Proving modified Maxwell action is gauge invariant

In summary: The second term of integration is not a total derivative because the vector potential, ##\chi ##, is outside of the derivative.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Consider the quantum field modified Maxwell action in 2 + 1 dimensions:
##S=\int (-\frac{1}{4}F^{\mu\nu}F_{\mu\nu}+\frac {\theta}{2}\epsilon^{\alpha\mu\nu}A_\alpha F_{\mu\nu})\,d^3x##
when ##\theta## is dimensionful constant and ##\epsilon^{\alpha\mu\nu}## Levi-Civita symbol
Show that this action is gauge invariant.
Relevant Equations
##F^{\mu\nu}=\partial^\mu A^\nu-\partial^\nu A^\mu##
gauge transformation: ##A^\mu \to A^\mu + \partial ^\mu \chi## when ##\chi## is scalar function.
I want to show that the action staying the same action after taking ##A^\mu \to A^\mu + \partial ^\mu \chi##, for the first term I suceeded in showing the invariance using the fact ##[\partial ^ \mu , \partial ^\nu]=0## but for the second term I'm getting: ##\epsilon^{\alpha\mu\nu}A_\alpha F_{\mu\nu} \to \epsilon^{\alpha\mu\nu}A_\alpha F_{\mu\nu} +\epsilon^{\alpha\mu\nu}(\partial_\alpha \chi )F_{\mu\nu} ## so I don'`t understand how to show the last step: ##\epsilon^{\alpha\mu\nu}(\partial_\alpha \chi) F_{\mu\nu}=0##

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  • #2
DaniV said:
how to show the last step: ##\epsilon^{\alpha\mu\nu}(\partial_\alpha \chi) F_{\mu\nu}=0##
This expression will not equal zero, in general.

In order for the action to be invariant under the transformation, it is not necessary that the integrand of the action integral be invariant. It is sufficient for the integrand to be invariant up to a divergence term. Using the divergence theorem, the integral of the divergence term will equal zero if the fields vanish at infinity sufficiently rapidly.
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  • #3
TSny said:
This expression will not equal zero, in general.

In order for the action to be invariant under the transformation, it is not necessary that the integrand of the action integral be invariant. It is sufficient for the integrand to be invariant up to a divergence term. Using the divergence theorem, the integral of the divergence term will equal zero if the fields vanish at infinity sufficiently rapidly.
how to show that this expression is a total derivative so we can use divergence theorem, I tried to do integration by parts and I got:
##\int \epsilon^{\alpha \mu \nu}(\partial_\alpha \chi )F_{\mu\nu}\, d^3x = \oint \epsilon^{\alpha \mu \nu} \chi F_{\mu\nu} d\vec S ## ##+\int \epsilon^{\alpha \mu \nu} \chi (\partial_\alpha F_{\mu\nu})\, d^3x ##
the first term of integration is zero due to boundry condition but the second one is not total derivative because ##\chi ## is outside the derivative..
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  • #4
Write out the second one in terms of the 4-vector potential ##A##.
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FAQ: Proving modified Maxwell action is gauge invariant

1. What is the modified Maxwell action?

The modified Maxwell action is a variation of the original Maxwell action, which is a mathematical expression that describes the dynamics of electromagnetic fields. The modified version includes an additional term that takes into account the effects of quantum fluctuations on the electromagnetic field.

2. Why is it important to prove that the modified Maxwell action is gauge invariant?

Gauge invariance is a fundamental principle in physics that states that the physical laws should not depend on the choice of gauge (mathematical representation). Proving that the modified Maxwell action is gauge invariant is important because it ensures that the theory is consistent and can accurately describe the behavior of electromagnetic fields.

3. How is gauge invariance related to the modified Maxwell action?

Gauge invariance is related to the modified Maxwell action because the additional term in the modified action breaks the original gauge symmetry. Therefore, it is necessary to prove that the modified action is still gauge invariant in order to maintain the consistency of the theory.

4. What are the challenges in proving the gauge invariance of the modified Maxwell action?

Proving the gauge invariance of the modified Maxwell action can be challenging because it involves complex mathematical calculations and requires a deep understanding of gauge theory and quantum field theory. Additionally, there may be multiple ways to modify the Maxwell action, and each version may require a different approach to prove its gauge invariance.

5. Has the gauge invariance of the modified Maxwell action been proven?

Yes, the gauge invariance of the modified Maxwell action has been proven by several physicists through different approaches. However, the proof may vary depending on the specific modification of the Maxwell action being considered. Ongoing research continues to explore and refine the proof of gauge invariance for different versions of the modified Maxwell action.
