Proving That $G$ is Abelian When $G/Z$ is Cyclic

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  • Thread starter mathmari
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In summary, we have shown that if $Z \subseteq Z(G)$ such that $G/Z$ is cyclic, then $G$ is abelian. This is proven by considering the partition of $G$ given by $G/Z$ and using the fact that every element of $G$ can be written in the form $gz$ for some $g \in G$ and $z \in Z$. This allows us to show that for any $g_1, g_2 \in G$, we have $g_1g_2 = g_2g_1$, thus proving that $G$ is abelian.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hey! :eek:

Let $Z\subseteq Z(G)$ such that $G/Z$ is cyclic.

I want to show that $G$ is abelian. We have the following:

$$Z(G)=\{g\in G\mid ga=ag \ \forall a \in G\} \\ G/Z=\{gz\mid g\in G\}, z\in Z$$

Since $G/Z$ is cyclic we have that $(gz)^n=1$.

To show that $G$ is abelian, we want to show that $g_1g_2=g_2g_1, \ \forall g_1, g_2\in G$.

Does it stand that since $g_1\in G$ and $g_2\in G$, then $g_1g_2\in G$ ? (Wondering)

From the fact that $G/Z$ is cyclic we have that $((g_1g_2)z)^n=1$ and $(g_iz)^n=1, i\in \{1,2\}$.

Since $z\in Z\subseteq Z(G)$, we have that $za=az, \forall a\in G$, so $(g_1g_2)z=z(g_1g_2)$.

Therefore, from $((g_1g_2)z)^n=1$ we get that $(g_1g_2)^nz^n=1$, right? (Wondering)

And from $(g_1z)^n=1$ we get that $g_1^nz^n=1$.

So, we have the following $$(g_1g_2)^nz^n=1=g_1^nz^n \\ \Rightarrow (g_1g_2)^n=g_1^n \\ \Rightarrow g_1g_2(g_1g_2)^{n-1}=g_1g_1^{n-1} \\ \Rightarrow g_2(g_1g_2)^{n-1}=g_1^{n-1} \\ \Rightarrow g_2(g_1g_2)^{n-1}g_1=g_1^{n-1}g_1 \\ \Rightarrow (g_2g_1)^n=g_1^n$$ So, we have that $$ (g_1g_2)^n=(g_2g_1)^n$$

Is this correct so far? (Wondering)
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  • #2
You are taking the long way around, and may not get there, since to show:

$(g_1g_2)^k = (g_2g_1)^k$ for $1 \leq k < n$ you'll need to use commutativity.

This is what I recommend:

$G/Z$ is a PARTITION of $G$, that is, every element of $G$ can be written in the form $gz$, where $z \in Z$.

So pick $g \in G$ such that $gZ$ is a generator of $G/Z$.

Then, for any $x,y \in G$, we can write:

$x = g^kz_1$, and $y = g^mz_2$ (any $x,y$ fall into one of the cosets $(gZ)^t = g^tZ$ for some $t$).

Can you continue (use the fact that $z_1,z_2 \in Z$ to move them around as needed)?
  • #3
Deveno said:
This is what I recommend:

$G/Z$ is a PARTITION of $G$, that is, every element of $G$ can be written in the form $gz$, where $z \in Z$.

Why is $G/Z$ a partition of $G$ ? And why can every element of $G$ be written in that way? I got stuck right now... (Wondering)
Deveno said:
So pick $g \in G$ such that $gZ$ is a generator of $G/Z$.

$G/Z$ has a generator because it is cyclic, right? (Wondering)
Deveno said:
Then, for any $x,y \in G$, we can write:

$x = g^kz_1$, and $y = g^mz_2$ (any $x,y$ fall into one of the cosets $(gZ)^t = g^tZ$ for some $t$).

Why does this stand? I haven't understood that. Could you explain it to me? (Wondering)
  • #4
The relation:

$g_1 \sim g_2 \iff g_1H = g_2H$ is an equivalence relation, called "congruence modulo $H$" (actually, it should be called (left) congruence-but for normal subgroups left and right congruence modulo $H$ are the same).

A *partition* of a set $S$ is a collection of subsets $\{B_i\}$ such that:

$\bigcup\limits_i B_i = S$ and $B_{i_1} \cap B_{i_2} = \emptyset$ when $i_1 \neq i_2$ ($S$ is a union of disjoint sets).

A basic result of algebra is that every equivalence relation on a set $S$ induces a partition-the equivalence classes.

We can see that the union of all equivalence classes is the entire set, since for every $x \in S$, we have $x \in [x]$, since an equivalence relation is reflexive.

Suppose $[x] \neq [y]$ for two $x,y \in S$. I will show $[x]\cap[y] = \emptyset$. For suppose not, that we have $z\in S$ with $z \in [x] \cap [y]$. Since $z \in [x]$, we have (by definition of an equivalence class:

$[x] = \{s \in S: x\sim s\}$)

$x \sim z$.

Since $z \in [y]$, we also have $y \sim z$.

Since equivalence relations are symmetric, from $y \sim z$, we have $z \sim y$. Since equivalence relations are transitive, from:

$x \sim z$ and $z \sim y$, we have $x \sim y$. Thus $y \in x$.

Now if $a \in [y]$, so that $y \sim a$, we have $x \sim y$ and $y \sim a$ so $x \sim a$, and thus $a \in [x]$, which shows that if $[x] \cap [y] \neq \emptyset$, then $[y] \subseteq [x]$.

