Proving the Connectedness and Compactness of a Topological Space

In summary, we discussed the problem of proving the connectivity and compactness of a topological space (X, U) where U = {Φ} U {X\K : K is a finite subset of X}. It was argued that the space is not connected, as there do not exist two disjoint open sets that cover the space. However, the proof of compactness given was incorrect, as it relied on a faulty argument about the intersection of finite sets. It was then shown that the space is not normal, and therefore, not Hausdorff. Finally, the problem of determining if the space (N, U) is compact, where the basis B = {{1, 2, ..., n} : n is a
  • #1
Homework Helper
Hello to all, here's another problem the answer of which I'd like to check.

Let X be a non-empty infinite set, and U = {Φ} U {X\K : K is a finite subset of X} (Φ denotes the empty set) a topology on X. One needs to prove that the topological space (X, U) is connected and compact.

Now, it seems quite obvious that the space isn't connected, since there don't exist two non-empty disjoint open sets which cover the space (for any two chosen finite sets, the open sets of the form X\K in the topology will have an infinite number of elements in common).

Further on, to show that the space is compact, let C be an open cover for X. Then X = [tex]\cup[/tex] X\K = X\[tex]\cap[/tex]K (I didn't index the set operators for practical reasons). Now, it follows that the intersection of finite sets [tex]\cap[/tex]K is empty, and so it must contain at least two disjoint finite sets Ki and Kj. It we take these two sets, then (X\Ki)U(X\Kj) is a finite cover for X, so (X, U) is compact.
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  • #2
The proof seems good to me.
The co-finite topology is interesting & would yield a good example of a non-metrizable space for sufficiently 'big' X. The space is normal,too.
  • #3
Eynstone said:
The proof seems good to me.

OK, thanks a lot.

Eynstone said:
The co-finite topology is interesting & would yield a good example of a non-metrizable space for sufficiently 'big' X. The space is normal,too.

Could you please elaborate on this one a bit?

A space is normal if: i) for every pair of distinct points, every one of them has a neighbourhood which doesn't contain the other one - this one seems obvious, yes. ii) for every two closed disjoint sets, there exist neighbourhoods for these sets which are disjoint, too. Now, the closed sets in this topology are the finite sets, right? (Since they have open complements) But if we take two such disjoint finite sets, it seems to me that every neighbourhood intersects with the other one. Or I'm missing something?
  • #4
Yes, and another question I find interesting (no need to start another thread, I guess).

Let (N, U) be a topological space the basis of which is given with B = {{1, 2, ..., n} : n is a natural number}. Is (N, U) compact?

My first thoughts were that it's not compact, since if C is an open cover for N, and every element of C is finite, we can't cover N by a finite number of finite sets.

But then, I tried to use a theorem which states that a topological space is compact iff every family of closed sets with the property of finite intersections (i.e., for every finite subset of their indexing sets their finite intersection is non-empty) has a non-empty intersection.

So, the closed sets in our topology are of the form {n, ... : n is a natural number}, and their intersection is always non-empty, so (N, U) should be compact.

Obviously I'm missing something here.
  • #5
The proof of compactness in your first post is wrong. For instance: {1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3} are finite sets with empty intersection, but no two of the sets are disjoint.

It's still fixable, though. For instance, choose any X \ K0 in C. For each x in K0 there is a set X \ Kx in C containing x. Then {X \ K0, X \ Kx | x in K0} is a finite cover of X, because K0 is finite.

Also, X is not normal. It's not even Hausdorff.

Now, for your last post: Consider, for each n in N, the closed set {n, n+1, ...}. The intersection of all of these sets is clearly empty. In fact, the intersection of some number of such sets is nonempty if and only if that number is finite. This proves that N is not compact in this topology.
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  • #6
adriank said:
Also, X is not normal. It's not even Hausdorff.

