Proving n(n+1)(n+2) is Divisible by 6 Using Mathematical Induction

In summary: The problem is given in a book. The problem is stated as:For all positive integers n, n(n+1)(n+2) is divisible by 6. Prove using mathematical induction.In summary, Tide's solution uses induction to prove that n(n+1)(n+2) is divisible by 6. The k case is solved by observing that at least one of the three consecutive integers is even and at least one is multiple of 3. The k+1 case is solved by noting that one of the two consecutive integers k+1 and k+2 must be even. The collected terms are 3(k^2+9k+6) + (6k+12).
  • #1
The following problem is given in my algebra book:
For all positive integers n, n(n+1)(n+2) is divisible by 6. Prove using mathematical induction.

k=1, 1(1+1)(1+2) = 1(2)(3) = 6, which is obviously divisible by 6


And then:

From this I distributed the (k+3) to get:
k(k+1)(k+2) + 3(k+1)(k+2)

The first term is the assumed case (k, divisible by 6)
But 3(k+1)(k+2) doesn't appear to be a clear case of being divisible by 6.

So... I multiplied it out:
[tex]3(k+1)(k+2) = 3(k^2+3k+2) = 3k^2+9k+6[/tex]

From here I took [tex]3k^2+9k+6[/tex] and restarted the process, so:
For k=1, [tex]3(1)^2+9(1)+6 = 3+9+6 = 18[/tex], which is divisible by 6

The k case:

And the k+1 case:
[tex]3(k+1)^2+9(k+1)+6 = 3(k^2+2k+1)+9k+9+6 = 3k^2+6k+3+9k+9+6[/tex]

Collecting terms:
[tex](3k^2+9k+6) + (6k+12)[/tex], The first part being the assumed case (k), and the second part is obviously divisible by 6

So I worked it and was able to prove it (I think, unless I did something wrong). What I want to know is: is there an easier way to do this (using just the basic mathematical induction that the book wants)? It seems like I took more steps than necessary/over-complicated the proof. Could I have made it more concise? Is it ok as is?

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  • #2
Do you need to use induction? You could simply observe that at least one of the three consecutive integers is even and at least one is multiple of 3.
  • #3
As Tide pointed out, of three consecutive integers, at least one must be even and one must be a multiple of 3.

If you are required to use induction, then when you have
k(k+1)(k+2) + 3(k+1)(k+2) you can note that k(k+1)(k+2) is a multiple of 6 by the induction hypothesis and that one of the two consecutive integers k+1 and k+2 must be even so 3(k+1)(k+2) must be a multiple of 6 also. If you want to do that more formally, do it as two cases: if k is even- k= 2m, then k+ 2= 2m+ 2= 2(m+1) so 3(k+1)(k+2)= 6(2m+1)(m+1).
If k is odd- k= 2m+ 1 then k+ 1= 2m+ 1+ 1= 2m+ 2= 2(m+1) so 3(k+1)(k+2)= 6(m+1)(2m+3).
  • #4
Thanks to both of you!
Yes, the section in the book is on mathematical induction and the exercises explicitly ask that I use mathematical induction.

Like you both pointed out, some of them are quite obvious as stated (#23 in the book is "x>1, prove [tex]x^n > 1[/tex] for all natural numbers n")

What is really holding me up are the examples where there are no straightforward ways to proceed (that I can see anyway).
Like with one example in the exercise set:

Prove that [tex]3^n-1[/tex] is divisible by 2 for all natural numbers n, use mathematical induction. I couldn't figure out what to do after the basic n=1, k, and k+1 part. I didn't come up with an answer.

In the back of the book they prove it by adding 0 (in the form of [tex]3^k - 3^k[/tex]) to [tex]3^{k+1}-1[/tex]. The worked out example in the back of the book made perfect sense to me, but I never would have thought to do it that way on my own. There are a few others in the book that have solutions involving steps that seem to "come out of the blue". All of the steps involve really basic algebraic concepts (like adding 0 to an equation using a number and its additive inverse as with the above problem) but there doesn't seem to be any clear indication of when to use what basic concepts and where. Is that knowledge something that comes with time and practice? Or am I dense? :-p

Thanks again,
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Related to Proving n(n+1)(n+2) is Divisible by 6 Using Mathematical Induction

1. What is mathematical induction?

Mathematical induction is a proof technique used to prove that a statement or property holds for all natural numbers. It involves two steps: the base case, where the statement is shown to be true for the first natural number, and the induction step, where it is shown that if the statement holds for one natural number, it also holds for the next natural number.

2. How do I know when to use mathematical induction?

Mathematical induction is typically used when trying to prove a statement that involves all natural numbers. It is especially useful for proving statements about sequences or series. If you are unsure if mathematical induction is the appropriate proof technique, consult with your teacher or a textbook.

3. What is the difference between weak and strong induction?

Weak induction, also known as standard induction, only uses the previous natural number in the induction step. Strong induction, on the other hand, uses all previous natural numbers. In other words, in strong induction, the inductive hypothesis assumes that the statement holds for all natural numbers up to the current one, while in weak induction, the inductive hypothesis only assumes that the statement holds for the previous natural number.

4. What are some common mistakes to avoid when using mathematical induction?

One common mistake is forgetting to prove the base case, which is essential for the induction to work. Another mistake is assuming that the statement holds for all natural numbers without actually proving it in the induction step. It is also important to make sure that the statement being proved is actually true for all natural numbers, as sometimes false statements can be "proved" using incorrect induction techniques.

5. Are there any alternative proof techniques to mathematical induction?

Yes, there are several other proof techniques such as direct proof, proof by contradiction, and proof by contrapositive. Depending on the statement being proved, one of these techniques may be more appropriate than mathematical induction. It is important to have a good understanding of all proof techniques in order to choose the most efficient and effective one for a given statement.

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