Proving the Shell Theorem: A Simplified Approach Using Symmetry and Gauss's Law

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem where the integral form of Gauss's Law is not covered, so an alternative proof is needed. The exercise involves showing that a purely radial field in empty space must be E = (a/r^3)[x, y, z], and provides hints to use the result from a previous exercise and symmetry arguments to show that the field is 0 at the center and must be 0 everywhere inside the sphere. The conversation also discusses possible approaches to solve the problem, with one suggesting to show that at a small distance from the center, the field magnitude is bounded by a constant. However, it is mentioned that this may be too complicated for an introductory book and it may be assumed that the r^-3 result
  • #1
I have worked through proofs of the Shell Theorem using the integral form of Gauss's Law. However, in this exercise (I'm self studying) we have not covered the integral form of Gauss's Law, so we're looking for an alternative proof. What we have is the definition of divergence and Gauss's law:
$$div(E) = \frac{\partial{E_x}}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial{E_y}}{\partial y} + \frac{\partial{E_y}}{\partial z} = 4\pi k\rho$$ The exercise picks up from a previous exercise that I was successful at where I was asked to show that a purely radial field in empty space must be $$E = \frac{a}{r^3}[x, y, z]$$ where a is some constant of integration. It then gives the following hints. First, it mentions I will need the result that I found in the previous exercise. Then, it says I should argue that far from the sphere the field must be indistinguishable from that of a particle with charge Q. Then, it suggests that I use symmetry to argue that the field at the center is 0 and use that to show that E must be 0 everywhere in the interior.

First, this is an introductory text, so I think the part where I should argue that the field far from the sphere is essentially the same as a point particle with the same charge on the sphere Q is more of an observation that at long distances the sphere and a point particle become indistinguishable and hence their fields are indistinguishable. Second, I have no problem using the symmetry argument to show E is 0 at the center, it is a simple rotational argument that must preserve the field. However, I really don't know where to go from there. I wanted to argue that inside the sphere the field cannot be changing, hence if it is 0 at the center, it is 0 everywhere, but I haven't figured out how to argue it. That's as much progress as I've been able to make. For the outside part we need to show that $$E = \frac{kQ}{r^3}[x, y, z]$$ but I'm not sure how to tie this to the observation about very long distances away from the sphere (except maybe it is as simple as that this observation provides us with the field at a point and thus determines the value of a, which would be KQ and thus the outside part of the theorem is proven).

Those are my thoughts, but help with the solution would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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  • #2
One way might be to show that at a small distance r from the centre the field magnitude is bounded by ##\frac c{(R-r)^2}## for some constant c. Combining that with your r-3 result would do it, I think.
  • #3
Maybe haruspex is correct, but I think your approach sounds too complicated for an introductory book in physics. It's supposed to be a corollary of my r^-3 result, and the fact that the field is 0 on the central axis. It's supposed to follow very easily from that.
  • #4
justinben said:
Maybe haruspex is correct, but I think your approach sounds too complicated for an introductory book in physics. It's supposed to be a corollary of my r^-3 result, and the fact that the field is 0 on the central axis. It's supposed to follow very easily from that.
Maybe, or maybe the only difference is that the book assumes the r-3 result applies smoothly all the way to the centre without further proof. It seemed to me that was a bit of a jump.

Related to Proving the Shell Theorem: A Simplified Approach Using Symmetry and Gauss's Law

1. What is the Shell Theorem?

The Shell Theorem is a mathematical proof that describes the gravitational forces exerted by a spherically symmetric object on external objects. It states that if a massive object is spherically symmetric, then the gravitational forces on external objects are the same as if all of the mass were concentrated at a point at the center of the object.

2. Who first discovered the Shell Theorem?

The Shell Theorem was first discovered by the French mathematician and physicist Joseph-Louis Lagrange in the late 18th century.

3. What is the significance of the Shell Theorem in physics?

The Shell Theorem is significant in physics because it helps us understand the gravitational forces exerted by spherical objects, such as planets and stars. It also allows us to simplify complex gravitational problems and make accurate predictions about the behavior of objects in space.

4. How is the Shell Theorem proven?

The Shell Theorem is proven using mathematical methods, specifically using principles of calculus and Newton's law of gravitation. It involves dividing a spherically symmetric object into infinitesimally thin shells and calculating the gravitational forces exerted by each shell on external objects.

5. Are there any exceptions to the Shell Theorem?

There are some exceptions to the Shell Theorem, such as when the spherically symmetric object is not uniform in density or when the external objects are within the spherically symmetric object. In these cases, the theorem does not hold true and more complex calculations are needed to determine the gravitational forces.

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