Proving that a Noether charge is constant

In summary, the conversation discusses proving that the charge Q, given by the equation Q=\int d^{3}xJ^{0}(\vec{x},t), is constant in time, with a derivative of \dot{Q}=0. The equations J^{\mu}=i[\phi^{\dagger}(\partial^{\mu}\phi)-(\partial^{\mu}\phi^{\dagger})\phi] and (\Box+m^{2})\phi=0 are used to show that \partial_{\mu}J^{\mu}=0, which leads to the conservation of charge. Another approach is suggested, rewriting Q as Q(t) = \int_S d^3x\, n_\mu
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hey guys, so I gota prove that the charge

[itex]Q=\int d^{3}xJ^{0}(\vec{x},t)[/itex]

is constant in time, that [itex]\dot{Q}=0[/itex]

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

So first what I did was find [itex]J^{0}=i[\phi^{\dagger}\dot{\phi}-\dot{\phi^{\dagger}}\phi][/itex]

Then plug this into Q and differentiate it w.r.t. time, which gives us:

[itex]\dot{Q}=i\int d^{3}x(\phi^{\dagger}\ddot{\phi}-\ddot{\phi^{\dagger}}\phi)[/itex]

And erm, provided I've done it all right (which I probably haven't lol!) i don't know how to show that this is 0?

Thanks in advance guys
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  • #2
What is the equation of motion for ##\phi##?
  • #3
Hmm, I get something like [itex]2\Box\phi+m^{2}\phi^{\dagger}=0[/itex]...but I don't know how to use this?

EDIT - actually that's wrong lol you can't have phi and phi^dagger mixing! omg I need to find out what I am doing wrong
  • #4
Okay so I am sure the equation of motion for phi is

  • #5
So what does this tell you about ##\partial_\mu J^\mu##?
  • #6
i know that [itex]\partial_{\mu}J^{\mu}=0[/itex] but I don't see how this helps...i know I am stupid lol -.-
  • #7
There are several ways of using it leading to the conservation of charge (assuming that the current vanishes at infinity). Let us start with the straight forward one: What does ##\partial_\mu J^\mu =0## tell you in terms of components? Can you relate this to something that you can find in an expression for ##\dot Q##?
  • #8
right, so [itex]\partial_{\mu}J^{\mu}=\partial_{0}J^{0}+\partial_{i}J^{i}[/itex] where i goes from 1 to 3 for the 3 spatial components, and the 0th component is time. The problem is that Q dot is just a time how do I proceed?
  • #9
wait...if [itex]\partial_{\mu}J^{\mu}=0[/itex] does that mean that each term in the sum expansion is 0? so that [itex]\partial_{0}J^{0}=0[/itex]?
  • #10
So you have ##\partial_0 J^0 = - \partial_i J^i = - \vec\nabla \cdot \vec J## and your integral is over space. To paraphrase Monty Python: "Hint, hint, nudge, nudge, know what I mean?" ;)
  • #11
Hmm its gona be something obvious I just can't see it :S
  • #12
Hey is it true that [itex]\phi\partial_{0}(\partial^{0}\phi^{\dagger})=\phi^{\dagger}\partial_{0}(\partial^{0}\phi)[/itex]? If so then I think I got it lol!
  • #13
Yes, this is one of those things you will bang your head into the desk when you realize. ;)
I really find it hard to tell you more without giving the answer away ...

But let me drop a hint on the other approach before I go to bed: You can rewrite the charge ##Q## as
Q(t) = \int_S d^3x J^0(\vec x, t) = \int_S d^3x\, n_\mu J^\mu,
where ##S## is space at time ##t## and ##n## is the time-like normal vector to ##S## (i.e., (1,0,0,0) in your coordinate system). What is then ##Q(t) - Q(0)##?

Edit: Just one more thing which is basically just writing down what you know already ... How can you rewrite the following?
\int_V (\vec\nabla \cdot \vec A(\vec x)) d^3x
  • #14
aww I think I like the other approach lol XD You've helped me a bunch man I owe you one! I think I'll get it eventually :P

Thanks again man sleep well!

FAQ: Proving that a Noether charge is constant

1. How do you define a Noether charge?

A Noether charge is a physical quantity that remains constant over time, regardless of the specific dynamics of a system. It is derived from the Noether's theorem, which states that for every continuous symmetry of a physical system, there exists a corresponding conserved quantity.

2. Why is it important to prove that a Noether charge is constant?

Proving that a Noether charge is constant is important because it provides a fundamental understanding of the symmetries and conserved quantities of a physical system. It also allows for the prediction and calculation of important physical properties, such as energy and momentum.

3. What is the process for proving that a Noether charge is constant?

The process for proving that a Noether charge is constant involves identifying the continuous symmetry of a physical system, deriving the corresponding conserved quantity, and using mathematical techniques, such as the Euler-Lagrange equations, to show that this quantity remains constant over time.

4. Can a Noether charge ever change?

No, a Noether charge cannot change over time. By definition, it is a conserved quantity that remains constant, regardless of the specific dynamics of a physical system. However, it is possible for the value of a Noether charge to vary for different systems or under different circumstances.

5. What are some real-world applications of proving a Noether charge is constant?

Proving that a Noether charge is constant has many real-world applications in physics, including in the study of classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and general relativity. It also has practical applications in fields such as engineering, where knowledge of conserved quantities is essential for designing and predicting the behavior of complex systems.
