Proving or Disproving rational raised to rational is rational number

  • Thread starter jhson114
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In summary, the conversation discusses trying to prove or disprove the statement that if a and b are rational numbers, then a^b is also rational. The conversation includes using a counter-example to disprove the statement and how 1^1 can be a rational number, but still disprove the statement. The conclusion is that a single counterexample is enough to disprove a theorem.
  • #1
Im trying to either prove or disprove that if a and b are rational numbers, then a^b is also rational. I tried doing it with a contradiction, but i can't seem to correctly arrive at a solution. this is how i started the problem

defn of rational number: a,b = {m/n: m,n are all nonzero integers}
1. a^b is irrational (hypothesis/assumption)
2. b^b is irrational (from 1)
3. (m/n)^(m/n) (from defn. of rational number)
4. [m^(m/n)]/[(n^(m/n)] (algebra)

i'm stuck right here. i need to prove that an integer raised to a rational number is either rational or irrational. any inputs will be really helpful. thank you
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  • #2
Use a counter-example. Have you considered [tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex]?
  • #3
i don't understand what you mean by "consider square-root of two". can you be more specific?
  • #4
And then there is [itex]1^1[/itex].
  • #5
jhson114 said:
i don't understand what you mean by "consider square-root of two". can you be more specific?

He means [itex]2^{1/2}[/itex].
  • #6
oh i see. 2^(1/2) is irrational number, which disproves the above statement. however like Tide said, 1^1 is a rational number. but since there's a one statement that made it false, it makes the entire statement false, right?
  • #7
All it takes is a single counterexample to disprove a theorem!
  • #8
thank you very much for all your help Tide and devious. :)

FAQ: Proving or Disproving rational raised to rational is rational number

1. What is a rational number?

A rational number is a number that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, where the denominator is not equal to zero. This includes both positive and negative numbers, as well as whole numbers and fractions.

2. Can a rational number raised to a rational power result in an irrational number?

Yes, it is possible for a rational number raised to a rational power to result in an irrational number. For example, √2 can be expressed as the rational number 2^(1/2), but it is still an irrational number.

3. What is an example of proving that rational raised to rational is rational?

An example would be proving that (3/4)^(2/3) is a rational number. This can be done by expressing (3/4) as a fraction with a common denominator, raising both the numerator and denominator to the power of 2/3, and simplifying the resulting fraction.

4. How can we disprove that rational raised to rational is always rational?

We can disprove this statement by providing a counterexample, such as √3^(2/3), which results in an irrational number when simplified.

5. Can irrational numbers be raised to a rational power and still result in a rational number?

Yes, it is possible for irrational numbers to be raised to a rational power and result in a rational number. For example, (√2)^2 = 2, which is a rational number.
