Proving the Conjecture: Fields and Nilpotent Elements

In summary: If ##x \ne 0##, then ##x^{-1}## exists. If ##x = 0##, then the hypothesis is trivially true.In summary, the conversation explores the conjecture that in a field, if there exists a natural number m such that x^m=0 for some element x, then x must equal 0. The proof involves considering the inverse of any non-zero element and using the well-ordering property to derive a contradiction. The conversation also clarifies some wording issues in the original proof by induction on m and addresses the unnecessary consideration of x^-1=0.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Through my exploration/experimentation, I came up with this little conjecture: Let ##F## be a field and ##x## some element in the field. If there exists a natural number ##m## such that ##x^m = 0##, then ##x=0##. In other words, a field contains no nontrivial nilpotent elements.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Suppose that such a natural number ##m## exists for which ##x^m = 0##, or ##x \cdot x^{m-1}##. Since fields do not contain zero divisors, either ##x=0## or ##x^{m-1}##. If the latter holds, we are finished, so assume ##x^{m-1} = 0## or ##x \cdot x^{m-1} =0##. This implies ##x^{m-2} = 0##, etc.

It seems that I could repeat this process until I obtain ##x=0##, suggesting that the conjecture is true (unless I made some elementary mistake, which is not unlikely!). However, is there anyway of making this process/argument more rigorous?
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  • #2
Bashyboy said:

Homework Statement

Through my exploration/experimentation, I came up with this little conjecture: Let ##F## be a field and ##x## some element in the field. If there exists a natural number ##m## such that ##x^m = 0##, then ##x=0##. In other words, a field contains no nontrivial nilpotent elements.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Suppose that such a natural number ##m## exists for which ##x^m = 0##, or ##x \cdot x^{m-1}##. Since fields do not contain zero divisors, either ##x=0## or ##x^{m-1}##. If the latter holds, we are finished, so assume ##x^{m-1} = 0## or ##x \cdot x^{m-1} =0##. This implies ##x^{m-2} = 0##, etc.

It seems that I could repeat this process until I obtain ##x=0##, suggesting that the conjecture is true (unless I made some elementary mistake, which is not unlikely!). However, is there anyway of making this process/argument more rigorous?

It's a bit simpler to consider the inverse of any non-zero element.
  • #3
So, are you saying I do the following: Suppose there exists a nonzero element ##x \in F## such that ##x^m = 0## for some ##m \in \mathbb{N}##. Since ##F## has multiplicative inverses, ##x^{-m}## exists and therefore ##x^{-m} x^m = x^{-m} 0## or ##1 = 0##, which is a contradiction. Hence, ##x = 0##.

Does that sound right?
  • #4
If ##x^m=0## then you can't invert it. But you can invert each ##x## ##m-##times under the assumption it isn't zero.
  • #5
fresh_42 said:
But you can invert each ##x## ##m##-times under the assumption it isn't zero.

Do you mean something like ##x^m = 0## is ##\underbrace{xx...x}_{|m|-times} = 0## and multiplying the equation by ##x^{-1}## ##|m|##-times gives us ##(\underbrace{x^{-1}x^{-1}...x^{-1}}_{|m|-times} (\underbrace{xx...x}_{|m|-times}) = 0## or ##1 = 0##, the desired contradiction.
  • #6
Bashyboy said:
Do you mean something like ##x^m = 0## is ##\underbrace{xx...x}_{|m|-times} = 0## and multiplying the equation by ##x^{-1}## ##|m|##-times gives us ##(\underbrace{x^{-1}x^{-1}...x^{-1}}_{|m|-times} (\underbrace{xx...x}_{|m|-times}) = 0## or ##1 = 0##, the desired contradiction.
Yes, because the assumption on ##x## (+ associativity) allows you to do that while ##x^m=0## doesn't.
However, your original proof by induction on ##m## has been valid, too. Except you had some wording issues in the middle:
Bashyboy said:
Since fields do not contain zero divisors, either ##x=0## or ##x^{m-1}##. If the latter holds, we are finished, so ...
It should have been:
Since fields do not contain zero divisors, either ##x=0## or ##x^{m-1}=0##. If the former holds, we are finished, so ...
and now you could have used your induction hypothesis, that ##x^{m-1}=0## already implies ##x=0##. (The induction base ##x^1=0## is trivial.)

Edit: Induction is the mathematical formalism for "and so on".
  • #7
Alternatively, if ##x^m = 0## then we can take ##m## to be the lowest natural number for which this holds. You can then derive a contradiction from applying ##x^{-1}## once.
  • #8
PeroK said:
Alternatively, if ##x^m = 0## then we can take ##m## to be the lowest natural number for which this holds. You can then derive a contradiction from applying ##x^{-1}## once.

Oh, yes! The well-ordering property, right? Very clever! So, I just need to prove that if ##x \neq 0##, then ##x^{-1} \neq 0##. Here is my proof. Suppose that ##x \neq 0## yet ##x^{-1} = 0##. Then ##xx^{-1} = 1## would imply ##x \cdot 0 = 1## or ##0 = 1##, a contradiction. Does this seem right?
  • #9
Bashyboy said:
Oh, yes! The well-ordering property, right? Very clever! So, I just need to prove that if ##x \neq 0##, then ##x^{-1} \neq 0##. Here is my proof. Suppose that ##x \neq 0## yet ##x^{-1} = 0##. Then ##xx^{-1} = 1## would imply ##x \cdot 0 = 1## or ##0 = 1##, a contradiction. Does this seem right?

If ##x^{-1} = 0## then ##xx^{-1} = 0## which is absurd. Also, it would mean that ##0## is invertible, as ##0^{-1} = x##.

PS there's no reason to consider ##x^{-1} = 0## in any case.
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FAQ: Proving the Conjecture: Fields and Nilpotent Elements

1. What is a field in mathematics?

A field is a mathematical structure that consists of a set of elements, along with two binary operations: addition and multiplication. These operations must follow certain rules, such as commutativity, associativity, and the existence of an inverse element, in order for the set to be considered a field.

2. What is a nilpotent element?

A nilpotent element in a field is an element that, when raised to a certain power, becomes equal to the additive identity element (usually denoted as 0). In other words, there exists some positive integer n such that the nth power of a nilpotent element is equal to 0.

3. How is the concept of nilpotent elements used in mathematics?

Nilpotent elements are often used in the study of algebraic structures, such as rings and fields. They can be used to define certain properties, such as nilpotent ideals in a ring. In addition, nilpotent elements are useful in proving theorems and solving equations in various branches of mathematics.

4. Can a field have more than one nilpotent element?

No, a field can have at most one nilpotent element. This is because any field must contain at least one element that is not equal to 0, and if there were two nilpotent elements, their product would also be a nilpotent element, which contradicts the fact that a field cannot contain more than one element equal to 0.

5. Are all nilpotent elements equal to 0?

No, not all nilpotent elements are equal to 0. In some fields, such as the complex numbers, there may be other nonzero nilpotent elements. However, in certain fields, such as the real numbers, the only nilpotent element is 0.

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