Proving the Inequality of Two Real Numbers

In summary, the author is trying to show how to do a proof from a book, but gets lost in the details.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove that for every two distinct real numbers a and b, either (a+b)/2>a or (a+b)/2>b

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

if two distinct numbers a and b then (a+b)/2>a
Since a≠b and a,bεR, (a+b)/2>a=a+b>2a=b>a. Therefore (a+b)/2>a if b>a.
if two distinct numbers a and b then (a+b)/2>b
Since a≠b and a,bεR, (a+b)/2>b=a+b>2b=a>b.
Therefore (a+b)/2>b if a>b.

would this suffice as a proof or no?
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  • #2
Something is missing. I think you ought to state that a≠b implies either a>b or b>a
and then show that
a>b is an equivalent statement to (a+b)/2>b
b>a => (a+b)/2>a

Would you have to prove that a≠b => a>b or b>a?
  • #3
bonfire09 said:

Homework Statement

Prove that for every two distinct real numbers a and b, either (a+b)/2>a or (a+b)/2>b

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

if two distinct numbers a and b then (a+b)/2>a
Since a≠b and a,bεR, (a+b)/2>a=a+b>2a=b>a. Therefore (a+b)/2>a if b>a.
if two distinct numbers a and b then (a+b)/2>b
Since a≠b and a,bεR, (a+b)/2>b=a+b>2b=a>b.
Therefore (a+b)/2>b if a>b.

would this suffice as a proof or no?

No. You're assuming part of what you need to prove.
Since a≠b and a,bεR, (a+b)/2>a ...

Also, this makes no sense: (a+b)/2>a=a+b>2a=b>a
You're saying that (a + b)/2 > a, which equals a + b, which is greater than 2a, which equals b, which is greater than a. The problem is that you are apparently connecting inequalities (such as (a+b)/2>a and a + b > 2a), with =. That's not the right symbol. Equations and inequalities aren't equal to anything; they might be equivalent, or one might imply another, but they're not equal.
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  • #4
yeah i knew this was wrong. I think the problem is that I am not approaching the conclusion of the result correctly. let me try this again
  • #5
Break it up into two cases, along the lines of what cryora suggests.

Case 1: Suppose a < b.
Show that (a + b)/2 > a.

Case 2: Suppose that b < a.
Show that (a + b)/2 > b.
  • #6
proof: Since a and b are distinct numbers this implies that either a>b or b>a

Case 1: Let a>b. Then a/2>b/2. a/2+b/2>2b/2. (a+b)/2>b. Since a>b then (a+b)/2>b.

Something like this. Damn proving is tough. Has anyone used a transition to advanced math by chartrand? I am trying to learn how to do proofs from this book. I can do about 70%-80% of the problems but some of them are tricky like this one. Anyone have other books that are good at showing different kinds of proofs that I can use to supplement this book?
  • #7
bonfire09 said:
proof: Since a and b are distinct numbers this implies that either a>b or b>a

Case 1: Let a>b. Then a/2>b/2. a/2+b/2>2b/2. (a+b)/2>b. Since a>b then (a+b)/2>b.

Something like this. Damn proving is tough. Has anyone used a transition to advanced math by chartrand? I am trying to learn how to do proofs from this book. I can do about 70%-80% of the problems but some of them are tricky like this one. Anyone have other books that are good at showing different kinds of proofs that I can use to supplement this book?

Here are a couple that I think would be helpful.
How to Read and Do Proofs (
The Nuts and Bolts of Proofs (
  • #8
ok thanks. I'll look into these books.

FAQ: Proving the Inequality of Two Real Numbers

1. How can I prove that one number is greater than another?

To prove that one number is greater than another, you can use the transitive property of inequalities. This means that if a is greater than b, and b is greater than c, then a must be greater than c. By using this property and comparing the two numbers, you can show that one is greater than the other.

2. What are some common methods for proving the inequality of two real numbers?

There are several common methods for proving the inequality of two real numbers. Some examples include using algebraic manipulations, using the properties of inequalities, and using mathematical induction.

3. Can visual aids be used to prove the inequality of two real numbers?

Yes, visual aids can be a helpful tool in proving the inequality of two real numbers. Graphs and diagrams can help illustrate the relationship between the two numbers and make the proof easier to understand.

4. Is it necessary to use both sides of the inequality when proving the inequality of two real numbers?

No, it is not always necessary to use both sides of the inequality when proving that one number is greater than another. However, it is important to clearly state which numbers are being compared and which side of the inequality sign they are on in order to provide a complete and accurate proof.

5. Can the inequality of two real numbers be proven using only basic arithmetic operations?

Yes, the inequality of two real numbers can be proven using only basic arithmetic operations. By manipulating the numbers and using properties of inequalities, you can show that one number is greater than another without the need for more advanced mathematical concepts.
