Proving part of the ratio test

In summary, the author is trying to prove that if lim n→∞ |an+1/an| = L < 1, then ∑an converges absolutely. He has found a way to show that ∑|an| converges, but is concerned about the conclusion that all the ratios in the series (the ones that multiply |a1| in each term) eventually equal L. If he can find a number M such that |L < M < 1|, then all the ratios |an+1/an| will be less than M.
  • #1
This is not a homework problem. I'm doing it for fun. But it is the kind that might appear on homework.

Homework Statement

I'm trying to prove that if lim n→∞ |an+1/an| = L < 1, then [itex]\Sigma[/itex] an converges absolutely and therefore converges.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Here's my thinking. I feel like I'm on the right track, but I may need some help formalizing my expression of what's happening "in the limit" as n→∞.

To show that ∑an converges absolutely, I need to show that ∑|an| converges. My strategy is to show that, because of the condition above, as n→∞ this "tends toward" a geometric series with common ratio < 1 and therefore converges.

I have

∑an = |a1| + |a2| + |a3| + ... + |an|

= |a1| + |a1||a2/a1| + |a1||a2/a1||a3/a2| + ... + |a1||a2/a1||a3/a2||a4/a3|...|an/an-1|

Supposing lim n→∞ |an+1/an| = L < 1, this means that there is some integer N such that for n > N, all the ratios |an+1/an| are equal in the sense that the difference between any two of them can be made arbitrarily small by choosing N appropriately.

Therefore I conclude that for n > N, the series above can be written

∑|an| = |a1|(1 + L + L2 + L3 + L4 + ... + Ln)

i.e. it is a geometric series (or eventually becomes one beyond N) with common ratio < 1 and therefore converges.

And finally, since ∑|an| converges, ∑an converges absolutely and therefore it also converges.

Is my reasoning solid here? I am particularly concerned about the conclusion that all the ratios in the series (the ones that multiply |a1| in each term) eventually equal L. I think my intuition here is correct, but I am not well enough attuned to the subtleties of analysis to be confident that my chain of reasoning is unimpeachable.

NOTE: I know there must be better, shorter, more elegant, less cumbersome ways of proving this. I'm not interested in those until I have developed my own proof to the utmost. That way I will learn the most from the process.

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  • #2
mindarson said:
Supposing lim n→∞ |an+1/an| = L < 1, this means that there is some integer N such that for n > N, all the ratios |an+1/an| are equal in the sense that the difference between any two of them can be made arbitrarily small by choosing N appropriately.

This is what troubles me most. A bit hand-wavey, I fear. I am wondering if I shouldn't try to show this explicitly using epsilonic reasoning, etc.
  • #3
Rather than showing your series "tends toward" a geometric series, maybe try to show that it is eventually smaller than a convergent geometric series.
  • #4
In undergraduate analysis, most proofs require an epsilon. This is one of them.
  • #5
hmmm... is that a proper representation of the ratio test?

What about something like this:


Or is this a situation where the ratio test doesn't apply? I'm just asking, because this fits within your conditions, ##\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_{n}}<1## but as n approaches infinity, ##a_{n}→5##

I think you need:
##\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_{n}}<1## and ##\displaystyle\lim_{n→\infty}a_{n}=0## then S is convergant.

I know this doesn't really help you answer your question, but I feel it's a necessary condition.
  • #6
oh wait, I lied. ##a_{n}→-\infty##
either way, it doesn't converge...
  • #7
BiGyElLoWhAt said:
I think you need:
##\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_{n}}<1## and ##\displaystyle\lim_{n→\infty}a_{n}=0## then S is convergant.
No, that's not enough to ensure convergence. If ##a_n = 1/n## then ##a_n \rightarrow 0##
$$\frac{1/(n+1)}{1/n} = \frac{n}{n+1} < 1$$
but ##\sum a_n## diverges.

I suggest the following approach. We are given that
$$\lim \left|\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}\right| = L < 1$$
Therefore if we pick some number ##M## satisfying ##L < M < 1##, then there is some ##N## such that
$$\left|\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}\right| < M$$
for all ##n \geq N##. Now use the fact that if ##n > N##,
$$|a_n| = \left|\frac{a_{n}}{a_{n-1}}\right|\cdots\left|\frac{a_{N+1}}{a_N}\right||a_N|$$
  • #8
BiGyElLoWhAt said:
hmmm... is that a proper representation of the ratio test?

What about something like this:


Or is this a situation where the ratio test doesn't apply? I'm just asking, because this fits within your conditions, ##\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_{n}}<1## but as n approaches infinity, ##a_{n}→5##

No, [itex]5 - \frac{n}{1000} \to -\infty[/itex]. Also, the condition is that [tex]
\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{|a_{n+1}|}{|a_n|} < 1[/tex], and for [itex]a_n = 5 - n/1000[/itex] we get [tex]
\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n} = \frac{n + 1 - 5000}{n - 5000} \to 1[/tex] so this is not a counter-example.

In fact, if [itex]|a_{n+1}|/|a_n|[/itex] tends to anything other than 1 then it must be the case that [itex]|a_n| \to 0[/itex]: If [itex]|a_n| \to a > 0[/itex] then also [itex]|a_{n+1}| \to a > 0[/itex] and thus [itex]|a_{n+1}|/|a_{n}| \to a/a = 1[/itex] by the theorem that if the limits of two sequences exist, then the limit of the product exists and is the product of the limits. But if [itex]|a_n| \to 0[/itex] then the sequence [itex]1/|a_{n}|[/itex] diverges to [itex]+\infty[/itex] and that theorem doesn't apply: the limit of [itex]|a_{n+1}|/|a_{n}|[/itex] is in this case of the indeterminate form [itex]0/0[/itex].

FAQ: Proving part of the ratio test

1. What is the ratio test and why is it important in mathematical proofs?

The ratio test is a mathematical test used to determine the convergence or divergence of a series. It is important in mathematical proofs because it provides a way to determine the behavior of a series and make conclusions about its convergence or divergence.

2. How does the ratio test work?

The ratio test compares the ratio of the nth term and (n+1)th term of a series to a limit, known as the ratio of convergence. If the ratio is less than the ratio of convergence, the series is convergent. If the ratio is greater than the ratio of convergence, the series is divergent. If the ratio is equal to the ratio of convergence, the test is inconclusive.

3. Can the ratio test be used on all series?

No, the ratio test can only be used on series with positive terms. It is also most effective on series with alternating terms or terms that eventually alternate. Additionally, if the ratio of convergence is equal to 1, the test is inconclusive and another test must be used.

4. What is the purpose of proving part of the ratio test?

Proving part of the ratio test is important because it helps to establish the validity of the test. By proving a part of the ratio test, we can be confident that the method is reliable and can be used to determine the convergence or divergence of a series.

5. Are there any limitations or drawbacks to using the ratio test?

Yes, there are limitations to using the ratio test. As mentioned before, it can only be used on certain types of series and is inconclusive if the ratio of convergence is equal to 1. Additionally, the process of finding the ratio of convergence can be difficult and may require advanced mathematical knowledge.

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