Proving the Visible Emissions of Balmer Series in Hydrogen Atom

In summary, the Balmer series corresponds to a set of emissions involving the electron in a hydrogen atom relaxing from a high energy state into the n = 2 level. The emission peaks in this series corresponding to transitions from n = 6, 5, 4, and 3 to n = 2 all appear in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The Lyman series (UV emission) involve similar transitions, with the exceptions of the resting state being n = 1 and the inclusion of the transition from n = 2 to n = 1. The same thing applies to the Paschen series (infrared), with the exception that the resting state is n = 3. If you show that there are no other transitions that lie between the Paschen and Ly
  • #1
I don't know if this is the right place to post..
this is a self study question from Levine, it is told that is important but i have no clue in solving it ..

The Balmer series corresponds to a set of emissions involving the electron in a hydrogen atom relaxing from a high energy state into the n = 2 level. The emission peaks in this series corresponding to transitions from n = 6, 5, 4, and 3 to n = 2 all appear in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Prove that these are the only four transitions between energy levels in the hydrogen atom that lead to emissions in the visible part of the spectrum.
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  • #2
The Lyman series (UV emission) involve similar transitions, with the exceptions of the resting state being n = 1 and the inclusion of the transition from n = 2 to n = 1. The same thing applies to the Paschen series (infrared), with the exception that the resting state is n = 3. Thus, the Balmer series is bounded between the two. If you show that there are no other transitions that lie between the Paschen and Lyman series, then the listed Balmer series is the only one observed as visible light. In addition, you might want to calculate the transition between n = 7 and n = 2 to see if it is visible or not.
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  • #3
I am not sure if i am getting it right ..
since n must be an integer ... n=2 should be the only state between 1 and 3 ??
I understand in theory .. there is only balmer between lyman n'=1 and Paschen n'=3 ..
but I have no idea how to proved by calculations ...
  • #4
Transitions smaller than the Paschen series will produce longer wavelength radiation and transitions larger than the Lyman series will produce smaller wavelength radiation. Thus, if you show that all transitions with n = 1 as the resting state and n = 3 as the resting state are not visible emissions, then the transitions that lie between the two are ones with n = 2 as the resting state. If you show that the transition from n = 7 to n = 2 is not visible radiation, then the Balmer series has the only visible emissions.
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  • #5
o i got it !
so all I got to do is just to find the difference in energy between n= 7 and n = 2 and figure out the frequency of the wave out by E=hv. Then compare our frequency with the frequecy of visible light region ?? :)
  • #6
Yup, but before that you should show that transitions with n = 1 and n = 3 as resting states are not visible emissions.
  • #7
Great! I got it !
Thanks !

FAQ: Proving the Visible Emissions of Balmer Series in Hydrogen Atom

1. What is the Balmer series in hydrogen atom?

The Balmer series is a set of spectral lines in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum that are emitted by a hydrogen atom when an electron transitions from a higher energy level to the second energy level. These lines are named after Swiss physicist Johann Balmer who first observed them in 1885.

2. How do you prove the visible emissions of Balmer series in hydrogen atom?

To prove the visible emissions of Balmer series in hydrogen atom, a spectroscope is used to separate the light emitted by the hydrogen atom into its component wavelengths. The resulting spectrum will show distinct and discrete lines corresponding to the Balmer series. The wavelengths of these lines can then be compared to the theoretical values predicted by the Balmer formula to confirm the presence of the Balmer series.

3. What is the significance of the Balmer series in hydrogen atom?

The Balmer series is significant because it provides evidence for the quantization of electron energy levels in atoms, which is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. It also allows for the determination of the energy levels in the hydrogen atom and has been used to develop the Bohr model of the atom.

4. Can the Balmer series be observed in other elements besides hydrogen?

No, the Balmer series is specific to the hydrogen atom and cannot be observed in other elements. This is because the energy levels and transitions in other elements are different from those in hydrogen.

5. Why is it important to study the visible emissions of Balmer series in hydrogen atom?

Studying the visible emissions of Balmer series in hydrogen atom helps us understand the behavior of electrons in atoms and provides evidence for the existence of quantized energy levels. It also has practical applications in fields such as astronomy, where the Balmer series can be used to identify and study the composition of stars and other celestial objects.
