Proving that three closed orbits must contain a fixed point

In summary, the conversation discusses the configuration of orbits on a phase plane and the existence of fixed points bounded by these orbits. It is known that there are exactly three closed orbits, two of which lie inside the third one. However, it is uncertain how there can be a fixed point bounded by all three of these orbits. The conversation also mentions the possibility of three separate problems, each showing the existence of a fixed point bounded by one of the orbits. Finally, there is a question about showing the existence of a fixed point bounded by the third orbit, but not bounded by the first or second orbit.
  • #1
A smooth vector field on the phase plane is known to have exactly three closed orbit. Two of the cycles, C1 and C2 lie inside the third cycle C3. However C1 does not lie inside C2, nor vice-versa.

What is the configuration of the orbits?
Show that there must be at least one fixed point bounded by C1, C2, and C3.

I'm having trouble with this problem. I know that any closed orbit must enclose a number of fixed points such that the total index is 1 (also known as winding number). Therefore:

I1 = I2 = I3 = 1

where Ik is the index of Ck.

I = (2π)-1∫dθ

I don't exactly see how there can be a fixed point that is bounded by all *three* of the fixed points. Since C1 and C2 are not contained with in each other, the only way a fixed points could be bounded by both of them would be if they overlapped somewhat like a Venn Diagram, but I didn't think it was permissible for orbits to cross each other like that (?).
  • #3
infinitylord said:
I don't exactly see how there can be a fixed point that is bounded by all *three* of the fixed points.
I don't see that either. Maybe it is three separate problems?

Show that there is at least one fixed point bounded by C1.
Show that there is at least one fixed point bounded by C2.
Show that there is at least one fixed point bounded by C3.

That would be trivial, but what about this?

Show that there is at least one fixed point bounded by C3 but not bounded by C1 or C2.

FAQ: Proving that three closed orbits must contain a fixed point

1. What is the definition of a closed orbit?

A closed orbit is a path or trajectory followed by an object in a dynamical system that eventually returns to its starting point after completing a full cycle.

2. How is a fixed point defined in a dynamical system?

A fixed point in a dynamical system is a point in the system's phase space where the system remains unchanged over time. In other words, the state of the system at that point does not change as time progresses.

3. Why is it important to prove that three closed orbits must contain a fixed point?

Proving that three closed orbits must contain a fixed point is important because it is a fundamental result in the study of dynamical systems. It helps us understand the behavior and stability of systems and has numerous applications in physics, engineering, and other fields.

4. What is the significance of having three closed orbits in this proof?

Having three closed orbits is significant because it allows us to use the Poincaré-Bendixson theorem, which states that any bounded trajectory in a two-dimensional dynamical system must converge to a fixed point, a limit cycle, or a chaotic attractor. By proving that three closed orbits must contain a fixed point, we can show that the system has a stable equilibrium point or a periodic behavior.

5. What are some real-world examples of systems that can be described using this proof?

This proof can be applied to various systems, such as the motion of celestial bodies, the behavior of chemical reactions, and the dynamics of population growth. It can also be used in the design and analysis of control systems, weather forecasting models, and economic models.

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