assumed that the coordinates of a given vector w in a particular basis are unique. This is easy to prove using the fact that the elements of the basis are linearly independent, by definition.
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  • #3

1. Proof:
Let T = {v1, v2, ..., vn} be an ordered basis for W, where dim W = n. Then, for any w in W, we can write w as a linear combination of the basis vectors:
w = a1v1 + a2v2 + ... + anvn

Applying the identity operator I to w, we get:
I(w) = a1I(v1) + a2I(v2) + ... + anI(vn)
= a1v1 + a2v2 + ... + anvn
= w

This shows that I preserves the elements of W, and hence, is a linear operator on W. Now, let A be the matrix representation of I with respect to the basis T. Then, A is an nXn matrix, where the (i,j) entry of A is the coefficient of vi in the linear combination of I(vj). Since I(vj) = vj, the (i,j) entry of A is 1 if i = j, and 0 otherwise. Therefore, A is an nXn identity matrix, which proves the statement.

2. Proof:
Let T = {v1, v2, ..., vn} be an ordered basis for W, where dim W = n. Then, for any w in W, we can write w as a linear combination of the basis vectors:
w = a1v1 + a2v2 + ... + anvn

Applying the linear operator L to w, we get:
L(w) = a1L(v1) + a2L(v2) + ... + anL(vn)
= a1(bv1) + a2(bv2) + ... + an(bvn)
= b(a1v1 + a2v2 + ... + anvn)
= bw

This shows that L multiplies each vector in W by the constant b, and hence, is a scalar operator. Now, let A be the matrix representation of L with respect to the basis T. Then, A is an nXn matrix, where the (i,j) entry of A is the coefficient of vi in the linear combination of L(vj). Since L(vj) = bvj, the (i,j) entry of A is b if i = j, and 0 otherwise. Therefore, A is an nXn diagonal matrix with

Related to Proving Linear Operators and Matrix Similarity

1. What is the definition of a linear operator?

A linear operator is a mathematical function that maps a vector space onto itself while preserving the vector space's algebraic structure. In other words, it is a function that takes in a vector and produces another vector that is still in the same vector space.

2. How do you prove that two linear operators are equal?

To prove that two linear operators are equal, you must show that they produce the same output when applied to the same input vector. This can be done by demonstrating that the operators have the same effect on a basis of the vector space, as well as showing that they satisfy all the properties of being a linear operator.

3. What is the process for proving that two matrices are similar?

To prove that two matrices are similar, you must show that they have the same eigenvalues and the same eigenvectors. This can be done by finding the characteristic polynomial of each matrix and comparing their roots. If the eigenvalues are the same, then you can use the eigenvectors to construct a similarity transformation matrix that will transform one matrix into the other.

4. Can two matrices with different dimensions be similar?

No, two matrices with different dimensions cannot be similar. Similarity is a relation between square matrices of the same size. If two matrices have different dimensions, they are not even the same type of linear operator and cannot be compared in terms of similarity.

5. What is the significance of proving similarity between matrices?

Proving similarity between matrices is important because it allows us to simplify calculations and make connections between different linear operators. Similar matrices share many properties, such as the same eigenvalues and determinant, which makes it easier to analyze and understand their behavior. Additionally, similar matrices can be used to find solutions to linear systems of equations and to make predictions about the behavior of a system.

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