Proving the Simplicity of a Group of Order 36 Using Sylow Subgroups

  • Thread starter Bachelier
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In summary, our subgroup \bigcap_{x \in G} \ xPx^{-1} is nothing but the original intersection subgroup. The order is 3. Also since for all x in G, if we take x \bigcap x^{-1} then we end up in the same grp hence it's normal.
  • #1
Well it isn't.
I'm trying to prove it.

So I assume there is more than one sylow-3 subgroup, each has order 9, we have 4 of them, now their intersection is either e or has order 3.

if it is e, then we have 32 elements in these subgroups besides e (33rd)

then assume we have more than one sylow-2 subgroup, we should have 3, but then their intersection has order 1, or 2.

So now it works for all cases except when the intersection of the sylow 3 subgroups is 3 and that of the sylow 2-subgrps is 1, then I get the magic number 36.

What should I be looking for in this proof. I was advised there is a way to prove it using this way without the appeal to homomorphisms to Sn.
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  • #2
if you check out my math notes for 843-4-5 on my website you will find proofs that all groups of non prime order n different from 60 are not simple for n < 168.843-1. #9.
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  • #3
mathwonk said:
if you check out my math notes for 843-4-5 on my website you will find proofs that all groups of non prime order n different from 60 are not simple for n < 168.

843-1. #9.

Thanks, I am going to check it now.
btw I corrected my answer to the intersection of sylow p-subgroups. I didn't know that there's a theory on these. The Sylow intersection.

so the ord(sylow intersection) divides the original group but must NOT be equal or larger to the order of any sylow-p-group (which is the same for all since they are all isomorphic).
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  • #4
when it comes to group theory, Hungerford's introductory textbook is truly weak. Not to confuse with his Graduate textbook Algebra though.
  • #5
suppose we have the "bad case" where we have the intersection of the sylow 3-subgroups is non-trivial. let's call one of these sylow 3-subgroups P.

this means that [itex]\bigcap_{x \in G}xPx^{-1}[/itex] is a subgroup of order 3. show this is a normal subgroup of G, and then G is not simple.

there is also another way:

suppose we have 2 sylow-3-subgroups H,K with non-trivial intersection. what are possible orders for N(H∩K)?

(first rule out 3 and 9. from the first sylow theorem we know there is a subgroup of G of order 9, that H∩K is normal in. this rules out 3. now rule out 9, since...?)
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  • #6
Deveno said:
suppose we have the "bad case" where we have the intersection of the sylow 3-subgroups is non-trivial. let's call one of these sylow 3-subgroups P.

this means that [itex]\bigcap_{x \in G}xPx^{-1}[/itex] is a subgroup of order 3. show this is a normal subgroup of G, and then G is not simple.

there is also another way:

suppose we have 2 sylow-3-subgroups H,K with non-trivial intersection. what are possible orders for N(H∩K)?

(first rule out 3 and 9. from the first sylow theorem we know there is a subgroup of G of order 9, that H∩K is normal in. this rules out 3. now rule out 9, since...?)

I'm inclined to think that our subgroup [itex]\bigcap_{x \in G} \ xPx^{-1}[/itex] is nothing but the original intersection subgroup. The reason: xPx-1 is nothing but another sylow-3-subgrp. Thus the order is 3. Also since for all x in G, if we take [itex]x \bigcap x^{-1}[/itex] then we end up in the same grp hence it's normal.
  • #7
Deveno said:
suppose we have 2 sylow-3-subgroups H,K with non-trivial intersection. what are possible orders for N(H∩K)?

(first rule out 3 and 9. from the first sylow theorem we know there is a subgroup of G of order 9, that H∩K is normal in. this rules out 3. now rule out 9, since...?)

How can we have 2 Sylow 3-subgroups and [itex]2 \not \equiv 1 \mod{3}[/itex]
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  • #8
Bachelier said:
How can we have 2 Sylow 3-subgroups and [itex]2 \not \equiv 1 \mod{3}[/itex]

no, i don't mean we have ONLY 2. i mean suppose we have 4. pick any two of them, call them H and K. they have a non-trivial intersection. what is the order of the normalizer of this intersection?

(hint: any subgroup of G of order 9 is abelian. thus H∩K is normal in both H and K, which means that |N(H∩K)| > 9. since both H and K are in N(H∩K), this means that 9 divides N(H∩K). so we have 9 divides |N(H∩K)| and |N(H∩K)| divides 36. what possibilities does this give?)

Bachelier said:
I'm inclined to think that our subgroup [itex]\bigcap_{x \in G} \ xPx^{-1}[/itex] is nothing but the original intersection subgroup. The reason: xPx-1 is nothing but another sylow-3-subgrp. Thus the order is 3. Also since for all x in G, if we take [itex]x \bigcap x^{-1}[/itex] then we end up in the same grp hence it's normal.

the group [itex]\bigcap_{x \in G} \ xPx^{-1}[/itex] is called the normal hull of P. it is always a normal subgroup of G. see this thread:
  • #9
First let me ask this please, regarding the normalizer, is there a formula for its order?
  • #10
Bachelier said:
First let me ask this please, regarding the normalizer, is there a formula for its order?

in general, no. but for any subgroup H of G, we have H ≤ NG(H) ≤ G. so normalizers can be used when we need to find "bigger" subgroups of G containing H.

FAQ: Proving the Simplicity of a Group of Order 36 Using Sylow Subgroups

What does it mean for a group to have an order of 36?

The order of a group refers to the number of elements in the group. In this case, a group of order 36 would have 36 elements.

What does it mean for a group to be simple?

A simple group is a group that has no nontrivial normal subgroups. This means that the only subgroups of a simple group are the trivial subgroup (containing only the identity element) and the group itself.

How do you determine if a group of order 36 is simple?

One way to determine if a group of order 36 is simple is to check if it has any nontrivial normal subgroups. If it does not, then it is simple. Another way is to use the fact that a group of order 36 is simple if and only if it has no proper nontrivial normal subgroups.

Are there any other properties of a group of order 36 that can help determine if it is simple?

Yes, there is a theorem called the Sylow theorems that can be used to determine if a group is simple. Specifically, if a group of order 36 has exactly one Sylow 3-subgroup (a subgroup of order 3) and one Sylow 4-subgroup (a subgroup of order 4), then it is simple.

Why is it important to study groups of order 36 that are simple?

Studying simple groups is important in understanding the structure of all groups. In particular, simple groups are building blocks for more complicated groups, and understanding their properties can help us understand the properties of larger groups. Additionally, simple groups have important applications in other areas of mathematics, such as algebraic geometry and number theory.

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