On the other hand, if $b \in [x]$, so that $x \sim b$, then $b \sim x$, and $x \sim y$, so that $b \sim y$, so $y \sim b$ and thus $[x] \subseteq [y]$.

That is, if $z \in [x] \cap [y]$, then $[x] = [y]$. By supposition, we held $[x] \neq [y]$, contradiction. That is, if $[x] \neq [y]$, no such $z \in [x] \cap [y]$ can exist, so it must be that the intersection is empty.

It is easy to show that "congruence modulo $H$" is an equivalence relation for a group $G$ with a subgroup $H$:

$g \sim g$ for all $g \in G$, since $gH = gH$.

If $g_1 \sim g_2$, then $g_1H = g_2H$, thus $g_2H = g_1H$, so $g_2 \sim g_1$ (it is symmetric).

Finally, if $g_1H = g_2H$ and $g_2H = g_3H$, then (by transitivity of equality), $g_1H = g_3H$.

This is what I mean by a quotient group $G/Z$ PARTITIONS $G$. Every element lies in exactly ONE (and only one) coset of $Z$. I would play around with some groups of small order to see how this partitioning works out in practice.

You are correct, $G/Z$ has a generator because it is cyclic.

The cosets of $G/Z$ for a generator $gZ$, will be, explicitly:

$\{Z,gZ,g^2Z,\dots,g^{n-1}Z\}$ (I'm using "your" $n$).

Every element of $G$, like $x$, for example, will lie in $g^tZ$ for some (unique) $0 \leq t < n-1$.

An element of $g^kZ$ will be of the form $g^kz$, for some $z \in Z$. Note I don't say "which" $z$, because it turns out that it won't matter, the only property of $Z$ you will need is that all its elements commute with any other elements of $G$ (since $Z \subseteq Z(G)$).
  • #5
I think I got it but I have to think about it again... (Thinking)
Deveno said:
$x = g^kz_1$, and $y = g^mz_2$ (any $x,y$ fall into one of the cosets $(gZ)^t = g^tZ$ for some $t$).

Why does it stand that $(gZ)^t = g^tZ$ ? (Wondering)
Deveno said:
Can you continue (use the fact that $z_1,z_2 \in Z$ to move them around as needed)?

We have the following:


Since $z_1,z_2\in Z\subseteq Z(G)$ we have that $g^iz_1=z_1g^i$ and $g^iz_2=z_2g^i$ for all $i$.

Then $$xy=g^kz_1g^mz_2=g^kz_1z_2g^m=g^kz_2z_1g^m=z_2g^kg^mz_1=z_mg^{k+m}z_1=z_2g^{m+k}z_1=z_2g^mg^kz_1=g^mz_2g^kz_1=yx$$

Theregore, $G$ is abelian. Is this correct? (Wondering)
  • #6
mathmari said:
I think I got it but I have to think about it again... (Thinking)

Why does it stand that $(gZ)^t = g^tZ$ ? (Wondering)

We multiply cosets like this:

$(aH)(bH) = (ab)H$.


$(gZ)^2 = (gZ)(gZ) = g^2Z$, and so on...

We have the following:


Since $z_1,z_2\in Z\subseteq Z(G)$ we have that $g^iz_1=z_1g^i$ and $g^iz_2=z_2g^i$ for all $i$.

Then $$xy=g^kz_1g^mz_2=g^kz_1z_2g^m=g^kz_2z_1g^m=z_2g^kg^mz_1=z_mg^{k+m}z_1=z_2g^{m+k}z_1=z_2g^mg^kz_1=g^mz_2g^kz_1=yx$$

Theregore, $G$ is abelian. Is this correct? (Wondering)

Yes, that is correct.
  • #7
Ok... Thanks a lot! (Yes)

FAQ: Proving That $G$ is Abelian When $G/Z$ is Cyclic

How can you prove that a group G is Abelian when G/Z is cyclic?

One way to prove this is by using the fact that if G/Z is cyclic, then it must have a unique subgroup of order 2. This implies that G/Z is isomorphic to the cyclic group of order 2, which is Abelian. Since G/Z is isomorphic to G/Z, this means that G/Z is also Abelian. And since G/Z is Abelian, it follows that G, being a quotient of G/Z, must also be Abelian.

What is the significance of G/Z being cyclic in proving that G is Abelian?

The significance lies in the fact that a cyclic group is always Abelian. Therefore, if G/Z is cyclic, then it must be Abelian. This allows us to use the isomorphism between G/Z and G to conclude that G is also Abelian.

Can you provide an example of a group G that is not Abelian, but G/Z is cyclic?

Yes, a good example is the symmetric group S3. This group is not Abelian, but its center Z is the trivial subgroup {e}, which means that G/Z is isomorphic to S3 itself, which is cyclic.

Is proving that G is Abelian when G/Z is cyclic a sufficient condition for proving that G is cyclic?

No, this is not a sufficient condition. While it is true that if G/Z is cyclic, then G must also be Abelian, the converse is not necessarily true. There are groups that are Abelian but not cyclic, such as the direct product of two cyclic groups of different orders.

Can this method be used to prove that any group is Abelian?

No, this method only works for groups where G/Z is cyclic. In general, to prove that a group is Abelian, you would need to show that it satisfies the commutative property for all elements in the group. This can be done through direct calculations or by showing that the group is isomorphic to a known Abelian group.

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