Proving something is irrational.

  • Thread starter JasonRox
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In summary: The problem is that, is this really the way to go? It feels like I'm going to get a polynomial of degree 30 or something. That's fine, but getting there is a *****.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Gold Member

Homework Statement

Prove [itex]5^{1/3} - 3^{1/4}[/itex] is irrational.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Ok, what I have tried doing is using the about Rational Roots property by letting [itex]x = 5^{1/3} - 3^{1/4}[/itex] and trying to pull out a polynomial where we can see the possible Rational Roots. If the number above is not in the list, then it is irrational.

My problem is that, is this really the way to go? It feels like I'm going to get a polynomial of degree 30 or something. That's fine, but getting there is a *****.

Also, the assume [itex]5^{1/3} - 3^{1/4}[/itex] is rational and let [itex]p/q = 5^{1/3} - 3^{1/4}[/itex] seems hopeless too.

Anyways, what approach is the most practical?
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  • #2
It will only be degree 12! In what class did you get this problem?
  • #3
Hurkyl said:
It will only be degree 12! In what class did you get this problem?


Alright, I'll guess I'll do it the way I was going to do it.

Um... this is just a question I got out of a book. It's not homework, so it's just from an old Calculus textbook.
  • #4
Hrm. So you need an elementary proof, then. *sigh* Surely there's an easier elementary proof than brute force computing the minimal polynomial and invoking the rational root theorem! I'll see if I can think one up.

Oh, and just to be clear, while I think what you're doing is a doable method... it will be a lot of work. (And very frustrating if you make even a single arithmetic mistake)
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  • #5
All you need to know about the minimal poynomial to use the rational roots test are its leading coefficient and constant term. Then once you have narrowed down to a finite number of possible rational roots, you can use any other means you want to eliminate them all as being equal to 51/3-31/4. Since the different roots of xn-a are basically indistinguishable from an algebraic point of view, you might guess (or if not, I'll guess for you) that the roots of the minimal polynomial are all sums of one root of x3-5 with one root of x4-3 (ie, a 12th degree polynomial). You don't need to prove this is minimal, only that 51/3-31/4 is a root (which is clear) and the coefficients are integers. This can be worked out tediously or proven (relatively) quickly with some careful reasoning.
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  • #6
It is straight forward to give an elementary proof.

Let a=5^{1/3} and b=3^{1/4} be the two irrationals above (we agree they're irrational I hope).

if a-b=r, then a=r+b, and raising both to the third power,

5=some (monic, degree 3) poly in r and b.

Thus if r is rational b satisfies a poly with rational coefficients. Which is nonsense, since its minimal poly over Q has degree 4.

FAQ: Proving something is irrational.

1. How do you prove something is irrational?

The most common way to prove that a number is irrational is by contradiction. This involves assuming that the number is rational, and then showing that this assumption leads to a contradiction or impossibility. This contradiction then proves that the number cannot be rational, and therefore must be irrational.

2. What is an example of a proven irrational number?

One example of a proven irrational number is pi (π). This number has been proven to be irrational by multiple mathematicians throughout history using various methods, including the contradiction method mentioned above. It is a non-repeating, non-terminating decimal, making it impossible to be expressed as a ratio of two integers.

3. Can a number be both rational and irrational?

No, a number cannot be both rational and irrational. These two types of numbers are mutually exclusive, meaning that a number can only belong to one category. A rational number can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, while an irrational number cannot. Therefore, a number cannot be both at the same time.

4. Is proving something is irrational important in science?

Yes, proving that a number is irrational is important in science because it helps to understand and classify different types of numbers. It also allows for more precise calculations and measurements in various scientific fields such as physics, engineering, and astronomy.

5. Are there any other methods for proving irrationality besides the contradiction method?

Yes, there are other methods for proving irrationality, including the continued fraction method, the decimal expansion method, and the square root method. These methods involve manipulating and analyzing the properties of irrational numbers to prove their irrationality.

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