Let a, b be two distinct points in X. Since X is infinite, we can choose a countable set C= {c1,c2,...} not containing either a or b.
Then the open sets {a, c1,c3,..} and { b,c2,c4,...} are disjoint & separate a from b.
The normality can be proved on similar lines.
  • #7
adriank said:
The proof of compactness in your first post is wrong. For instance: {1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3} are finite sets with empty intersection, but no two of the sets are disjoint.

adriank, thanks for the reply.

Actually, I didn't express what I meant in a clear enough manner. If we take the intersection [tex]\cap[/tex]K, at some point, after intersecting some number of sets, and another one (the operation is associative and commutative), we must arrive at a combination of two families of intersected sets which give the empty set, so Ki and Kj were thought of as two families of intersected sets. Would it work this way?

adriank said:
Now, for your last post: Consider, for each n in N, the closed set {n, n+1, ...}. The intersection of all of these sets is clearly empty. In fact, the intersection of some number of such sets is nonempty if and only if that number is finite. This proves that N is not compact in this topology.

Oh, I didn't realize that an infinite intersection of such sets is empty, it doesn't seem quite intuitive to me.
  • #8
Eynstone said:
Let a, b be two distinct points in X. Since X is infinite, we can choose a countable set C= {c1,c2,...} not containing either a or b.
Then the open sets {a, c1,c3,..} and { b,c2,c4,...} are disjoint & separate a from b.
The normality can be proved on similar lines.

Are you referring to the problem from the first post? How can these sets be open in this topology?

By the way, it would be enough to show the space is normal, since its normality would imply it being Haussdorf. Although, if we show it not being normal, it can still be Haussdorf.

If we take two distinct points a, b from X, I don't see any way to find open neighborhoods of these points which are disjoint. These neighborhoods would need to be of the form X\{a, ...} and X\{b, ...} (where the finite set {a, ...} mustn't contain b and vise versa), and they are certainly not disjoint, right?
  • #9
Eynstone said:
Let a, b be two distinct points in X. Since X is infinite, we can choose a countable set C= {c1,c2,...} not containing either a or b.
Then the open sets {a, c1,c3,..} and { b,c2,c4,...} are disjoint & separate a from b.
The normality can be proved on similar lines.
Those two sets aren't open, since their complements are infinite.

radou said:
we must arrive at a combination of two families of intersected sets which give the empty set, so Ki and Kj were thought of as two families of intersected sets. Would it work this way?
At best this is a very unclear argument.
  • #10
adriank said:
It's still fixable, though. For instance, choose any X \ K0 in C. For each x in K0 there is a set X \ Kx in C containing x. Then {X \ K0, X \ Kx | x in K0} is a finite cover of X, because K0 is finite.

adriank, I have thought about what you wrote, and it makes perfect sense.

By the way, I just realized that the biggest mistake in the attempt of a proof in the first post is that (even if it "worked"), I didn't actually find a finite sub-cover for the given cover, since the sets X\Ki and X\Kj are not necessarily contained in the first given open cover.

FAQ: Proving the Connectedness and Compactness of a Topological Space

1. What does it mean for a space to be connected?

Connected space refers to a topological space in which there are no disjoint open sets. This means that any two points in the space can be joined by a continuous path without leaving the space.

2. How is the connectedness of a space determined?

The connectedness of a space can be determined by examining the open sets in the space and determining if any of them are disjoint. If there are no disjoint open sets, then the space is connected.

3. What is the importance of connected spaces in mathematics?

Connected spaces are important in mathematics because they allow for the study of continuous functions and provide a framework for understanding the behavior of topological spaces. They also have applications in other areas of mathematics, such as differential geometry and complex analysis.

4. What is a compact space?

A compact space is a topological space in which every open cover has a finite subcover. This means that no matter how the space is covered with open sets, a finite number of those sets will still cover the entire space.

5. How does compactness relate to connectedness?

A compact space can be either connected or disconnected. However, a connected compact space is always path-connected, meaning that any two points can be joined by a continuous path. This is because in a compact space, the open sets cannot be separated by a gap, making it easier to find a continuous path connecting any two points.

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