Proving the existence of a real exponential function

In summary, the conversation discusses a proof involving a set with a supremum but no maximum, and another set with an infimum but no minimum. The goal is to show that the supremum of the first set is equal to the infimum of the second set. The proof involves considering a hypothetical maximum value for the first set and showing that it leads to a contradiction. Finally, the conversation ends with a request for clarification on the proof.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Proof that ##a^r < \gamma < a^s## for all rational ##r## and ##s##, ##r<x<s##, and ##x \in \mathbb{R}## known.
Relevant Equations
Assume that ##f(x)=a^x## is defined only for ##x \in \mathbb{Q}##. Assume that ##f(x)## is strictly growing.
Lemma 1.
If ##a>1## is a know real, ##\forall \varepsilon > 0##, ##\exists n \in \mathbb{N}## such that $$a^{\frac{1}{n}} - 1 < \varepsilon$$.
Lemma 2.
If ##a>1## and ##x## are a known reals, ##\forall \varepsilon > 0##, ##\exists r, s \in \mathbb{Q}##, ##r<x<s## such that $$a^s - a^r < \varepsilon$$.
Ok, first I tried to show that ##A = \left \{a^{r}|r\in\mathbb{Q},r<x \right \}## does not have a maximum value.
Assume ##\left\{ a^{r}\right\}## has a maximum, ##a^{r_m}##. By this hypothesis, ##r_{m}<x## and ##r_{m}>r\forall r\neq r_{m}\in\mathbb{Q}##. Consider now that ## q\in\mathbb{Q}|q>0## such that $$ q<x-r_{m}.$$ Of course, $$a^{q}<a^{x},$$because ##q<x##.
As ##q>0##, ##r_{m}+q>r_{m}##, a contradiction. So, ##A## does not have a maximum value.
If ##x## is a rational, ##a^x## is the supreme for ##A## and the infimus for ##B=\left\{ a^{s}|s\in\mathbb{Q},s>x\right\}## and the proof is finished.
If not, by Lemma 2, there are ##r_1## and ##s_1##, ##r_1 \in A##, ##s_1 \in B## so that $$a^{s_{1}}-a^{r_{1}}<\epsilon.$$
Now, if so, then ##a^{r}=a^{s}## and the suprema and infimus of ##A## and ##B## are equal.
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  • #2
Is the statem you are trying to prove true for all rational number? E.g. for 0 < a < 1
and others
  • #3
Yes, for rationals, ##a \in \mathbb{R}##, ##a>1##.
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  • #4
Now I see that I have made a real mess.
Let me try to make things more clear.
Homework Statement: consider ##a>1## a known real number. Prove that, for all real ##x##, there is only one real ##\gamma## such that $$a^r<\gamma<a^s$$ for any rationals ##r## and ##s##, with ##r<x<s##.
Relevant Equations: ##\max A ## is the maximum element of ##A##. The upper quote of a set ##A## is a value greater than any of its elements. The supremum of a set is its smallest upper quote.

My attempt of a solution.
The set ##A=\left\{ a^{r}|r\in\mathbb{Q},r<x\right\}## is not empty and superiorly limited by any ##a^s##, ##s## rational and ##s>x##; so this set has a supremum, but not a maximum.
To show that it has not a maximum, suppose that ##r_m## is it. Thus, ##r_{m}<x## and ##r_{m}>r\forall r\neq r_{m}\in A##. But it is also possible to generate a rational ##q\in \mathbb{Q}|q>0## such that $$q<x-r_{m},$$ using $$q=r_{m}+\frac{1}{a},$$ ##a## being the least integer for which ## r_{m}+\frac{1}{a} < x.## It is clear that ##q+r_m<x##, so it is in ##A## and ##q+r_m>r_m## (because ##\frac{1}{a}>0)## contradicting the initial hypothesis that ##r_m## is a maximum.
Using analogous reasoning, it is proved that ##B=\left\{ a^{s}|r\in\mathbb{Q},s>x\right\}## has a infimum but not a minimum.
This should make evident that $$a^r < \gamma < a^s.$$
Is this a correct reasoning?
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Likes Delta2
  • #5
Not sure if your proof that A doesn't have a maximum correct, however I think what is definitely needed is to prove that $$supA=infB(=\gamma)$$

EDIT: Sorry I only read your second post, now that I read your first post, you try there to prove that ##supA=infB## but I don't understand that proof. I have slept only 4 hours last night, I 'll come back to this when I have slept more.
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  • #6
Delta2 said:
Not sure if your proof that A doesn't have a maximum correct, however I think what is definitely needed is to prove that $$supA=infB(=\gamma)$$

EDIT: Sorry I only read your second post, now that I read your first post, you try there to prove that ##supA=infB## but I don't understand that proof. I have slept only 4 hours last night, I 'll come back to this when I have slept more.
Ok, thank you very much.

Related to Proving the existence of a real exponential function

1. What is an exponential function?

An exponential function is a mathematical function of the form f(x) = ab^x, where a and b are constants and x is the independent variable. It is characterized by a constant ratio between the function's output and its input, resulting in a curve that increases or decreases rapidly.

2. How do you prove the existence of a real exponential function?

To prove the existence of a real exponential function, we need to show that the function satisfies the properties of an exponential function. These include a constant base, a positive exponent, and a non-zero output for every input. Additionally, we can use the graph of the function to demonstrate its exponential growth or decay.

3. What is the difference between a real and complex exponential function?

A real exponential function uses real numbers as both the base and exponent, while a complex exponential function uses complex numbers. Real exponential functions result in a curve that increases or decreases rapidly, while complex exponential functions create a spiral-like shape.

4. Can an exponential function have a negative base?

No, an exponential function cannot have a negative base. This would result in a complex number as the output, which goes against the definition of a real exponential function. However, a negative exponent is allowed, as long as the base is positive.

5. How are exponential functions used in real-life applications?

Exponential functions are used in various fields, such as finance, biology, and physics, to model growth and decay. They can be used to predict population growth, compound interest, radioactive decay, and many other natural phenomena. They are also commonly used in data analysis and forecasting.

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