Proving the Surjectivity of Maps in Cyclic Groups with Relatively Prime Integers

In summary: So the image of the map is indeed a subset of G. In summary, in order to prove that the map x\mapsto x^k is surjective, we can use the contrapositive and show that if k is relatively prime to n, then the map must be surjective. We do this by assuming that the map is not surjective and using the fact that groups are closed under the operation to show that two elements in G must map to the same thing, which contradicts the assumption that the map is not surjective. Checking for flaws in a proof can be improved by substituting specific numbers for the variables and working through the proof step by step. This can give a better understanding of the proof and help identify any mistakes
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let [itex]G[/itex] be a cyclic group of order [itex]n[/itex] and let [itex]k[/itex] be an integer relatively prime to [itex]n[/itex]. Prove that the map [itex]x\mapsto x^k[/itex] is sujective.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I am trying to prove the contrapositon but I am not sure about one thing: If the map is not surjective, does it necessarily mean that there exists distinct [itex]i,j \in \{1,...n\}[/itex] such that [itex](x^i)^k=(x^j)^k[/itex]? If so how would you prove it?

Anyway here is my proof:

Suppose that the map is not surjective. Then there exists distinct [itex]i,j \in \{1,...n\}[/itex] such that [itex](x^i)^k=(x^j)^k[/itex]. Without loss of generality suppose [itex]i>j [/itex]. Using the cancellation laws we get [itex]x^{(i-j)k}=1[/itex]. Since [itex]|x|=n[/itex], it follows that [itex]n|(i-j)k[/itex] (By another proposition). If [itex]gcd(n,k)=1[/itex] then [itex]n|(i-j)[/itex], a contradiction since [itex](i-j) < n[/itex]. Hence we must have [itex]gcd(n,k) \not= 1[/itex] and so [itex]k[/itex] is not relatively prime to [itex]n[/itex]. Therefore by contraposition, if [itex]k[/itex] is relatively prime to [itex]n[/itex] then [itex]x\mapsto x^k[/itex] is surjective.

Quite often I find it hard to check whether a proof has flaws in it. How can I improve on checking for flaws in a proof?

Any help would be appreciated.
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  • #2
Your proof looks fine to me. If your group is cyclic and x is a generator then your group is G={x^0,x^1,...x^(n-1)}. So, yes, if x->x^k is not surjective then two of those elements must map to the same thing. Hence (x^i)^k=(x^j)^k for some i and j less than n. Sometimes putting real numbers in for n and k helps to check, e.g. put n=6. Show the map is surjective if k=5 and not surjective if k=4 by writing all of the elements out. It should give you a feeling for what's going on if the proof itself isn't giving you that.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply Dick.

So the image of the map is a subset of G, that is why if the map is not surjective then two elements must map to the same thing. Is that correct?
  • #4
Flying_Goat said:
Thanks for the reply Dick.

So the image of the map is a subset of G, that is why if the map is not surjective then two elements must map to the same thing. Is that correct?

Sure. If x is in G, then x^k is in G. Groups are closed under the operation.

FAQ: Proving the Surjectivity of Maps in Cyclic Groups with Relatively Prime Integers

1. What is a cyclic group?

A cyclic group is a type of mathematical group that is generated by a single element, also known as a generator. This means that all other elements in the group can be obtained by repeatedly applying the generator element and its inverse.

2. How do you determine if a group is cyclic?

A group is considered cyclic if it has a generator that can generate all of its elements. This can be checked by verifying that all elements in the group can be obtained by repeatedly applying the generator and its inverse.

3. What is the order of a cyclic group?

The order of a cyclic group is the number of elements in the group. It can also be thought of as the number of times the generator needs to be applied to itself to generate all elements in the group.

4. Can a cyclic group have more than one generator?

Yes, a cyclic group can have more than one generator. However, all generators will generate the same group, so they are essentially equivalent.

5. What are some real-world applications of cyclic groups?

Cyclic groups have many applications in cryptography, specifically in the creation of public and private keys for secure communication. They are also used in music theory to describe the structure of musical notes and chords.
