Proving that a set, which is defined via distance to a closed set, is closed

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In summary, the conversation was about a recent graduate level introductory analysis midterm where the entire class did poorly and the exam had to be rewritten as homework. The discussion then shifted to a proof for a closed set in a tricky problem involving Cauchy sequences and limit points. The speaker shared their solution, which was to use the limit point strategy to prove that the set is closed. They also mentioned that while the open set-complement approach may be quicker and easier in some cases, the limit point strategy is more reliable and should be the preferred method. Feedback was given on the proof, with the other person agreeing that it was solid and suggesting to always use the limit point strategy in proving closed sets.
  • #1
This was a problem on a recent graduate level introductory analysis midterm. The entire class completely bombed (class average was 18%), so we have to rewrite the exam as homework. So with those considerations, i don't want any explicit help, but feedback on the other hand would be great. I'm basically trying to gauge whether I'm in the ballpark, or if I'm in the ballpark but took the long way here, or if I'm not in the correct stadium at all.

Homework Statement

Let X be a closed subset of R^n, let r > 0 be fixed, and let Y = { y in R^n such that |x - y| = r, for some x in X}. Prove Y is closed.

The Attempt at a Solution

This is a tricky proof (for me at least). Proving that Y^c is open is a tall task, so we will pick a limit point of Y and prove it is contained in Y.

Let {y_n} be a Cauchy sequence in Y such that (y_n) converges to y. Then for each y_n there is at least one corresponding x_n in X such that |x_n - y_n| = r. Furthermore, for each x_n, y_n pairing, there is a corresponding r_n so that y_n = x_n + r_n, where r_n is in the set of all R^n such that |r_n| = r (note that this set is closed).

So for the sequence {y_n} we have at least one corresponding sequence {x_n}, but while {y_n} is Cauchy it is not necessarily the case that {x_n} is also Cauchy (each x_n is r-distance away from y_n but it could be in a different direction than the previous term).

However, note for any e > 0 there is a natural number N so that if m,n > N, we have:

|y_n - y_m| = |(x_n + r_n) - (x_m + r_m)| = |(x_n - x_m) - (r_m - r_n)| < e.

Thus by the reverse triangle inequality, we have:

|x_n - x_m| - |r_n - r_m| < e, hence
|x_n - x_m| < |r_n - r_m| + e <= |r_n| + |r_m| + e = 2r + e.

This implies that {x_n} is bounded. Therefore there exists a convergent subsequence {x_nk}, and since X is closed, (x_nk) --> x in X. But we also have {x_nk} = {y_nk - r_nk}, so that (y_nk - r_nk) --> x. This implies {r_nk} is convergent, else {y_nk - r_nk} would diverge. Hence (y_nk - r_nk ) --> y - r = x. Furthermore |r| = r, since the sequence {r_n} is in a closed set. Thus y - x = r, and we see that y is in Y and that Y is therefore closed.

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  • #2
It seems that your proof is solid enough. In proving that a set is closed, I also always opt to use the approach that any limit point of the set has to be a member to the set. I never opt for the open set-complement approach.

You have shown that for any limit point in Y, there exists an x which is a limit point of the corresponding convergent (x_nk) subsequence by the bounded sequence property. Moreover, since X is closed, then x has to be in X.

Moreover, you have also noted that the other corresponding sequence (r_n) converges to some r, which is necessary to be have norm r, since the sequence (r_n) belongs to the closed set {z:|z|=r}(closed ball of radius r minus open ball of radius r).

And ultimately, you've shown that y-x=r.

I believe your proof is correct.
  • #3
canis89 said:
In proving that a set is closed, I also always opt to use the approach that any limit point of the set has to be a member to the set. I never opt for the open set-complement approach.

I think you make a good point here. While for easier situations, the strategy of proving that the complement is open is often quicker and easier, the limit point strategy seems to be more fool-proof and widely applicable. So I'm learning it's often best to start using the limit-point strategy, then only revert to the complement set if its clear to see that the method will work.

Thanks for the feedback.

FAQ: Proving that a set, which is defined via distance to a closed set, is closed

1. What is a closed set?

A closed set is a set in which all of its limit points are contained within the set. This means that if a sequence of points within the set converges, the limit of that sequence must also be within the set.

2. How is a set defined via distance to a closed set?

A set can be defined via its distance to a closed set by stating that all elements in the set must have a distance of at least 0 to the closed set. In other words, the set is defined as the complement of the closed set, where the distance between any point in the set and the closed set is greater than or equal to 0.

3. Why is it important to prove that a set defined via distance to a closed set is closed?

Proving that a set defined via distance to a closed set is closed is important because it ensures that the set satisfies the definition of a closed set, which has important implications in various mathematical applications. Additionally, it allows for further analysis and manipulation of the set using properties of closed sets.

4. How do you prove that a set defined via distance to a closed set is closed?

To prove that a set defined via distance to a closed set is closed, you must show that all of its limit points are contained within the set. This can be done by taking an arbitrary sequence of points in the set that converges to a limit point and showing that the limit point is also in the set. This can be done using the definition of distance and the fact that the distance between any point in the set and the closed set is at least 0.

5. Are there any special cases or exceptions when proving that a set defined via distance to a closed set is closed?

Yes, there are some special cases or exceptions that may arise when proving that a set defined via distance to a closed set is closed. For example, the set may already be a closed set itself, in which case there is nothing to prove. Additionally, if the closed set is empty or contains only one point, the set defined via distance may not be closed. These exceptions should be taken into consideration when proving the closure of a set defined via distance to a closed set.
