Proving "No Convergent Subsequence -> |s| Diverges to Infinity"

In summary, the conversation discusses the proof that if the sequence {s} has no convergent subsequence, then {|s|} diverges to infinity. The discussants consider using the theorem that every convergent sequence has a convergent subsequence, but realize that |s| may not be a subsequence of {s}. Instead, they suggest using the fact that any sequence to a compact space has a subsequence that converges to an element of the compact space.
  • #1
Here is the question:
Prove that if the sequence {s} has no convergent subsequence then {|s|} diverges to infinity.

To me, this seems so easy, but I'm having a really hard time putting it down in a rigorous manner.
My thoughts are:
every convergent sequence has a convergent subsequence (theorem in the book), so if there is no convergent subsequence, then the sequence itsself cannot converge either.
So the absolute value won't converge.

I tried to do it with contradiction as follows:
Suppose that |s| converges. Then it has a convergent subsequence. Since |s| is also a subsequence of {s}, the convergent subsequence of |s| lies inside {s}. So {s} has a convergent subsequence. Contradiction.

Any clarification will be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
happyg1 said:
I tried to do it with contradiction as follows:

Suppose that |s| converges. Then it has a convergent subsequence. Since |s| is also a subsequence of {s}, the convergent subsequence of |s| lies inside {s}. So {s} has a convergent subsequence. Contradiction.

There is a problem with your logic in that {|s|} is not necessarily a subsequence of {s}. This is true even for convergent series like:

[tex] s_n = \frac{(-1)^n}{n}[/tex]

  • #3
I see that. Can I say that the elements a convergent subsequence of |s| also are members of {s}? The convergent subsequence of |s| will be positive numbers converging to L, so {s} will either have the same exact subsequence of positive terms, or it'll be negative terms, but then will converge to -L
  • #4

Was the original problem "Prove that if the sequence {s} has no convergent subsequence then {|s|} diverges to infinity.", or was it instead "Prove that if the sequence {s} has no convergent subsequence then [itex] \sum |s|[/itex] diverges to infinity."

The reason I ask this is because I'm not really sure what "diverges to infinity" means.

If the meaning is to say that given a number L, no matter how far down the series you look, you can find an element larger in absolute value than L, then I can see your terminology working.

The whole thing smells of recourse to an argument based on the fact that any sequence that stays inside a closed subset of the real line has a convergent subsequence.

  • #5
Prove that if the sequence {s} has no convergent subsequence then {|s|} diverges to infinity.

that is the question as printed in my book.
  • #6
Then I think you will need to make an argument based on a fact that I vaguely recall to the effect that any sequence to a compact space has a subsequence that converges to an element of the compact space.

Hey, it's been about 30 years since I studied this, and this is the limit of what I can help.


FAQ: Proving "No Convergent Subsequence -> |s| Diverges to Infinity"

What does it mean for a sequence to "converge"?

A sequence is said to converge if its terms get closer and closer to a single value as you go further along the sequence. In other words, as you take more terms in the sequence, the values approach a specific number.

How is the divergence of a sequence determined?

The divergence of a sequence is determined by examining the behavior of the terms as you take more and more of them. If the terms get larger and larger without approaching a specific value, the sequence is said to diverge.

What is a "subsequence" in relation to a sequence?

A subsequence is a sequence that is created by selecting certain terms from a given sequence, without changing the order of the terms.

What is the relationship between the convergence of a subsequence and the convergence of the original sequence?

If a subsequence of a sequence converges, then the original sequence must also converge. However, the converse is not true - a sequence may converge while its subsequences do not.

How does the statement "No Convergent Subsequence -> |s| Diverges to Infinity" relate to the divergence of a sequence?

This statement means that if a sequence does not have any convergent subsequences, then the sequence itself must diverge to infinity. In other words, if all subsequences are divergent, then the entire sequence must also be divergent.
