Proving Orthogonality by Induction in Second Quantization for Bosonic Systems

In summary, to prove that <n^\prime|n>=\delta_{n^\prime n} you need to use the commutation or anti-commutation relations for the creation and annihilation operators. You can do this by induction and by using the |\Omega \rangle=0 equation.
  • #1

I'm currently studying second quantization. I need to prove [itex]<n^\prime| n>=\delta_{n^\prime n}[/itex] by mathematical induction in the number of particles representation. However I don't know how to do this proof having two natural numbers [itex]n[/itex] and [itex]n^\prime[/itex]. Must I prove it holds for [itex]<0|0>[/itex], [itex]<0|1>[/itex] and [itex]<1|1>[/itex]. Then assuming it holds true for [itex]<n^\prime|n>[/itex], prove it for [itex]<n^\prime|n+1>[/itex] and [itex]<n^\prime +1|n+1>[/itex]. Excuse me if this is an obvious question, please help me.

Thanks a lot.
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  • #2
This seems to belong more to the homework section of this forum, but let me give some hints. In 2nd quantization you use creation and annihilation operators to build the many-particle Hilbert space in terms of the corresponding Fock space. For a single mode this space is spanned by your vectors [itex]|n \rangle[/itex]. By definition these states are normalized to 1 (suppose we work in a finite quantization volume with periodic boundary conditions leading to discrete momenta), i.e.,
[tex]\langle n | n \rangle=1.[/tex]
These states are built from the vacuum (ground) state, [itex]|\Omega[/itex] by successive application of creation operators,
[tex]|n \rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{n!}} (a^{\dagger})^{n} |\Omega \rangle.[/tex]
Now you can use the commutation or anti-commutation relations for the creation and annihilation operators to prove the orthonormality of the number states. To that end you have to express [itex]\langle n'|[/itex] with help of the above given forumula and then write down the corresponding expression
[tex]\langle n'|n \rangle=\langle \Omega|?|\Omega \rangle.[/tex]
The "?" indicate some annihilation and creation operators, which you successively bring into an order such as to use [itex]a |\Omega \rangle=0[/itex], using the (anti-)commutation relations for the creation and annihilation operators. This will prove the claim and can be done by induction.
  • #3
Thanks a lot for answering.

I've done that but I'm still stuck. I forgot to mention this was for bosons so the commutation relation must hold [itex][a,a^\dagger]=1[/itex]. From it I got:
[tex]a(a^\dagger)^n=n(a^\dagger)^{n-1}+(a^\dagger)^n a[/tex]
I suppose the relation holds for [itex]\langle m | n \rangle[/itex] and I must prove it for [itex]\langle m | n+1 \rangle[/itex] and [itex]\langle m+1 | n \rangle[/itex]:
[tex]\langle m | n+1 \rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{m!(n+1)!}}\langle 0|a^m(a^\dagger)^{n+1}| 0 \rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{m!(n+1)!}}\langle 0|a^{m-1}a(a^\dagger)^{n+1}| 0 \rangle[/tex]
Using the above property and [itex]a|0\rangle=0[/itex]:
[tex]\langle m | n+1 \rangle=\sqrt{\frac{n+1}{m!n!}}\langle 0|a^{m-1}(a^\dagger)^n | 0 \rangle[/tex]
This is as far as I go. How can I use the [itex]\langle m | n \rangle[/itex] relation here?

Thanks again!

FAQ: Proving Orthogonality by Induction in Second Quantization for Bosonic Systems

1. What is orthogonality by induction?

Orthogonality by induction is a scientific principle that states that when two or more systems are independent of each other, making changes in one system should not affect the behavior or functionality of the other systems. This principle is especially important in computer science and engineering, where it ensures that different components of a system can operate without interfering with each other.

2. How does orthogonality by induction apply to software development?

In software development, orthogonality by induction means that different modules or features of a software system should be designed to work independently from each other. This allows for easier development, maintenance, and debugging of the software, as changes in one module will not cause unexpected effects in other modules.

3. What are the benefits of using orthogonality by induction in scientific research?

By using orthogonality by induction in scientific research, it is possible to isolate and study the effects of one variable while keeping all other variables constant. This allows for more accurate and reliable results, as well as a better understanding of how different systems or processes work.

4. Are there any limitations to orthogonality by induction?

While orthogonality by induction is a useful principle in many scientific fields, it is not always possible to completely isolate different systems or variables. In some cases, there may be hidden interactions or dependencies that can affect the results. Additionally, the real world is complex and dynamic, making it difficult to completely separate different systems.

5. How can orthogonality by induction be applied in everyday life?

In everyday life, orthogonality by induction can be applied in various ways, such as in time management, where different tasks and responsibilities are organized and managed separately to ensure efficiency. It can also be seen in design principles, where different elements of a product or system are designed to work independently and seamlessly together.
